
Food recommendation: Salt bamboo shoot roast rabbit, dry steamed striped fish, curry crystal powder stew Laiyang taro preparation method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: Salt bamboo shoot roast rabbit, dry steamed striped fish, curry crystal powder stew Laiyang taro preparation method

Salt to help bamboo shoots burn rabbits

Highlights: According to the taste characteristics of salt dishes, this dish has developed ginger oil, ginger and millet spicy taste, red in color yellow, suitable for cooking various salt dishes, thereby reducing the difficulty of operation of salt dishes.

Ingredients: 250 grams of baby rabbit, 100 grams of ginger, 50 grams of bamboo shoot tips, 50 grams of green and red millet pepper, 5 grams of garlic slices, 5 grams of diced chives, 10 grams of green peppercorns, 1 sheet of tin foil.

Seasoning: oyster sauce 15 g, chicken essence 5 g, monosodium glutamate 5 g, pepper 3 g, balsamic vinegar 5 g, sesame oil 5 g, pepper oil 10 g, ginger oil 30 g, fresh soup 150 g, water starch 10 g.


1: Cut the rabbit into small cubes, add the appropriate amount of salt, MSG and marinate into the taste, and cut the bamboo shoot tips, green and red millet peppers and ginger into small cubes for later.

2: Put in a wide oil, add the rabbit cubes when it is 50% hot, soak and fry for 1 minute from the heat until the oil is cut off. Stir-fry ginger oil, garlic slices, diced chives, green peppercorns, green and red millet peppers, add fresh soup, add diced rabbits and bamboo shoots, add oyster sauce, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pepper, hook, cook balsamic vinegar, drizzle sesame oil and pepper oil when cooking.

3. Take a piece of tin foil, wrap the dishes tightly together with the plate, and cut open the tin foil after serving. Because salt dishes pay attention to the strong taste of dishes, wrapping dishes in tin foil can prevent the taste of dishes from being lost during the serving process.

Ginger oil production: take three oil (lard, rapeseed oil, chicken fat, according to the ratio of 2:2:1) 500 grams, add 20 grams of ginger, 10 grams of millet pepper, 10 grams of green peppercorns, 5 grams of ginger and green onion and stir-fry on low heat, put in 10 grams of paprika, pour into the oil tank to cool naturally, and take it after 1 day.

Comments: This is a more homely dish, the taste is good, and it should be possible to do a good job of sales. The ratio of ginger oil in this dish is accurate and worth learning.

Food recommendation: Salt bamboo shoot roast rabbit, dry steamed striped fish, curry crystal powder stew Laiyang taro preparation method

Dry steamed striped fish

The dish is coated with lard on the striped fish, which can make it carry the oil aroma of the meat ingredients; at the same time, the shrimp skin is added to the crispy pepper, which can make the dish have a seafood flavor, and then add a small amount of rock sugar to freshen up, making the dish more delicious.

Batch prefabrication:

1: 10 fish (weighing about 1000 grams/strip) slaughtered and cleaned, chop off the head and tail, chop off the fish body into sections about 8 cm long, add 150 grams of green onion, 150 grams of ginger slices, 80 grams of lard, 30 grams of peppercorns, mix well, put into the tray and steam for 10 minutes to seven ripe.

2: Take out the steamed fish strips, shake the surface marinade, fry in 70% hot oil until the surface is golden brown, remove the drainage oil and set aside.

3, the pot into the salad oil 300 grams to 50% hot, put 500 grams of green onion, ginger slices 80 grams of high heat stir-fry out of the green onion, until the onion and ginger moisture is completely dry, the color becomes brown, fish out into the gauze bag to make green onion and ginger packets, put 30 grams of dried pepper segments in the oil, 10 grams of peppercorns, down into the pillar hou sauce 150 grams, hoisin sauce 100 grams, rib sauce 80 grams of stir-frying, add 5000 grams of fresh soup, chicken rice soy sauce 10 grams, add the appropriate amount of salt, white pepper powder, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, down into the fried striped fish, put the green onion ginger wrapped over low heat to dry the soup , pick out the strips with fish for later.

Cooking process:

1: Heat 200 grams of dried shrimp skin in the microwave on high heat for 3 minutes, take out the noodles and mix it, then heat for 3 minutes, until the raw material moisture is exhausted, take out and put 50 grams of rock sugar into the blender and crush into powder; 2000 grams of yellow non-red brand crispy pepper are beaten into crushed pieces, add shrimp skin rock sugar powder and mix well to set aside.

2: Take four sections of fish into the microwave oven to heat up, take out the plate, sprinkle 30 grams of shrimp skin crispy pepper made in step 1 on the surface of each section with fish, and garnish with a little white sesame seeds to go to the dish.

Production key:

The fish comes from the sea and has its own salty taste, so there is no need to add salt when steaming, and it can be fully flavored by the subsequent firing steps.

Food recommendation: Salt bamboo shoot roast rabbit, dry steamed striped fish, curry crystal powder stew Laiyang taro preparation method

Curry crystal powder stewed Laiyang taro

The Laiyang taro is cut into pieces, added to the homemade curry soup, noodles cooked, and then poured into a stone pot with celery and garlic seedlings on the table, the taro in the dish is smooth and slightly spicy, the vegetable flavor is strong, it is a low cost but the taste and nutrition are excellent, selling more than 60 servings a day.


raw material:

Laiyang taro 500 grams, dried crystal noodles 50 grams, beauty pepper ring 20 grams, Hangzhou pepper ring 20 grams, pork belly slices 50 grams.


A total of 5 grams of green onion and ginger slices, 1 kg of homemade curry soup, salt, chicken essence and sugar.

1: Peel the Laiyang taro and cut into large hob pieces.

2: Heat the oil under the casserole, add pork belly slices and stir-fry until dry, sauté the green onion and ginger slices, pour in the taro pieces and stir-fry evenly, scoop in the homemade curry soup and bring to a boil, add the soaked crystal powder, add salt, chicken essence and sugar, simmer for 8 minutes.

3: Heat the stone pot, pad 100 grams of abalone parsley segments, 80 grams of garlic seedlings, pour in the stewed taro noodles, sprinkle with beauty pepper rings, Hangzhou pepper rings and serve.

Homemade curry soup:

Heat the salad oil under the pot, add vegetables (celery segments, carrot pieces, bean sprouts, onions, etc.) 2.5 kg and stir-fry evenly, add 1 kg of yellow curry paste and stir-fry over medium heat, add 7.5 kg of broth, boil on high heat and simmer for 30 minutes, filter out the residue, adjust the appropriate amount of salt, soy sauce, chicken essence, sugar, pepper, spicy fresh sauce and make it.??

Taro should not be cooked in an iron pot, otherwise it will change color.

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