
Xiang Jianyu: Dedicated his life to the revolution, he was brutally killed by reactionaries, and his ex-husband Cai Hesen wrote with tears

author:Idle to write history

In 1916, a 21-year-old teacher training graduate returned to her hometown of Pupu to serve as the first principal of the Pupu Girls' School (now the Police School), and she was xiang Jingyu who walked out of Pupu.

On November 21, 1916, the Pupu Girls' School was officially opened, although it was called a girls' school, but it was decided to recruit all children of the right age, regardless of gender. In the old social period in the early years of the Republic of China, co-educational co-education and co-learning were considered unethical.

In fact, Xiang Jingyu is the first female doll in the whole of Pupu to enter the new-style school to study.

Xiang was born in 1895 to a family of the richest local people in Pupu County, Hunan Province, who owned a Dingshengchang business, ran a silk department store and a money house, and also traded across borders.

Xiang Jianyu: Dedicated his life to the revolution, he was brutally killed by reactionaries, and his ex-husband Cai Hesen wrote with tears

To the police

In his later years, Xiang's father, who had also served as the president of the local chamber of commerce, was a very enlightened businessman who had always been unsparing about the cost of his children's education.

Under the care of his father, Xiang Zhenyu could not be bound by feudal etiquette. When she was 8 years old, she entered the Pupu Prefectural Higher Primary School to study, and she liked to read "Leaving sorrow" and "Mulan Ci" the most, especially admiring mulan-style heroines.

However, at this time, China had become a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, with internal and external difficulties and turmoil.

In 1912, at the age of 17, Xiang Jingyu entered the Hunan Provincial First Girls' Normal School, the principal of which was Zhu Jianfan, a famous educator in Hunan, who advocated the democratic revolution, actively participated in the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal new cultural movement, and cultivated students with people's livelihood and scientific ideas.

Because Zhu Jianjian often carried out ideological progress activities in the school, he was expelled, and the successor principal was an old feudal and pedantic principal. Under such circumstances, Xiang Jianyu resolutely decided to leave the school and transfer to the Zhounan Girls' Normal School founded by Zhu Jianfan, where the student atmosphere is very positive and progressive, and the teachers and students are very active in their thinking.

Xiang Jianyu: Dedicated his life to the revolution, he was brutally killed by reactionaries, and his ex-husband Cai Hesen wrote with tears

On May 7, 1915, the Japanese government issued an "ultimatum" to Yuan Shikai, demanding that the "Twenty-one Articles" of "annihilation" of China be signed on May 9.

For a time, patriotic groups in various cities gathered one after another, vowing to be ashamed of the country, and Xiang Jianyu, who was studying at the Zhounan Girls' Normal School, led his classmates to print leaflets, write slogans, and take to the streets of Changsha to protest and demonstrate, and her generous speech aroused the patriotic enthusiasm of the broad masses of the people.

In 1916, Xiang Jingyu graduated from the Zhounan Girls' Normal School and returned to his hometown of Pupu to carry out the education and national salvation movement.

In order to find the "real cause" of saving the country, Xiang Jianyu once again left Pupu and came to Changsha, where he met Cai Chang's brother Cai Hesen. Cai hesen was studying at the Hunan Provincial First Normal School, and he and his classmate Mao Zedong were like-minded and became close friends.

On April 14, 1918, Mao Zedong, Xiao Zisheng, He Shuheng and more than a dozen other enthusiastic young people came to Cai Hesen's home and founded a famous youth progress group here: the Xinmin Society.

Xiang Jianyu: Dedicated his life to the revolution, he was brutally killed by reactionaries, and his ex-husband Cai Hesen wrote with tears

Mao Zedong

In 1919, Xiang Jingyu joined the Xinmin Society and became the first female member, often discussing with Mao Zedong, Cai and Sen the way to save the country and save the people.

After the First World War, because of the loss of a lot of labor in the war, the French government made good friends with the Chinese government and came to China to recruit workers. Cai Yuanpei, president of National Peking University (Peking University's name at the time), felt that he could use this opportunity to let Young Chinese people learn Advanced French technology, and then bring the technology back to China, revitalize China's real economy, and realize industrial salvation.

When this news reached Hunan, Cai he sen began to take charge of the organization of work-study in Hunan, and he asked his sister Cai Chang to invite Xiang Jianyu to go to France with him, and initiated the Zhounan Women's Work-study Association in France.

In December 1919, a cruise ship departed from Shanghai for France, with Xiang Jingyu, Cai Hesen, Cai Chang, and 55-year-old Cai's mother Ge Jianhao among them. During this period, Xiang Jingyu was deeply influenced by Cai hesen, which enabled her to transform from the idea of education to save the country into an important stage of the idea of democratic revolution.

Xiang Jianyu: Dedicated his life to the revolution, he was brutally killed by reactionaries, and his ex-husband Cai Hesen wrote with tears

Cai and Sen

Two months later, Xiang Jingyu and others arrived in France, and in the small town of Montagne, not far from Paris, they studied while working and translating Marxist works.

Like-minded Xiang Jingyu and Cai Hesen often talk about learning, life, and the future of China, and meet in the revolutionary journey, encouraging each other and moving forward together, and the pure and sincere love is also becoming more and more intense.

In June 1920, Xiang Jingyu and Cai and Sen held a simple wedding in Montagny, France, and the two sat side by side, holding a copy of Capital and taking a special wedding photo, and their free union was called "Xiang Cai Alliance".

Once, the members of the Xinmin Society studying in France held a meeting to discuss the road of the Chinese revolution. At the beginning of the discussion, Xiao Zisheng advocated that the road of reform should be taken, while Cai and Sen also advocated that the road of revolution should be taken, and a fierce dispute broke out between the two factions.

Xiang Jianyu: Dedicated his life to the revolution, he was brutally killed by reactionaries, and his ex-husband Cai Hesen wrote with tears

Cai Hesen and Xiang Jingyu

Supporting her husband Cai Hesen's claims, Xiang Police proposed to write a letter to Mao Zedong, who was at home. In one fell swoop, Cai and Sen wrote a long letter to Mao Zedong, in which he clearly pointed out: "We must blatantly formally establish a Communist Party of China, follow the example of the October Revolution in Russia, and transform China." ”

Mao Zedong wrote back: "We fully agree with Cai Hesen and Xiang Jingyu's proposals, and the matter of party building is underway. ”

On a summer night in July 1921, Li Da, Dong Biwu, Mao Zedong and 13 others walked into a Shikumen building on Wangzhi Road in shanghai's French Concession. Since then, the Communist Party of China has been formally established, and a revolutionary spark has been ignited on the land of China in the dark night.

At the same time, Xiang Jingyu, Cai Hesen also actively joined forces with Zhou Enlai, Zhao Shiyan, and others who were studying in France to prepare for the early organization of the Communist Party of China in Europe.

At the end of 1921, Cai Hesen was sent back to China by the French authorities for leading the student movement, and Xiang Jingyu subsequently bid farewell to France and dragged her pregnant body back to Shanghai.

Xiang Jianyu: Dedicated his life to the revolution, he was brutally killed by reactionaries, and his ex-husband Cai Hesen wrote with tears

4 months later, Xiang Jianyu's daughter Cai Ni was born, and in the face of this small life, the couple's already tight life was even worse. The two men had to cut back on food and clothing, but the difficulties of life did not diminish their revolutionary enthusiasm in the slightest.

Xiang Put all his energy into the women's movement and the revolutionary cause, and led the establishment of the Women's Liberation Association, whose membership once grew to 300,000. The surging women's liberation movement became a fresh force in the magnificent Chinese revolutionary movement.

In June 1923, Cai Hesen and Xiang Jianyu both attended the Third Congress of the Communist Party of China, at which they adopted the Resolution on the Women's Movement of the Third National Congress of the Communist Party of China drafted by Xiang Jingyu. The bill clearly put forward regulations on "equal rights for men and women and protection of women's rights and interests", and proposed a "National Women's Movement Great Alliance", with Xiang Jianyu as the head of the Central Women's Department.

In 1925, Xiang Was added to the Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China, and she and her husband Cai Hesen became the first couple of central committee members in Chinese history.

In order not to affect the work. Xiang Police sent his daughter back to Hunan to be entrusted to her family to raise. Later, his son Cai Bo was born less than a month ago, and was also given to his great aunt Cai Qingxi to feed, a pair of young children, which became a concern for Xiang Jianyu's revolutionary career.

Xiang Jianyu: Dedicated his life to the revolution, he was brutally killed by reactionaries, and his ex-husband Cai Hesen wrote with tears

In March 1927, Xiang Jingyu returned to Changsha, Hunan Province, visited a pair of children who had not been seen for many years, and took a family portrait.

After only two days at home, she left home again to work in Wuhan, alias Xia Yishi, and lived in the house at No. 96 Sandri. At that time, the situation in Wuhan was very grim, the Kuomintang reactionaries engaged in white terror in Wuhan, and many revolutionary martyrs were sacrificed under the butcher's knife of the Kuomintang.

A month later, the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Wuhan, and Xiang Jianyu attended the meeting. Considering her fame, the CPC Central Committee was too dangerous to stay in Wuhan, and ordered the police to evacuate as soon as possible three times, but she refused.

Xiang Jianyu said: "Now is the most difficult time for the Party, the organizational ties with the masses of workers have been almost broken, and one more person will have more strength, and the masses of workers must not be disappointed, and we must not show weakness to the enemy." ”

Whether it was sunny or rainy, Xiang Jianyu left early and returned late every day, and did not stop at the first line of the grass-roots factories in the three towns of Wuhan (Wuchang, Hankou, hanyang) to mobilize the workers in the factories.

Xiang Jianyu: Dedicated his life to the revolution, he was brutally killed by reactionaries, and his ex-husband Cai Hesen wrote with tears

In order to send the voice of the Communist Party to the masses of workers as soon as possible and to ignite new hope for them, Xiang Jianyu quickly resumed publication of the Party newspaper "Dajiang" of the Hubei Provincial Cpc Committee of the Communist Party of China, and personally wrote a number of editorials. In the text, she denounced the atrocities of the Kuomintang reactionaries and called on the working class to struggle more courageously.

Due to the cruelty of the revolutionary struggle, Xiang Jianyu, who was only 32 years old, had a little gray hair on both sideburns, and coupled with her old qualifications in the Communist Party, more and more comrades began to call her "the old grandmother of the revolution".

On March 20, 1928, due to the betrayal of traitors, Xiang Washu was arrested in sandridria in the French Concession.

In the face of the enemy's stern interrogation to extract confessions, Xiang Jianyu was always upright and unyielding, strictly guarded the party's secrets, and strictly observed the ethics of communists, thus showing the lofty righteousness and lofty character of communists.

In prison, Xiang Jianyu often took out a photo of her children to watch, and she once left a few children's songs for her children: "Little baby, little baby, mother can't forget, I hope you fly like a bird in the free sky." ”

Xiang Jianyu: Dedicated his life to the revolution, he was brutally killed by reactionaries, and his ex-husband Cai Hesen wrote with tears

In order for all the children of the world to live in an equal and free society, he left his personal happiness behind the police and spent his life pursuing ideals and light.

On May 1, Xiang Washiyu was escorted by kuomintang reactionaries to the Wuhan Yujili Empty Ping Execution Ground. On the way, she was always giving propaganda speeches to the masses, no matter how the gendarmes beat her, even shoved the stone sand into her mouth and tied her cheeks with a belt, but she still insisted on speaking, and the masses along the way were all moved.

With the sound of a gunshot, Xiang Yu died heroically, at the age of 33.

When the bad news of Xiang Police's sacrifice came, her former husband Cai Hesen lost his voice in sorrow and tearfully wrote "Biography to Comrade Xiang Police":

"Great policeman, heroic policeman, you are not dead, you are never dead, you are not the lover of Hesen personally, you are the eternal lover of the Chinese proletariat."

In 1936, Mao Zedong was talking to the American journalist Edgar M. When Snow talked about this period of history, he clearly pointed out: "Xiang Jianyu is the only female founder of our party. ”

Xiang Jianyu: Dedicated his life to the revolution, he was brutally killed by reactionaries, and his ex-husband Cai Hesen wrote with tears

Statues are given to the police

Three years after Xiang's death, the then 36-year-old Cai Hesen was also killed by the Kuomintang, and the once blood-colored romantic "Xiang Cai Alliance" melted into the earth together and forged a new China.

In 1978, the cemetery was moved to the top of Turtle Hill in Wuhan for reconstruction, and every year people from Wuhan and all over China come to pay homage to the shrine. As Mao Zedong said:

"We must learn from xiang Jianyu, a model female leader and female Communist Party member who sacrificed herself in the era of the Great Revolution, who has struggled all her life for the liberation of women, for the liberation of the working masses, and for the cause of communism."

He gave the police youthful enthusiasm, embarked on the road of saving the country and the people without hesitation, gave great light to the women's circle, and wrote a magnificent page for the Chinese revolution.

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