
Cai Hesen, an important founder of the Communist Party of China

author:The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center integrates the media

He was the first to explicitly propose the establishment of the Communist Party of China, and took the lead in setting an example, working hard for the revolution and fighting heroically until the last moment of his life. Like the pearl of the night in the long darkness, with his wisdom and actions, he illuminated the starry sky of old China, which was full of difficulties and deep fog, and found a way to save the country and the people. He is the important founder of the Chinese Communist Party, Cai Hesen.

Cai Hesen, zirunhuan, born in Shanghai in 1895, a native of Shuangfeng, Hunan. At the age of 13, Cai and Sen entered the Yongfeng Cai Guangxiang hot sauce shop as an apprentice. In 1913, Cai and Sen were admitted to the Hunan Provincial First Normal School to study, and later became classmates with Mao Zedong, and the two were like-minded and began a new life of "Qia Classmate Teenager". Among the advanced youth of Hunan at that time, he was known as "Mao Cai" and regarded it as an example: "He Sen was a theoretician, and Runzhi was a practitioner." Teacher Yang Changji even praised Mao Zedong, Cai he and Sen: "The second son is a talent in the sea, the future is great, the king does not say that saving the country is already done, and saving the country must first be the second son." ”

Around Mao Zedong, Cai and Sen, a group of progressive young people who are interested in transforming society were united and united. They inspire each other and passionately explore revolutionary truths. After full deliberation and discussion, everyone reached a consensus that it is necessary to "gather comrades and create a new environment" and establish a more rigorous organization. In April 1918, Cai Hesen, Mao Zedong and others organized the Xinmin Society, which later founded the Xiangjiang Review.

In order to understand the real situation of the European and Russian revolutions and explore the road of the Chinese revolution, on December 25, 1919, Cai Hesen went to France for work-study. In France, Cai and Sen "translated" hundreds of books introducing Marxism-Leninism and the Russian Revolution. Cai Hesen believes that in order to save the country and the people, it is necessary to follow the path of the October Revolution in Russia, and it is necessary to establish a revolutionary party. He wrote to Mao Zedong twice and Chen Duxiu once. In these letters, he proposed for the first time "the blatant formal establishment of a Communist Party of China" and for the first time systematically put forward the theory of party building and the principles of party building. Mao Zedong replied in his reply: "The view is extremely appropriate, and I do not agree with a single word. ”

During his study in France, Cai Hesen propagated Marxism among the work-study students and led a number of advanced elements in the direction of advocating Marxism; he led the revolutionary struggle of the work-study students in France three times and became outstanding leaders of the student movement; together with Comrades Zhou Enlai, Zhao Shiyan, and other comrades, he organized the early organization of the Communist Party of China in Europe, and was one of the "founders of the French branch."

In December 1921, Cai Hesen, who had recently returned to China, joined the Communist Party of China and remained in the central organs to engage in theoretical propaganda work. In July 1922, Cai and Sen were elected as members of the Central Committee at the Second National Congress of the Party, responsible for the party's propaganda work. In September, he edited the weekly newspaper "Guide", the organ of the Party Central Committee, and he was both the editor-in-chief and the main contributor.

When the May Thirtieth Movement broke out in 1925, Cai and Sen demonstrated their outstanding ability to lead the mass struggle, and grew into outstanding mass leaders in the struggle.

In June 1931, Cai and Sen were arrested for betrayal by traitors. Under the persecution of the enemy, his life was fixed at the age of 36.

As a member of the Central Committee of the Second to Sixth Terms of the Party, and a member of the Politburo and Standing Committee of the Fifth and Sixth Terms of the Central Committee, Cai Hesen was a participant and creator of the Party's early history. Mao Zedong said: "What a Communist Party member should do, Comrade Hesen has done." Zhou Enlai also said: "Comrade Hesen is always worthy of our remembrance." ”

"Cai Hesen's theory and party-building activities made him one of the well-deserved founders of the Communist Party of China." Li Zhanguo, secretary of the Loudi Municipal Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, said, "The depths of Cai Hesen's soul embody the original intention of communists. Loudi enriched and expanded the exhibition content of the Cai Hesen Memorial Hall, and built it into an important carrier and platform for the theme education of 'not forgetting the original heart and keeping the mission in mind'. Today, the Cai Hesen Memorial Hall is a national patriotism education demonstration base, receiving more than 600,000 tourists every year and receiving more than 300 party education and theme party day activities.

(Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Ying)

Cai Hesen, an important founder of the Communist Party of China

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