
Innovative home-cooked big meat crystal powder



For this dish, we use Chongqing's famous Yushan Amaranth Powder, which is crystal clear and has a strong taste, which is very popular in our local area. We simmer the flour with the original juice of simmered three-line meat, which is very delicious and inexpensive, and it is a home-cooked dish with high profits.

Innovative home-cooked big meat crystal powder

Three-line meat (batch) preparation method:

1: Pork three-lined meat (pork belly) 10 dry grams cut into nail-sized pieces.

2, into the pot into the salad oil 100 grams of heat, down into the meat pieces, sauté out of the incense, under the sweet noodle sauce 400 grams, kitchen soy sauce 1450 grams, cooking wine 200 grams, sautéed for 1-2 minutes after coloring, add 6 kg of water, add peanut butter 150 grams, kitchen chicken powder 10 grams, pepper 5 grams of seasoning, boil after changing to low heat, simmer for 1.5 hours.


(1) Put 150 grams of Yushan amaranth powder into a cold water pot to soak soft, cut it with scissors, put it into a hot water pot to mourn the water, and fish out the controlled water.

(2) Take 100 grams of flavored three-line meat (you can increase or decrease according to the pricing), add 500 grams of the original soup to make three-line meat, boil, add amaranth flour, cook until flavored, put on the plate, sprinkle 5 grams of garlic seedlings.

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