
When using the filter element for the first time, after getting it, put the filter element into the water to soak completely, it is best to press something on it and soak it completely for 20 minutes. Drink a few during the soaking process

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When using the filter element for the first time, after getting it, put the filter element into the water to soak completely, it is best to press something on it and soak it completely for 20 minutes. Drink for a few minutes during the soaking process, shake the filter element or directly take this filter element to the faucet for 10 to 15 seconds, wait for the filter element to be completely soaked inside, and then use it after this is completely soaked, so that the filtration effect will be better and better. At this time, it is better to soak in water and try to use something to press it.

When the machine is normally in use, in fact, there is no need to fill the water, but there will be water on my side, because the water on my side has been filtered, if it is normal when it is used for the first time, it is empty, clean it. Then go to use the filter element that has been soaked just now, install it, put it on after installation, put it up to add water in it, you can look at the tap water can also be put in it for filtration.

When I put it in, I can add the water twice, this time after filtering, and then add its water level line again, which is just enough for myself to use. You can take a look, now add water to it, it will keep dripping down, the water dripping down is the filtered water, that is, the water will be safer.

Then use such a tuner, the tuner does not need to have water in it, as long as it is kept clean. This water is the water in the tuner, the water filtered through it, and then added to it. Mr. Li's guy, I will show you a show, so that I can add the rest of the water, add it and don't care about it, he will filter the wine, filter it himself.

The next is to operate this side, you can take a look, there will be a function button switch here, after the switch is turned on, just choose to add water, the water will automatically go to add, after filling it up it will sense, and then go to boil water. Now is the water making process, you can see, that after boiling water, it will have a little sound when adding water, but the sound is within the normal control range, because the pump is working, usually in the living room or in the kitchen will be better.

If you want to stay in the room and try to avoid the time when the child sleeps, you can see that the reception is receiving water, and the speed is still very fast. And this large capacity is 1,500 ml, the average person wants friends to use, the baby with 1,500 ml is enough for a whole day, you look at the maximum water mark will stop.

After stopping, look at it, generally the baby can use the radio frequency temperature of 45 degrees, directly light the boiling water, boiling water will directly boil, and then cool down to the required 45 degrees.

Then you can see that there are also add and minus buttons here, what is the function of the addition and subtraction buttons? It is to set the temperature, for example, if I want to drink 50 degrees of water or 55 degrees of water to soak that rice noodles or so on, if I want 55 degrees, then add it to 55 degrees. If you need a lower temperature, you can subtract it, and the lowest temperature is 37 degrees.

Then there is an appointment, the appointment is in hours, you can look at seven hours, eight hours, nine hours, you can use this, you can go to make an appointment, the highest time is twelve hours to make an appointment.

After the appointment is completed, it is an appointment, for example, an appointment for twelve hours, and when the time is up, it will automatically pump water and automatically boil water, so that it is a function of work.

Then there is the filter element reset filter element reset, if the filter element needs to be replaced after a certain time, or the filter element reset device will start, when the time to see that this device is started, will flash when you can replace the filter element. Basically, this operation method is very simple, and this is it.

When using the filter element for the first time, after getting it, put the filter element into the water to soak completely, it is best to press something on it and soak it completely for 20 minutes. Drink a few during the soaking process
When using the filter element for the first time, after getting it, put the filter element into the water to soak completely, it is best to press something on it and soak it completely for 20 minutes. Drink a few during the soaking process
When using the filter element for the first time, after getting it, put the filter element into the water to soak completely, it is best to press something on it and soak it completely for 20 minutes. Drink a few during the soaking process
When using the filter element for the first time, after getting it, put the filter element into the water to soak completely, it is best to press something on it and soak it completely for 20 minutes. Drink a few during the soaking process
When using the filter element for the first time, after getting it, put the filter element into the water to soak completely, it is best to press something on it and soak it completely for 20 minutes. Drink a few during the soaking process
When using the filter element for the first time, after getting it, put the filter element into the water to soak completely, it is best to press something on it and soak it completely for 20 minutes. Drink a few during the soaking process
When using the filter element for the first time, after getting it, put the filter element into the water to soak completely, it is best to press something on it and soak it completely for 20 minutes. Drink a few during the soaking process

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