
Human hair is less and tender, and one bite into the neck will die, so compared to other prey in nature, human flesh should be regarded as the favorite food of wild beasts, why most wild animals do not eat much

author:Xu Youshi

Human hair is less and tender, and one bite towards the neck will die, so compared to other prey in nature, human flesh should be regarded as the favorite food of wild beasts, why don't most wild beasts eat people much?

Far away three million years ago, there was no human in the world, at this time the ancient apes on the earth were still small, only more than one meter high, weighing more than 40 pounds, like a baby, without the power of a chicken, often reduced to the belly of a beast.

At that time, the most ferocious beast was the ancient cat, several meters high, sharp teeth like a knife, good at chasing prey, the most preferred food of the ancient cat, is this kind of body size is far less than their own, no power to fight back the ancient ape, especially the ancient ape cubs, the meat is the most delicate, the ancient cat often swallows it into the belly, even the bones are sucked clean.

More than a million years have passed, and the apes have gradually evolved, and 500,000 years ago, their palms and arms have grown to grasp branches and stones, and make simple throws, with this ability, the ancient apes can finally smash the head or limbs of the beast with stones, barely saving their lives.

100,000 years ago, the ancient ape went one step further and learned to make sticks and spears from tree branches, such weapons were sharp and sharp, and could easily pierce the skin and flesh of fierce beasts.

At the same time, the apes are also diligently learning hunting skills, in the past they can only collect wild fruits, insects to satisfy hunger, now gradually learn hunting skills, began to enjoy meat, rich animal protein greatly enhanced the physique of the ancient apes, so that the group grew rapidly, and the individual gradually grew tall and strong.

By 20,000 or 30,000 years ago, Homo sapiens had fully evolved into Homo sapiens who walked upright, learned to use fire and stone tools, and even began to domesticate wolf cubs as hunting dogs, training them to hunt together.

In the face of Homo sapiens' powerful hunting power, the beasts can only fall prey in the food chain, they either flee from the settlement of Homo sapiens, or can only lie in ambush in the grass, waiting for Homo sapiens to suddenly sneak up when they are negligent, kill the returning hunters for food, and occasionally hungry beasts will break into the village, steal Homo sapiens' livestock, and kill the villagers who witness it.

At first, the beasts were not too afraid of Homo sapiens, thinking that Homo sapiens were thin and would not have too strong counterattack ability, but later they found that after every attack on humans, there would always be a group of Homo sapiens armed with spears to search for them, and one by one seemed to kill them at the expense of death.

As a result, the beasts understood that the terrible thing about Homo sapiens was not the individual, but the strength of the group, and they began to avoid actively provoking Homo sapiens, for fear of the group's crazy revenge.

At that time, some savage Homo sapiens tribes would even deliberately provoke the lion and tiger to lead them into the village to attack, because only by killing the beast could the boy pass the adult initiation ceremony. As a result, the beast was used by Homo sapiens as an object of trial and a tool to show the strength of the tribe.

Later, as Homo sapiens acquired more advanced weaponry, they began to hunt beasts at will, with shotguns and steel traps making it easy for Homo sapiens to shoot beasts of any size, and tall walls and wooden fences kept them out of the village forever.

Some Homo sapiens even set up pits in the wild and covered them with blades of grass, and once the beast fell into the pit, it could not escape and easily fell prey to Homo sapiens.

In order to obtain more land resources, Homo sapiens began to colonize around the world, cutting down primeval forests for fields, which severely occupied the habitat of the beasts and left them with nowhere to hide.

Some Homo sapiens tribes even targeted beasts of prey, requiring all boys to single-handedly kill a beast before they reach adulthood, otherwise they cannot be recognized as brave warriors, which has led to the endangerment of some beasts.

It can be seen that in ancient times, beasts of prey once enjoyed the flesh and blood of human ancestors, but with the progress of Homo sapiens civilization, with unity and advanced hunting methods, Homo sapiens gradually controlled the top of the food chain, and even hunted all the beasts.

Now, the remaining beasts have long been afraid of humans, and no longer dare to eat humans at will, and the balance of the food chain has quietly tilted to the side of humans.

I've seen it all here, so pay attention to it! [Bikoin]

Human hair is less and tender, and one bite into the neck will die, so compared to other prey in nature, human flesh should be regarded as the favorite food of wild beasts, why most wild animals do not eat much
Human hair is less and tender, and one bite into the neck will die, so compared to other prey in nature, human flesh should be regarded as the favorite food of wild beasts, why most wild animals do not eat much
Human hair is less and tender, and one bite into the neck will die, so compared to other prey in nature, human flesh should be regarded as the favorite food of wild beasts, why most wild animals do not eat much

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