
A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

author:Leave no trace in the Hall of Knowledge

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A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

The bright pearl of the literary world, abandoning the shackles of the world

As a leader in the field of contemporary literature, Wang Shuo's creative style dares to break the shackles of traditional models, and he interprets his rich thoughts and life insights from a new and unique perspective.

He did not shy away from facing all kinds of problems and challenges in the real society, and it was this frank style and the courage to challenge authority that resonated with the majority of readers.

Wang Shuo's writing is unbridled, and there is a unique charm running through the strokes of the pen. He has the courage to break free from the shackles of traditional literary forms and express his inner thoughts and emotions in a trendy and avant-garde way.

A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

His works are sometimes humorous, sometimes deeply philosophical, and have attracted the love of countless readers.

In Wang Shuo's eyes, the purpose of literary creation is to truly reflect the world and face all difficulties and challenges. Only in this way can readers resonate and think.

He is never afraid of criticism and criticism, and boldly writes his inner voice. It is this exuberant creative enthusiasm and independent spirit that makes him the most shining pearl in the contemporary literary world.

At the same time, Wang Shuo also attaches great importance to the personalization of characters. His characters are vivid and vivid, and each character has unique personality traits and life experiences.

A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

They are either smart and witty, or honest and simple, and under Wang Shuo's superb description, they show different attitudes and spiritual outlooks towards life, which makes readers have a strong sense of substitution.

Pure love language, deep roots

It was a sunny afternoon, and Wang Shuo came to the bar alone for a drink. Just as he was concentrating on the elixir in the cup, an energetic woman appeared in front of him, breaking his thoughts.

That was Xu Jinglei, who took the initiative to talk to Wang Shuo.

A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

At first, Wang Shuo did not have a good impression of this college student, but once he learned about her strong interest in literature, his guard gradually lifted. "It is a great honour to speak with such a young and beautiful yet cultured lady as you.

Wang Shuo said sincerely.

Xu Jinglei smiled slightly after hearing this, and returned a sincere look: "Then as a literature lover, you can give a lot of advice!"

In this way, the two quickly established a deep friendship at first sight. Gradually, friendship was transformed into a heart-to-heart love. As the relationship deepened, Wang Shuo was more and more deeply moved by Xu Jinglei's youthful vitality and enthusiasm, and involuntarily entrusted all his wealth to her.

A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

The antecedents of the breakup, the root of love will always be in the bottom of my heart

Although he once had a sweet time in love, he could not avoid the merciless mockery of fate. The difference in personality caused the two to disagree, and finally had to choose the ending of breaking up.

However, even so, their friendship has not dissipated. On the contrary, in the long days that followed, the two became closer and closer friends.

For Wang Shuo, the pain of breaking up does not come from the loss of a lover, but the loss of a confidant who can be trusted wholeheartedly. Because during their relationship, Wang Shuo entrusted all the family property to Xu Jinglei as her dowry, and let her arrange everything.

A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

When the two broke up, Wang Shuo felt at a loss for a while, and his life fell into a dilemma.

Fortunately, despite the breakup, Xu Jinglei did not cut off contact with him. She took the initiative to contact Wang Shuo and thoughtfully solved all kinds of troubles in his life.

Some people say that a true friend is a lover who has experienced life and death together. For Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei, this past is indeed the best footnote to their friendship.

For a long time after the breakup, the two did not cut off contact with each other, and still exchanged messages frequently, just like the former love.

A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

With no fixed place, Xu Jinglei reached out to help

After the breakup, Wang Shuo did not settle down for too long, and he encountered the dilemma of having no fixed home. At that time, he was working hard to find a new home, and suddenly received a call from Xu Jinglei.

"Wang Shuo, I heard that you have recently changed to a new house, is everything okay?" Xu Jinglei's tone was full of concern.

"Well, it's okay, it's just a bit of a hassle to move. Wang Shuo was silent for a long time before answering.

A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

The two chatted like this, until Xu Jinglei suddenly spoke: "Do you want me to help you?"

"Don't bother you, I'll do it myself. Wang Shuo waved his hand again and again to refuse, for fear of causing trouble to Xu Jinglei.

However, Xu Jinglei was a stubborn person, she didn't pay attention to Wang Shuo's kind words at all, and rushed over. Looking at Xu Jinglei's sweaty and panting appearance, Wang Shuo couldn't help but be moved to tears, and secretly glad that he still had such a close friend by his side.

It turned out that the reason why Wang Shuo moved out hastily was that he was ruthlessly kicked out by the landlord. Xu Jinglei, who learned of this, had no time to think about it, and immediately bought a luxury villa for Wang Shuo.

A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

"This is the property I bought with the money you left me, and it's considered compensation that you didn't claim when we parted. Xu Jinglei's tone was full of determination.

In the face of this sudden act of generosity, although Wang Shuo was speechless for a while, he was extremely grateful in his heart. Many years later, whenever someone asked about it, he would sincerely say: "That luxury villa was indeed purchased for me by Xu Jinglei."

Acquaintances are precious in the world

For a long time after the breakup, Xu Jinglei was Wang Shuo's closest confidant. Sometimes Wang Shuo behaves strangely and says something unbelievable, but Xu Jinglei can understand his character and understand it.

A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

She often uses the names of "cigarette money" and "wine money" to fund Wang Shuo in a warm way.

And Wang Shuo also made no secret that he had accepted Xu Jinglei's help, and bluntly told outsiders: "Xu Jinglei has indeed given me a lot of funding and generous help.

Some people ridiculed Wang Shuo for being embarrassed by such a practice, but Wang Shuo never cared about the eyes and criticism of others. He showed his sincerity with a calm attitude: "I don't think it is a shame to accept her help, Xu Jinglei is my closest friend, and our friendship is above all else."

In his eyes, only sincere friendship is the most precious thing in the world. The so-called love between children and husband and wife is much inferior to this equal and pure feeling.

A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

Such a frank and straightforward attitude towards life makes everyone admire.

Xu Jinglei's affection for Wang Shuo is like the friendship between brothers and sisters, and the friendship between life and death, which is endless. The friendship between the two has gone far beyond the boundaries of ordinary friends and has become the most precious existence in each other's lives.

The writing is sassy and the legacy is independent

As a leader of a generation of literary circles, Wang Shuo's creative style is unique and sassy. The characters he depicts are vivid and vivid, and each character has unique personality traits and life experiences, which gives readers a strong sense of substitution.

A year after Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei broke up, he accidentally called Xu Jinglei and suddenly said a word

At the same time, Wang Shuo also has the courage to face social reality, boldly write his inner voice, and never fear criticism and criticism. It is this exuberant creative enthusiasm and independent spirit that has made him the most shining pearl in the contemporary literary world.

His works often resonate and reflect on readers, and have had a profound impact on the literary world.

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