
In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

author:Bread clip knowledge

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In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

Text: Bread Clip Knowledge

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Nowadays, if rural children have to laugh when they hear "there are wolves outside", where are the wolves? The wolves that appear in the TV series are rich in special effects synthesis, and those who have no money put two dogs to play wolves, and their understanding of wolves only stays in the story, and there is no fear of wolves at all.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

But in the past, when my grandparents were young, there were often hungry wolves eating people. Some children play at the door, adults are not optimistic will be eaten by hungry wolves, and the words that used to warn children not to go out are "don't go out, be careful of being eaten by wolves". This is not really a scare to the child.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

At that time, wolves were a complete scourge in the eyes of humans, after all, they ate human food, and humans ate it.

In the old countryside, in order to protect the safety of their wives and children, the men picked up shotguns and launched a desperate fight against wolves, even so, they still couldn't kill them.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

And why has the number of wolves that used to be seen everywhere have decreased dramatically, and even disappeared without a trace in the plains of Shandong, Henan, Hebei, and other plains where wolves used to frequent? The days when wolves were once feared seemed to be like a dream, so far away from people.

A history of fighting wolves

In the first 20 years, a lone wolf could still be seen in the wilderness and barren forests, and 50 years ago, a pack of wolves could be seen hunting and passing by the gate of the old courtyard. In the past, wolves were really common animals.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

In the past, wolves brought too much harm to human society, and wild wolves could still be seen in the countryside in the past, when wild wolves were infested, and everyone punished them, not for fur, but simply to "vent anger".

People regard themselves as guardians of nature, believing that wolves are ecological destroyers, but they do not know that wolves are the initiators of breaking the natural ecological balance.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

In fact, since ancient times, humans and wolves have always been in a hostile relationship, wolves kill, people kill wolves has always existed, to say that wolves are killed by humans, is also right, but too far-fetched.

The real decline of wolves is due to the explosive growth of the population. Humans are at the top of the food chain, and although wolf meat is rarely eaten, human growth is tantamount to squeezing the wolf's living space.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

First of all, the growth of human beings has led to more and more forest wasteland being developed into arable land, and you must know that the undeveloped areas are a paradise for wild animals, when hares, pheasants, and even large wild animals exist, and the crops are covered with pesticides, and these animals are poisoned if they eat them, and they starve to death if they don't eat.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

Many herbivores can only gradually die out because of the loss of the protection of their homes and the lack of food, and the wild wolves that feed on wild herbivores naturally have no food source, so what can they do?

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

"Jackals, tigers and leopards" are the four pests, wolves not only attack humans but also domestic animals, in the era of material scarcity, an old hen that lays eggs is eaten by wolves, it will bring great losses to a family, in order to protect poultry, humans choose to fight with wolves.

So, a battle between humans and wolves about the living space began.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

The wolves eventually failed, and the number of wolves hunted in large numbers began to decrease rapidly and massively.

In recent decades, the mainland has noticed the contradiction between social development and natural ecology, and is actively working to change the status quo.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

Artificial intervention has turned the desert into a forest, artificially cultivated endangered species, and banned the killing of wild animals, such as tigers, giant pandas, wolves, etc., and it is believed that more and more wild animals will be available soon.

The only places where wild wolves still exist are deserts, plateaus and other sparsely populated places. In fact, the disappearance of wolves is also the result of survival of the fittest, natural selection.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

Social and natural ways of survival

The instinct of living beings in nature is to reproduce, and human beings are no exception, and in order to ensure that the race does not die, nature has given all living things the right to reproduce.

There are many types of wolves, the largest wolf in existence is the North American gray wolf, and the smallest wolf is the Japanese wolf that has disappeared in the wild.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

Wolves are not only intelligent, they are also mammals, and like humans, they are also social animals. Even in the concept of reproduction, it is "monogamy, male and female".

However, wolves are seasonal estrus animals, and the wolf's estrus period is in winter, and the mating time is twenty minutes.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

During the wolf season in heat, the pack is temporarily disbanded, and the male and female wolves each find their mates and live behind closed doors. The male wolves will divide their own hunting territory, and the lone wolves will not invade each other, and if there is a violation of the rules, then fight a battle by strength.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

The female wolf is generally pregnant for two to three months and gives birth, and the wolf cubs born are generally three substances, which have been raised at home since birth, and when they grow into adult wolves, they will automatically leave home and go out to find a mate to live with.

Don't underestimate the wolf nature, there are special "gnawing old" in raising young wolves, which are generally mutilated and can't live to adulthood, if there is no food, the crippled will be used as food for the winter. Cannibalism is not uncommon among wolves.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

Although they are hot-blooded animals, but the indifference and cruelty in the bones are formidable, the wolves have a clear social division of labor, and the head wolf who can be the wolf king is not only the most physically excellent, but also has super high courage and wisdom, after all, it is not an easy task to lead a pack of wolves.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, when the wolf pack acts, several excellent male wolves will open the way in front, in the middle are the weak young wolves and female wolves and the old wolves, and far behind is the wolf king.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

The wolf king needs to protect the entire wolf pack, if there is danger in the rear, the wolf king is the first to send a signal, and he will cut off the rear to ensure the safety of the entire group.

Correspondingly, there will be hierarchies in the group, but there is no discrimination in the wolf pack, only life and death.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

In the process of the wolf king's competition, the old wolf king who lost will choose to stay away from the group, due to old age and decrepitude, he can't catch the prey at all, and can only die alone.

I can't help but sigh, worrying about the king and the race all my life, and finally ending up like this, is this the price of having power in nature?

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

Of course, the society is so big, there are no surprises, there was once a wolf evolving into a dog in situ, last year's hot mess of the Internet celebrity wolf, the old wolf was originally going to wait for death alone, it was because the passing car threw an egg yolk pie, this wolf found a new meaning of life.

began to shake his head and tail to beg for people on the side of the road, ate himself into a big fat wolf, and took in his younger brother, so that through "human nature", it can also be seen that the way of survival in society is very different from that in nature.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

Why did the Japanese wolf go extinct so completely?

Compared with before, there are still many wolves on the mainland, and they have not disappeared in the strict sense, but they are not common in densely populated places such as rural areas.

However, in Japan, they worship the wolf as the god of the guardian field and support the vigorous reproduction of the wolf, not like we once did, the wolf is the wolf, except for the story of "The Sheep is Coming", there is no superstitious legend behind it, and it is killed when you see it.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

If wolves are worshipped in Japan, why is this species completely extinct in Japan? Is it a destiny?

As a result of the "Mandate of Heaven", Japan's native wolves are very small, with an average shoulder height of about 30 centimeters, which is about the same size as the jackals on the mainland.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

In the past, Japan carefully guarded the national wolves, seeing them as a symbol of good luck, but later the country was infected with a disease that kills wild animals and is contagious, and this wild wolf is no exception.

The Japanese, fearing that they would be implicated, used this reason to start a high-sounding killing.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

Japan is already small, and there are not many creatures on the island, and after that slaughter, there are not many wild wolves left, and even if they can reproduce, it will be small in a few years, after all, inbreeding will have many harms.

Like the giant panda in the mainland, when looking for a partner, it has to go through layers of screening to ensure that it does not give birth to cubs with genetic diseases, otherwise it will be wasted.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

There are not a few wolves left on the island, and they are far away, their small short legs can't run far, and they can't find a mate during estrus, so naturally, they will die faster and faster, until the last Japanese wild wolf dies.

This wild species has completely disappeared from Japan, but in the zoo, you can still see Japanese wolves that have been bred using scientific methods.

In the last century, wild wolves often appeared in the countryside, why is it difficult to find them now, and where do the disappeared wild wolves go?

Japan kills wild animals without restraint, discharges "dirty urine" in the sea, and does many hypocritical things under the guise of discounting environmental protection, and nature will not reward it.

We just drove away the wolves that we didn't need, but they really slaughtered the wolves, so that herbivores were overflowing, and Japan spent a lot of money every year to maintain the local ecology.

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