
The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

author:Sun Hu's study

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Wen 丨Sun Hu's study

Editor丨Sun Hu's study

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

First, the background of music artificial intelligence

(1) Overview of music artificial intelligence

Music artificial intelligence is based on intelligent technology, using big data to analyze human music intelligence, simulating human vision, hearing, touch, thinking logic and other content, forming its own neural network and computing capabilities.

Finally, it is applied to human perception of music, cognitive music, research music, music creation, etc., to create a new "human-computer interaction" music education method.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

From the current situation, while carrying out artificial intelligence technology in the mainland, its application and popularization in music teaching will become increasingly perfect.

(2) The development background and current situation of music artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence and music have been integrated for a long time, and since the 1994 computer music conference in the United States, the development of electronic audio and software has made great progress.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

With the close integration and development of artificial intelligence technology and music culture, many new research and designs have emerged at home and abroad.

In 1950, just after the advent of computers, Lejaren Hiller, a chemistry professor in the United States, used computers to compose a musical composition that was completely "composed" by computers.

Professor Lejaren Hiller can make the program compose music in accordance with the rules after replacing the control variables in a computer program with musical notes.

He can be said to be the first person in the world to apply artificial intelligence technology to music, and this song can also be called the originator of AI music.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

Looking at the development status of domestic music artificial intelligence, we see that one of the main research groups is universities.

At present, academic conferences on the integration of artificial intelligence and music have sprung up.

Their call has aroused people's growing interest in the field of music artificial intelligence, and has also formed a broader group of practitioners.

In the future, the trend of artificial intelligence music will continue to rise.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

In the application of music artificial intelligence technology, the most eye-catching is AI composition. On October 9, Beethoven's Tenth Symphony, a continuation of artificial intelligence, was released in Germany, which attracted international attention.

The Karajan Research Center assembled a team of musicians and artificial intelligence experts to complete the continuation of the third and fourth movements in just one year.

On October 11, 2019, Professor Han Baoqiang of the China Conservatory of Music led the AI team of Shenzhen Ping An Technology, and with the same guiding ideology, AI created a "Me and My Motherland", which was performed by the Shenzhen Philharmonic Orchestra for the world's first performance.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

Second, the impact of the combination of artificial intelligence and music

(1) Impact on the music industry

The development of artificial intelligence in China has had a considerable impact on the music industry, and it is the norm for people to use smart devices to listen to their favorite pop music, which has promoted the development of China's music industry.

It occupies a pivotal position in the cultural industry of the mainland, with unlimited development prospects and broad market prospects.

From the perspective of the development characteristics of the music industry, it can be divided into core layer, association layer and development layer.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

In the core part of music, including digital music, music rights management, music books and sound videos, music performances, and music technology and equipment;

At the same time, it can also capture the user's listening preferences, thus improving the interaction between man and computer.

Due to the improvement of people's material quality of life, people's requirements for personalized music services have also increased.

All kinds of music software based on artificial intelligence technology to launch "guess what you like", "daily recommended music" and other content.

The system collects music data that users like, processes the data in real time, and then feeds back to similar music types that users may like, and many music software users are satisfied with such functions.

This technology has both increased the number of active users and promoted the development of the music industry.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

NetEase's annual song list summary attracted the attention of many netizens during the New Year's Day of 2019, among which the application of H5 has also become a strong supplement to China's smart big data.

For the user's music preferences and habits, this accurate judgment is even beyond the user's own cognition, and it is also a means of motivating, marketing, and harvesting users.

It not only changes the way users listen to songs, but also improves users' music payment capabilities, drives users' online and offline music activities, and further deepens the development of China's music industry.

Market-oriented music AI companies are also very active. These companies generally do not need very high-end artificial intelligence technology, but by integrating existing models, or slightly modifying them to achieve their own industrial goals.

(2) Impact on the field of education

As a high-tech, artificial intelligence has been emerging in music teaching as early as the sixties of the twentieth century.

At that time, countries had already applied it to electronic musical instruments and developed electronic synthesis equipment with certain intelligence.

It can not only store and play the sound of a variety of instruments, but also change various sounds at will, but also has the advantage of being small, making it easy to carry and move.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

In later teaching practice, many musicians realized and experienced the importance of this technology for music education, and introduced it into music education.

It has changed the long-standing relatively simple teaching method, mobilized the classroom atmosphere, and enhanced students' enthusiasm for learning, which is the application of the development of intelligent technology in the field of music education in the early period.

In 2015, at the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development identified 17 indicators of sustainable development over the next fifteen years, with the goal of "ensuring quality education for the lifelong well-being of all people".

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

The "New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Development Plan" was announced in 2016, and experts believe that the combination of intelligence and education should be the focus of artificial intelligence.

In the past five years, there has been an increasing focus on the relationship between AI and education, which is inseparable from the rapid development of the continent itself.

2016 is regarded as the first year of artificial intelligence, that is, mankind has truly entered the era of artificial intelligence.

Virtual reality technology is the key technical support of the future generation of "AI + teaching", and it is also a revolutionary technology.

As a technical tool, the application of artificial intelligence to teaching will improve the content of education, thereby promoting the creation of knowledge and promoting the development of intelligent education.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

Third, the combination of artificial intelligence and music teaching

(1) Application of artificial intelligence technology in music teaching

Artificial intelligence technology is increasingly used in the field of music education.

Artificial intelligence is the core technology in education, and the degree to which its technology can reach will be directly related to the development of education.

Therefore, music educators should keep pace with the times, understand the technological development of artificial intelligence, and pave the way for better integration of artificial intelligence and music teaching.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

The current use of artificial intelligence technology in education includes the following:

(1) Knowledge representation method

Knowledge representation is one of the key technologies of artificial intelligence and information fusion, which is essentially a knowledge structure that can be accepted by machines.

In the process of intelligent development, the first thing to deal with is knowledge representation, and in the neural network technology of artificial intelligence, knowledge representation is to analyze and evaluate these knowledge that cannot be analyzed.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

The correct knowledge representation method is of great significance to the development and application of intelligent systems, and will also have a profound impact on our education.

(2) Machine learning and deep learning machine learning

In the field of artificial intelligence, machine learning is the process of allowing computers to learn and improve themselves without human participation in programming.

Modern machine learning takes massive data as a starting point and tries to infer future data from a series of laws.

Machine learning enables computers to automatically find an efficient decision-making program based on statistical methods and finally arrive at a result.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

Deep learning has been part of the exploration of experts in the field of artificial intelligence, a hierarchical model similar to the human brain, capable of grading low-level knowledge to higher-level knowledge.

(3) Intelligent sampling

AI-assisted teaching can provide intelligent samples for the development of music education and teaching in colleges and universities, and analyze them.

Taking the sight-singing ear training course as an example, artificial intelligence samples teaching materials, and intelligent samples of teaching materials come from the database, including various musical works, sight-singing ear training teaching materials and other content.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

Combine all learning materials and use AI's intelligent computing to provide teachers with the best learning methods to fully prepare them in the classroom.

Students' terminal sampling can also be richer, in addition to the regular grade display, you can also analyze the gallery from the aspects of expression, behavior, receptivity, learning outcomes, etc.

Finally, teachers can clearly understand the strengths and weaknesses of students, and discover the training methods suitable for students through intelligent analysis.

(2) The combination of artificial intelligence and ear training teaching

The advantage of using artificial intelligence technology for music education is that it is efficient and convenient.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

In the learning of sight-singing ear training, the computing function of AI can formulate corresponding teaching designs for students according to their different learning situations, and determine appropriate learning methods, so that the teaching effect can be significantly improved.

In addition, AI can also allow students to learn at any time and anywhere, and select appropriate teaching materials according to the learning environment and student acceptance to save learning time.

In the research, we see that the biggest advantage of AI is that it can make more targeted teaching through data transmission, data comparison, and each student's course may have some differences, but the effect is the same.

"Teaching according to aptitude" can be better achieved through artificial intelligence technology.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

AI has the function of independent learning and interpretation, by integrating the knowledge and methods taught by excellent teachers into its own database, and then the teacher's collection, collation, and processing of student data are also stored in the AI's database.

At this time, AI has collected, sorted and processed the personality data of the collector, so that all the information of the person becomes one data.

In order to objectively classify and store the differences in various aspects, so as to better play the advantages of artificial intelligence in the use of software and conduct targeted training for students.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

1. The combination of artificial intelligence and ear training teaching

The teaching form of multimedia equipment assisted in sight-singing ear training teaching has enriched the audition experience in the traditional sight-singing ear training classroom to a certain extent, and with the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology and the emergence of intelligent music products, the era of music technology has gradually come to an end.

Although integrated teaching in the era of science and technology can enable students to grasp knowledge concisely and effectively, it cannot carry out more convenient integrated learning.

For example, if students master a single rhythmic type, but there are no more examples of works for students to learn about variant or combined rhythmic patterns, or if students understand a melody but do not know how to use it better, the classroom will lose a certain attraction to students.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

The integration of artificial intelligence technology into sight-singing ear training teaching can effectively alleviate this problem, and teachers can make full use of the intelligence of AI to assist teaching, so as to achieve a more diversified and multi-level teaching effect.

Using AI technology, different types of timbre can be used as listening materials, thereby enhancing students' independent thinking ability for music and reducing their dependence on piano timbre.

In the traditional ear training classroom, the sight-singing practice mode is relatively single, the teacher uses the piano to play a melody, and the students sing mock or sing according to the notation.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

Artificial intelligence technology can not only display music examples for guidance and demonstration while recording, but also record students' singing data in a database.

Then the standard of the database is automatically compared and identified to judge whether the student's singing is correct and then scored, which is not a small progress compared with the teaching in the period of music technology.

2. The significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and ear training teaching

(1) Make it possible to share high-quality educational resources nationwide

With the gradual development of artificial intelligence technology in the field of music, teachers can use artificial intelligence technology to scientifically and effectively integrate and call teaching links, so that teachers can have more possibilities and methods for teaching.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

At present, there are still great differences in urban and rural education and teaching, which are mainly influenced by teaching equipment, teachers, curriculum and technology.

The development and application of artificial intelligence technology has provided favorable conditions for the whole country and even the world to share high-quality educational and cultural resources, improve classroom teaching and teaching activities, and enable students to enjoy high-quality teaching resources no matter where they are.

Taking the development of students as the starting point, the use of artificial intelligence technology to comprehensively optimize the curriculum, teachers, books, teaching facilities, etc., can not only adapt to the learning needs of students, but also provide a certain material foundation for the cultivation of musical talents.

The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

(2) Promote the intelligent development of subject education

Offline education, online and offline hybrid education, online education together constitute the side of education, they have commonalities and differences.

The combination of artificial intelligence and ear training has opened a new dimension for the intelligent education of music education, broken the boundaries for the sharing of teaching resources, and made a powerful practical exploration for us to fully enter the digital era.


The background and significance of the combination of artificial intelligence and music education

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