
What should I pay attention to when planting black bean sprouts?

author:Sprout planting techniques

  1. The effect of black bean sprouts

  Black bean refers to soybean with black skin, black bean sprout, also known as "small bean sprout", is a tender and nutritious sprout dish.

  Black beans are very nutritious, containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamin B, vitamin B, niacin, saponins, choline, folic acid, soy isoflavones and so on. After the black beans germinate into bean sprouts, the various ingredients become more conducive to the absorption of the body. Black bean sprouts are sweet in taste, flat in nature, into the spleen, kidney meridians, with a healthy spleen and kidneys, tonify the liver and eyesight, nourish the yin and moisturize the muscles, water clear lungs, dispel wind and detoxification effect.

What should I pay attention to when planting black bean sprouts?

  2. Preparation

  Screening seeds: Fresh black bean seeds, the surface has a layer of white frost wax, this wax will gradually decrease with the extension of storage time and become bright, so choose a waxy surface, no luster seeds

  Warm water soaking seeds: Before germination, it is best to stir and soak the seeds with 50 °C water for 15 minutes, and then continue to soak with room temperature water (25 ~289C) for 8 to 20 hours

  3. Cultivation tips

What should I pay attention to when planting black bean sprouts?

  The soaking time can vary depending on the seasons. Generally speaking, it takes about 8 hours of soaking in summer and about 20 hours in winter.

  From the beginning of sowing, spray water on the seeds 2 to 3 times a day to keep the seeds moist, but do not cause water. After the seeds germinate, they still need to spray water 2 to 3 times a day.

  Black bean sprouts must not be short of water during growth, so the spray work can not be stopped for a day. Spray water 2 to 3 times a day in winter and spring, and 3 to 5 times in summer, each time spraying water to wet the dish, do not flood the seeds, do not drip a lot of water is appropriate. The relative humidity in the air remains around 75%.

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