
Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

author:Kilimanjaro's little snowman

Recently, Toutiao has been pushing news about "what do you think of Mo Yan" to me, so let's talk about the two types of friends who like and dislike Mo Yan.

Born in Gaomi County, Shandong Province in 1955, Mo Yan, formerly known as Guan Moye, is a well-known contemporary Chinese writer.

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head


Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Transparent carrots

Deeply influenced by Western magical realism and stream of consciousness, his works use humor and irony to write legendary stories that take place in Northeast Township, Gaomi County, Shandong Province. In his novels, Mo Yan constructs a subjective world with rich imagination and a sense of mystery, creates a mysterious and super-gorgeous three-dimensional space-time world like a wild imagination, and uses a unique narrative style and aesthetic art to highly integrate national characteristics and modern art, and his articles have obvious avant-garde literary colors.

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Red sorghum

In August 2011, Mo Yan won the 8th Mao Dun Literature Award for his novel "Frog". On October 11, 2012, Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature, and he was also the first Chinese Nobel laureate. In 2019, the novel "Red Sorghum Family" was selected into the 70-year novel collection of New China. In 2019, he was elected as the vice chairman of the 9th National Committee of the Chinese Writers Association.

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

首位中国籍作家获得诺贝尔文学奖,对‬国家‬来说‬也是‬一种‬莫大‬的荣耀‬,回国‬以后‬迎接‬的‬不是‬鲜花‬与‬掌声‬,而是‬一片‬骂声‬。 ‬

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head


Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Nobel Prize in Literature


Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Nobel Prize in Literature

认为‬他名‬不‬配位‬不配‬获奖‬,还‬有部分‬人认为‬莫言‬文字‬粗鄙浅陋‬,语言‬不过关‬粗俗‬下流‬‬不够‬优美,‬文化‬水平不够高‬。 当‬荣誉‬成了‬枷锁‬,莫言却说:“我认为文学作品永远不是唱赞歌的工具”,文学‬艺术就‬应该‬暴露‬黑暗‬。 莫言本身的创作及立场和一些人的心态感情将读者们迅速‬分成‬了两派‬:

1. People who support Mo Yan:


Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head


Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

People's artist Wang Meng commented on Mo Yan: "I have seen Mo Yan's "Explosion" written very well, he is an honor of China, and it is very stupid to treat him as a traitor. ”

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Wang meng

Writer Yu Hua: "Mo Yan has always been at the forefront of Chinese literary exploration and creation, and his works have always been deeply rooted in the countryside and draw inspiration from life. Yu Hua even commented on Mo Yan from the perspective of development: "By the standard of literature, Mo Yan can win at least ten Mao Dun Literature Awards, because 90% of Mao Dun's literary works are not as bad as Mo Yan." ”

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Yu Hua

Yu Qiuyu commented on Mo Yan: So I would like to thank Mo Yan here, although you may not have meant it, but you have contributed to our history. Sometimes he doesn't care about contributing to history, that is, Archimedes said to give me a fulcrum and I can pry up the earth. Mr. Mo Yan, you accidentally entered this fulcrum, you have changed the image of Chinese literature, thank you.

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Lingering Rains

Mo Yan once said: "If the Chinese Writers' Association only raises one person, it should also be Shi Tiesheng." So how did Shi Tiesheng evaluate Mo Yan? Shi Tiesheng said: "For Mo Yan, I am not qualified to use the word "award", and today I will not give him an award, but an award. It's like everyone recommended me to give him flowers. I have read many of Mo Yan's works, from the famous "Transparent Carrot", to the later "Red Sorghum", "Breast and Fat Buttocks", and "Forty-One Guns", I like his works very much, and I think Mo Yan is a writer who has almost directly matured. He has an absolute talent for language, and his talent is extraordinary, and his language ability is definitely not something that ordinary people can achieve. ”

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Shi Xiaosheng

Wang Shuo, a "ruffian writer" who has always been known for daring to speak the truth, has run a rental job, worked as a salesman, and opened a restaurant, commented on Mo Yan: "Mo Yan's works are full of imagination and creativity, showing the true face of rural China and the complexity of human nature. His writing style is unique, and his language is vivid and powerful, making it unforgettable. ”

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Wang Shuo

莫言‬从‬农民‬到‬诺贝尔‬文学奖得主。 从‬一个‬‬被‬膜拜‬朝圣把‬他‬‬当成了“文曲星‬”般‬的‬存在,到‬变成‬一个‬西方‬喉舌‬,丑化‬国民‬‬,迎合‬洋‬人‬的奸佞小人!经历‬过‬这样冰火‬‬两重天‬‬的‬作家‬‬恐怕‬只有莫言‬。

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

2. Those who oppose Mo Yan:

There are two sides to everything in the world, some people love Mo Yan, and some people hate Mo Yan, but the angle is different.

Su Tong once commented on Mo Yan in eight words: "Wearing a laurel crown on his head and wearing shackles." ”

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Su tong

Chen Danqing, who was born at the same time as Mo Yan, commented on Mo Yan: I haven't read Mo Yan's things, but I know that his Nobel Prize has nothing to do with his works." 甚至‬还有‬“拥有超凡的阅读理解能力”的读者‬看‬《红高粱‬》看出‬里面‬有隐约‬有‬美化‬倭寇‬的描写‬。

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Chen Danqing

The famous writer Liu Baiyu, when talking about Mo Yan and his works, criticized with grief and indignation: "The world is like this, the rivers are declining, we have worked hard to create a great country, and we have raised these moths, which is sad and indignant." ”

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Liu Baiyu is on the front line


Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Wei Wei


To this, Mo Yan replied to Sima Nan: Even if there is only one reader left, I will write like this.


Some people even compared him to Lu Xun and treated him unfairly. Each writer lives in a different era and has a different writing style. Mo Yan once said: People must have the ability to turn the page, and if they don't give up, they will draw the ground as a prison. 某种‬意义上‬,莫言获奖‬对‬‬传播‬中国‬文学‬具有‬积极‬意义,拉近了‬中国‬文学‬与‬世界‬读者‬之间‬的‬距离‬,在‬外国‬读者‬和‬中国‬文学‬中国‬作家‬之间‬架起‬了桥梁‬。

Nobel laureate Mo Yan dared to speak the truth, and was strongly supported by Wang Shuo and many other writers, and his comments hit the nail on the head

Mr. Lu Xun

So, is Mo Yan's novel really smearing Chinese history and maliciously scandalizing the image of the Chinese people? I believe that everyone has a scale in their hearts, and only by reading his works can he make a fair judgment. Everyone looks at the problem from a different angle and understanding, and likes and dislikes are just intertwined, reincarnated. This is the diversity of life. Winning the Nobel Prize also brings great pressure, and only by proving oneself with excellent works can the doubts be calmed, and everyone's discussion of Mo Yan may stop......

Do you like Mo Yan or not? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area

The above story is purely fictional and any similarities are purely coincidental.

The above pictures are from the Internet, if there is any infringement or deletion.

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