
Fat Cat Commemorative Skin Exposed! 88 fragments are exchanged for epic, and 1 crystal is exchanged for Zhuang Zhou Yong

author:Brother Joon has skin

The revelations are for reference only, if you have different opinions, please leave a message below! With the continuous development of Honor of Kings, the update of its skin store has become one of the focuses of players. Recently, the Shard Store is also about to receive a new update, bringing players a number of highly anticipated new skins. The lineup of this update can be described as star-studded, not only the "Dragon Soaring Thousands of Miles" of the historical general Guan Yu, but also the "Hellfire" of the mythical hero Sun Wukong, and the cute "Cat and Dog Diary" of Sun Ce and the heroic "Long-Won God of War" of the cadre Mo Xie. And Yao's "Meet the Divine Deer" and Armor's "Guardian of the Dawn" also brought a different visual feast to players. What's more worth mentioning is that Garo's "Arrow Feather Breath" and Ke's "Jieqin Heat Wave" will also appear in this update, and 88 fragments can be exchanged for Epic.

Fat Cat Commemorative Skin Exposed! 88 fragments are exchanged for epic, and 1 crystal is exchanged for Zhuang Zhou Yong

Among these new skins, we have to mention Yang Yuhuan. As one of the four beauties in Glory of Kings, Yang Yuhuan has always been loved by players. However, the quality of her skin has not been able to meet the expectations of players. However, the good news is that it has been revealed that Yang Yuhuan is about to usher in his first legendary quality skin. Inspired by a modern theme, this skin will showcase Yeung's unique charm. I believe that the launch of this skin will definitely make players who like Yang Yuhuan excited.

Fat Cat Commemorative Skin Exposed! 88 fragments are exchanged for epic, and 1 crystal is exchanged for Zhuang Zhou Yong

In addition to Yang Yuhuan's new skin, Zhuang Zhou is also about to usher in a new King Crystal limited skin. Inspired by the fairy tale of the Frog Prince, this skin transforms both Zhuang Zhou and his Kun into the image of a frog. Zhuang Zhou was wearing the symbol costume of the frog prince and a crown, and his overall appearance was very handsome. Although the special effects of this skin are mediocre, as a brave quality skin, it still has a high collectible value. Moreover, the redemption time of this skin is only one month, so players who like Zhuang Zhou must hurry!

Fat Cat Commemorative Skin Exposed! 88 fragments are exchanged for epic, and 1 crystal is exchanged for Zhuang Zhou Yong

In addition, a Mengqi commemorative skin made by Honor of Kings players has also attracted widespread attention. This skin is a combination of burgers, M and other elements, and at the same time inspired by a fat cat, the overall look is very cool. If this skin can be put on the shelves in Honor of Kings, I believe it will be warmly sought after by players. However, since the skin is player-made, there is no indication that it will be included in the game. But in any case, we can expect more new skins in the future.

Fat Cat Commemorative Skin Exposed! 88 fragments are exchanged for epic, and 1 crystal is exchanged for Zhuang Zhou Yong

In Honor of Kings, the new speed on the skins of popular heroes is always amazing. Angela, one of the absolute favorite heroes, is also expected to usher in her second new skin this year. This skin is made with the theme of the Demon Spirit, and the quality is expected to reach the legendary level. The Demon Spirit-themed skin has always been well received in Honor of Kings, so Angela's new skin is also highly anticipated. It is believed that the launch of this skin will bring a new gaming experience to Angela's fans.

Fat Cat Commemorative Skin Exposed! 88 fragments are exchanged for epic, and 1 crystal is exchanged for Zhuang Zhou Yong

Overall, Honor of Kings' skin store updates are always able to surprise players. Whether it's a historical general, a mythical hero, or Yang Yuhuan, one of the four beauties, their new skins will add even more color to the game. At the same time, Zhuang Zhou and Mengqi's new skins are also exciting. And the new skin of the popular hero Angela is even more exciting. In the future, we will also see more exciting new skins launched, bringing players a richer gaming experience. Let's look forward to future updates of Honor of Kings!

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