
Huaihai International Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park: "Breaking the Circle Breakout" to create a new highland for cross-border e-commerce

author:Wireless Xuzhou

Huaihai International Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park focuses on the cultivation of cross-border e-commerce industry and the restoration of the kinetic energy of traditional enterprises, gathers public services and innovation resources, provides small and medium-sized enterprises with cross-border e-commerce service complex construction such as industrial transformation, format innovation, and marketing model upgrading, and helps the economic development zone to "break through the circle" with open innovation.

Xu Shirong media reporter Zhang Yuan: "Under the background of "Internet +", "buying and selling globally" is becoming a new normal. I am now in Xuzhou City's first cross-border e-commerce industrial park - Huaihai International Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park exhibition center, cosmetics, musical instruments, maternal and infant products, decorative accessories... These dazzling and countless goods will catch the "through train" of cross-border e-commerce in the future and enter the domestic and international "circle of friends".

Huaihai International Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park: "Breaking the Circle Breakout" to create a new highland for cross-border e-commerce

Cross-border e-commerce is a new format for the development of global trade under the background of "Internet +". Huaihai International Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park is mainly based on incubating growing small and medium-sized micro and medium-sized enterprises, at present, there are 40 cross-border e-commerce incubation enterprises and related service provider enterprises, with a dematerialization rate of 80% and an industrial agglomeration of 90%.

Huaihai International Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park: "Breaking the Circle Breakout" to create a new highland for cross-border e-commerce

Zhao Ye, general manager of Huaihai International Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park, said that there are mainly some famous categories and beauty categories like imports, which are mainly based on the company's own self-built platform, or our Tmall International, or our Jingdong International, such imports of storage. Our current exports are our cross-border e-commerce B2B direct exports and cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouse exports.

Huaihai International Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park: "Breaking the Circle Breakout" to create a new highland for cross-border e-commerce

Build a 360 ecosystem and enhance the new impetus for foreign trade. Huaihai International Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park has created a one-stop service operation system of pre-incubation- incubation - accelerator - industrial park, providing full-chain services such as brand marketing, cloud warehouse distribution, finance, talents, and public services, so that enterprises can achieve curve overtaking through cross-border e-commerce. At present, the cumulative transaction volume of the industrial park has reached 2 billion yuan, and the cumulative trade volume has reached 1.5 billion yuan, of which the cross-border e-commerce transaction volume of the customs and the unified is 180 million yuan.

Huaihai International Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park: "Breaking the Circle Breakout" to create a new highland for cross-border e-commerce

Zang Li, deputy director of the Development and Reform Bureau of Xuzhou Economic Development Zone, said that in the next step, we will deeply cultivate our leading industries, strive to drive the industry with service enterprises, drive foreign trade and promote consumption, and actively explore new formats of foreign trade. So strive to rely on such a platform as online and offline, domestic and international markets, to promote the quality of foreign trade, to promote the digital transformation of our entire industry.

Huaihai International Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park: "Breaking the Circle Breakout" to create a new highland for cross-border e-commerce

With the Huaihai Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park as the core carrier, the Economic Development Zone has rapidly built a complete ecosystem of foreign trade industrial chain, e-commerce service chain and cross-border supply chain. In June, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone (including Xuzhou Comprehensive Free Trade Zone) was successfully approved as "China (Jiangsu) Pilot Free Trade Zone Linkage Innovation and Development Zone". At present, the economic development zone has built high-end intelligent manufacturing industrial park, East Lake Pharmaceutical Innovation Port, Phoenix Bay Electronic Information Industry Park, comprehensive bonded zone, north-south co-construction park, cross-border e-commerce industrial park and other high-energy platforms, stepping on the strong beat of industrial structure transformation and upgrading, the economic development zone jumped on the big stage of development, interpreting the beautiful "butterfly change".

Huaihai International Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park: "Breaking the Circle Breakout" to create a new highland for cross-border e-commerce

Zang Li, deputy director of the Xuzhou Economic Development and Reform Bureau, said that we are a "three-district" linkage, a national-level platform, a north-south joint construction park and a comprehensive insurance area and a comprehensive test area; at the same time, our openness is very high, ranking first in Xuzhou's foreign foreign trade for many years, and accounting for more than one-third of the city's overall foreign trade volume; the third in the reform and innovation, our administrative examination and approval, business environment, in the agglomeration of science and technology in the industry, we also highlight the driving effect of the entire economic development zone.

Xu Shirong Media Reporter: Li Yujie, Sun Hongbo, Yan Shi, Wang Mo

Edit: Qi Bening