
In 1928, he sacrificed himself to the police, his body was secretly buried in a mountain pass, his ex-husband sent a tribute, and his children and daughters were successful

1. On the day of International Labor Day, a heroic sacrifice is made to the police

On July 15, 1927, Wang Jingwei launched the "July 15" counter-revolutionary coup d'état, wantonly attacking and killing communists and revolutionary masses, and the great revolution of kuomintang-communist cooperation was completely defeated. At this time, the three towns of Wuhan in Hubei Province also fell into a bloody white terror, and the revolutionary situation was even more severe.

At this time, in order to avoid the enemy's search, Xiang Jianyu assumed the pseudonym Yi Xiashi, skillfully maneuvered with the enemy, and insisted on working in the dangerous Hubei underground party organization. She became a female worker and teacher, actively carried out women's revolutionary work, publicized the party's political instructions, she worked tirelessly, bowed her head all night, tried her best to run the party's publications, and stuck to the forefront of the revolutionary center in Wuhan.

March 20, 1928, was an unfortunate day. As a result of the traitor's whistle-blowing, Xiang Was arrested by the enemy in the French Concession in Hankou and imprisoned in the Wuhan Garrison Headquarters.

Inside the prison, 30% of the outside is made of reinforced concrete, and the horror of cold death is pervasive. Xiang Jingyu slept on the straw on the cement floor, drank unclean sewage every day, ate rotten vegetable leaves, mold rice porridge, and ate only one meal a day, surrounded by rat worms and white lice.

After a few days of detention, the garrison commander Hu Zongduo came to "visit." He walked up to Xiang Jianyu, smiling, and pretending to flatter: "Yi Xiashi, you are the first female party member of the 'Communist Party' and the first women's minister, shouldering heavy responsibilities, but you have chosen the wrong path." ”

Seeing that Xiang Police was not moved, Commander Hu again exhorted:

"You are a female master of a generation, but you have been reduced to a prisoner of the ranks, fortunately, the party-state cherishes talents, I have recommended you upwards, give you a good position, now it is too late to abandon the dark and cast the light."

When he was finished, he handed her a letter of appointment.

In 1928, he sacrificed himself to the police, his body was secretly buried in a mountain pass, his ex-husband sent a tribute, and his children and daughters were successful

Figure | to the police

In the face of Hu Zongduo's abduction, he glared at the police and said

"Hu Zongduo, you have to deceive me with clever words, I will not be deceived, and you do not need to tempt me with high-ranking officials Houlu." The Communist Party only seeks happiness for the people, and I have made up my mind as a teenager to save the country and the people is my only wish! ”

After saying that, she took the letter of appointment, tore it to pieces, and threw the scraps of paper at Commander Hu, spilling all over his face.

After this humiliation, Hu Zongduo became angry and fierce, and whispered a threat: "We have verified that you Yi Xia clan is the Xiang JianYu we want to arrest!" I advise you to carefully weigh the pros and cons of the moment, the dead road in front of you to choose your own, if you are too stubborn, obsessive, the disaster of killing yourself is today! ”

Xiang Jianyu sneered, and Dayi said awefully: "If you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want, your butcher knives can't scare the Communists, how can I be humiliated and seek perfection!" When you have caught me, I have put my life and death aside, even if I die without regrets. But just wait, your end is tomorrow! ”

The enemy failed to persuade him to surrender, the threat was useless, and ordered that the police be tortured to extract a confession. Under all kinds of torture and interrogation, Xiang Police yu clenched his teeth, died to support, did not reveal half a word, and preferred to die unyieldingly to the police to make the enemy helpless.

The angry and corrupt enemy decided to "correct the law on the spot" with Xiang Police at the Yujili Empty Ping Execution Ground. The night before leaving for the execution ground, Xiang Suddenly remembered one of his children, Nini and Bobo, who were only a few years old and were about to lose their mother.

Xiang Jingyu took out the picture of the child from her pocket, and the cold look in the eyes of the enemy became gentle, she kissed the child in the photo, shed tears of reluctance, and she muttered to herself: "Nini, Bobo, my child." Mother is calling out to you, have you ever heard..."

There is a mother under the heavens who is willing to abandon her child and go east and west, but for the sake of the victory of the revolution, for the sake of the future no more war in the country, so that our children can grow up safely. Since the birth of the child, Xiang Jianyu has rarely been with them, and at this time, she is ashamed in her heart, and she is eager to fly home immediately and see the children for the last time.

Xiang Jianyu looked out the window, all kinds of past came to mind, and she meditated in her heart: My child, today's mother is secretly calculated, one day the revolution will be victorious, you must grow up quickly and inherit my legacy.

This day is May 1, 1928, International Workers' Day, and the enemy, in order to strike at the Communists and the revolutionary masses of workers and peasants, has deliberately chosen this day to escort the police to the execution ground. On the way to the execution site, Xiang Jianyu, who had short hair, was energetic, wearing a green cheongsam, and although his clothes were dirty, they were very neat, and he looked calm and fearless.

In 1928, he sacrificed himself to the police, his body was secretly buried in a mountain pass, his ex-husband sent a tribute, and his children and daughters were successful

Picture | Xiang Police are escorted to the execution ground (pictured)

Facing the crowds pouring in from both sides of the street, she used the prison as a podium, gave her last impassioned speech, propagated the just revolutionary cause, and shouted: "Down with the Kuomintang reactionaries!" "Long live the Communist Party of China" is a resounding slogan.

Along the way, the masses were filled with indignation and gathered more and more, trying to break through the obstruction of the military and police, and followed and shouted slogans to the police. When the enemy saw this situation, he was in a hurry, and slammed the gun into the back of the police, stopped her speech, and was indomitable to the police, singing the international song, and shouting:

"The end of the reactionaries will not be long!"

Terrified by this remark, the enemy quickly picked up the stone on the ground and stuffed it into the mouth of the policeman, and then tied her cheeks with a belt, and blood flowed from the corners of her mouth. When the surrounding masses saw the situation, they were full of grief and indignation, and they sobbed incessantly, and the road to the execution ground had become a tragic farewell road.

On May 1, 1928, he was heroically honored to the police. This great feminist leader, the pioneer of the Chinese women's movement, and the only female founder of the Chinese Communist Party, died at the age of 33 at the gunpoint of the enemy and died heroically.

2. The enemy ordered that no body should be collected, and the remains were secretly buried in the mountain pass

After the sacrifice of Xiang Police, the reactionaries who hated her to the bone ordered that the body should not be collected, but how could people tolerate the exposure of the body to the police after death, and there was no place to bury it. Late that night, a small boat appeared on the surface of the Wuhan River, with two young men on board, who took advantage of the quiet of the night to secretly carry Xiang Jingyu's body to a small boat and prepare to transport it to the opposite mountain for burial.

The two men were workers in Wuhan, one named Chen Chunhe and the other wang Zhaigong. Chen Chunhe is not a simple Wuhan worker, he joined the Chinese Communist Party at an early age, because he lost contact with the organization in an accident, he has been lurking in Wuhan to do things for the party organization, and few people know his true identity.

In recent days, Chen Chunhe and his workers' brothers have secretly transported the remains of hundreds of Communists and revolutionaries to a mountain pass near the western foothills of Guishan Mountain for burial. After the sacrifice of these revolutionary martyrs, there are almost no intact bodies, and their bodies are full of scars left by the Kuomintang reactionaries after severe torture and extortion of confessions, which makes people cannot bear to look at them directly.

Even after seeing the tragic situation of the martyrs' remains, Chen Chunhe opened the bag and saw the moment when the remains were given to the police, he still couldn't help but cry with sadness. He cut the belt that was tied to Xiang Yu's face, removed the blood-soaked stone from her mouth, wiped off the blood stain on her body, sorted out the body, and buried it in the mountain pass. In order to prevent retaliation by the reactionaries, the tombstone was simply set up.

In 1928, he sacrificed himself to the police, his body was secretly buried in a mountain pass, his ex-husband sent a tribute, and his children and daughters were successful

3, from a rich woman to a feminist leader, her life is born to death


To the police

Everyone knows that she should not have ended up like this, she could have been a naïve and carefree rich family, but she resolutely embarked on the road of revolution and did what many ambitious men did not dare to do.

Originally known as Xiang Junxian, Xiang Jingyu was born in 1895 in the old society of a famous and prestigious family, his father was a famous local businessman, and in his later years he served as the president of the Chamber of Commerce in Pupu County, Hunan. Xiang's family Ding flourished, and Xiang Police ranked ninth, so he had a milk name called "Nine Nine".

Xiang Jianyu grew up unrestrained, her parents and brothers loved her very much, but instead of developing her pampering habits, she developed a bold and resolute character, and dared to question anything she encountered.

From the age of five, her father and brothers began to teach her to read and write, and as a child, she read many historical books and read many historical stories. Her favorite is Hua Mulan in "Mulan Poems" who served in the army for her father, and she longs to grow up faster and become a heroine like Mulan. At the age of eight, Xiang Jingyu entered the new school founded by his eldest brother and became the first female student in the county to enroll.

At that time, it was still in a feudal society, and the idea of favoring sons over daughters was deeply rooted, and "a woman without talent is virtuous" was also a reasonable saying that feudal people believed. Women should not show their faces to study outside, they should wrap their little feet, marry early, guard the three from the four virtues, reduce the burden on the family, and teach their husbands and children in the husband's family. Unlike traditional women, Xiang Jingyu grew up in an open family environment and broke through the cage of feudal superstitions from the age of a few years.

Influenced by his brothers who studied abroad, Xiang Jingyu loved to read and write since childhood, and was very intelligent and good at learning, and accepted new knowledge and new ideas very quickly. Among her brothers, the one who had the greatest influence on Xiang Jianyu's ideology and concept was her eldest brother Xiang Xianyu (



Xiang Xianyu was once sent to Japan by his father to study, learned a lot of progressive ideas, was an aspiring young man, very much agreed with Dr. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary ideas, and participated in the League, becoming the head of the Xiangxi League.

In 1928, he sacrificed himself to the police, his body was secretly buried in a mountain pass, his ex-husband sent a tribute, and his children and daughters were successful

Picture | gives a photo to the police

When Xiang Jianyu was twelve years old, he followed his mother and left his hometown for the first time to find xiang Xianyu, the eldest brother who taught in Changde. In these days when the eldest brother lived in the family, Xiang Yu listened to the police and listened to the eldest brother talking about the current situation, lamenting the suffering of the people, and telling the way to save the country. Under the enlightenment of the eldest brother, the young Xiang Jianyu planted the seeds of revolution in his heart.

Perhaps when Xiang Xianyu talked about politics in front of his sister, he could not imagine that his little girl would do so many earth-shattering things in the future.

In 1911, the sixteen-year-old Xiang Jianyu deeply felt the tragic experience of women under feudal confinement, and was determined to develop the cause of education, so that women could also learn, have books, and be able to learn new ideas and contact new ideas. So she packed her bags and left her homeland to enter Changde Normal School, and because she admired Zhu Jianfan of the Hunan Provincial First Girls' Normal School, she transferred to the school the following year.

However, Zhu Jianfan was dismissed from his post as principal because he was actively promoting progressive ideas, which the local government could not tolerate. But Zhu Jianfan was not crushed by this, he sold his private house and founded the Zhounan Girls' School.

After hearing this news, Xiang Jingyu, along with several ideologically progressive students, resolutely chose to follow Principal Zhu and transfer to Zhounan Girls' School to study. Since its inception, Zhounan Girls' School has trained many heroines and heroines, known as the "cradle of female revolutionaries", not only Xiang Jingyu, cai Chang, a pioneer of the women's movement, and Ding Ling, a famous writer, who were once students of Zhounan Girls' School.

At Zhounan Girls' School, Xiang Jingyu and her classmate Cai Chang became close friends, and because of this relationship, she became acquainted

Mao Zedong

, Cai and Sen and other progressive young people who have great achievements in the future.

In 1928, he sacrificed himself to the police, his body was secretly buried in a mountain pass, his ex-husband sent a tribute, and his children and daughters were successful

Picture | Cai Chang

At the school, Xiang Jianyu, under the profound influence of the new cultural movement, with the heart of saving the country and saving the people, actively wrote articles to criticize current politics, responded to "New Youth", ridiculed Yuan Shikai, and embodied the yuan movement from another side, with unique opinions and very practical significance.

After studying new knowledge and new ideas for more than ten years, Xiang Jianyu adhered to his original intention and chose the road of "education to save the country". After finishing his studies at Zhounan Girls' School, Xiang Jingyu returned to his hometown and founded a new co-educational school.

At first, very few people enrolled in the school, and most of them were boys. In order to encourage women in their hometowns to go to school and study, they went to the mountains and the countryside to the police, went around to persuade them to study, and actively publicized the benefits of reading. With her unremitting efforts, the townspeople were moved by her and sent the girls from their families to school, and even the girls in their twenties also came to sign up for study.

It didn't take long for the school to be well run and gradually expanded. With the growth of the school, the popularization of new knowledge and new concepts, the idea of equality between men and women is also spreading to the hometown of the police.

It is worth mentioning that during the period when Xiang Jianyu was the headmistress, Zhou Zefan, the head of the local warlord stationed there, heard about the name of "Three Xiang Talented Women" to the police, admired Xiang Jianyu's act of running education as a woman, first donated seven hundred oceans, and then wanted to marry her as his aunt in the name of admiration.

Zhou Zefan had a huge influence in the local area and was soft and Xiangjia, and Xiang Jingyu's stepmother agreed to Commander Zhou on behalf of Xiangjia in order to climb the power and attach himself to the nobility. After hearing about it, He broke into Zhou Zefan's commander's mansion and solemnly announced in front of everyone:

"Nine girls, I promise to teach by example, I will never marry for the rest of my life, and I hope that Commander Zhou will respect herself!"

This refusal was quite chivalrous, and Commander Zhou saw the situation, and it was not good to entangle it anymore, so he had to give up.

In 1928, he sacrificed himself to the police, his body was secretly buried in a mountain pass, his ex-husband sent a tribute, and his children and daughters were successful

In 1919, the May Fourth Movement swept in, and after Xiang Jingyu learned of this in his hometown, he immediately led the school's progressive students to respond positively, marching in the streets and giving speeches, calling on everyone to boycott Japanese goods and punish adultery and eliminate evil.

After this campaign, Xiang Jianyu knew that only staying in his hometown to run education could not really save the country, let alone save the women of the whole country who were trapped in the feudal quagmire. Therefore, she resigned from the position of principal and organized Hunan women to study in France with her friend Cai Chang. At the end of 1919, with Cai Chang, Cai Hesen and more than thirty other people went to France for work-study.

At the end of 1921, Xiang Jingyu returned to the motherland and joined the Communist Party of China in early 1922, one of the earliest female party members to join the Party since the founding of the Communist Party of China. On the road of advocating women's liberation, she became the first women's minister of the party organization, actively wrote about the women's movement, encouraged women to love freely, promoted the concept of women's ethics in the new era, and carried the burden of women's liberation with one shoulder.

On the road of the Chinese revolution, she actively realized the great alliance of working women and intellectual women, led a large number of women workers in silk factories to jointly strike, trained a large number of women cadres, encouraged them to resist warlords, resisted capital exploitation, opposed feudal oppression, enriched the backbone of the revolution, and carried the banner of democratic revolution on another shoulder.

Entering girls' schools, running schools, fighting against warlords, joining the revolution, joining the Communist Party of China, leading the cause of women's liberation, propagating the proletarian democratic revolution... This pile of piles should not have been something she should have done as a big girl, but she did it all. Doing these great and risky things, Xiang Zhenyu could not escape from dedicating himself to his revolutionary cause.

She was born to death all her life, unwilling to be a flower in the greenhouse, only willing to be a cold plum with proud bones, and a bright red and brilliant flower bloomed in a depressed and cold old Chinese land. The fact that we women today have the status we have today is an indispensable contribution to the police.

4. The blood-colored love of the "Xiang Cai Alliance", after the sacrifice to the police, the ex-husband sent a tribute

Xiang Jingyu's sacrifice was not only a loss to the Chinese revolution, but also a loss to the development of the national women's movement, and it also caused great harm to her relatives and lovers.

Her lover was

Cai and Sen

Although her marriage with Cai hesen was not long-lasting, the love between them surprised everyone and made the people around her envious. The combination of Xiang Jingyu and Cai hesen, not called husband and wife but called "Xiang Cai Alliance", is enough to see the preciousness of this blood-colored love.

In 1928, he sacrificed himself to the police, his body was secretly buried in a mountain pass, his ex-husband sent a tribute, and his children and daughters were successful

Pictured| Cai and Sen

Xiang Jingyu and Cai Hesen, through Cai Chang's introduction, met at zhounan girls' school. Cai and Sen still remember the appearance of Xiang Jingyu when she first saw her, she had short hair and had a unique charm in her words and deeds. At that time, they were still preparing plans for Hunan women to go to France for work-study.

On December 25, 1919, in the eyes of representatives of the All-China Federation of All Walks of Life and student representatives, Xiang Jingyu, Cai Hesen and more than thirty other people embarked on a steamer bound for France. On this journey, Cai and Sen and Xiang Jingyu discuss political and academic issues, discuss Marxist works, and envision a beautiful future together and plan the future path of life.

The voyage lasted 35 days through the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. In these 35 days and nights, Cai and Sen and Xiang Jingyu often talked together, strengthened their friendship, and turned like-minded friendship into sincere love. They also wrote a poem on the ship called

"Upward Alliance"

It was decided that the two would form one, fight side by side, and attack the feudal forces.

After the two of them arrived in Paris, France, they had no time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the city and actively participated in the local revolutionary construction. During their study abroad, Cai and Sen and Xiang Jingyu studied in the small town of Montagny, not far from Paris, one in a boys' public school and one in a women's public school, the two schools are not far apart, and they basically see each other every day.

While they were learning French, they had to work, which was obscure, exhausting, and had a very difficult time. But in the days when Montani studied French, studied Marxist works, and worked together in the tofu factory, the relationship between Xiang Jingyu and Cai and Sen became stronger.

In May 1920, Xiang Jingyu and Cai Hesen broke through the shackles of feudal etiquette and held a simple and memorable wedding in Montagny, France. The wedding was attended by French work-study students, members of the Xinmin Society, and some French people who were attracted to the wedding, who together sent their most sincere wishes to the couple in free love.

Among the people who attended the wedding, there was a half-hundred-year-old lady who was very excited, she was cai he sen's mother, and she also became Ge Jianhao, who warned her mother-in-law. She was 55 years old when she went to France with her children to study.

Ge Jianhao loved his daughter-in-law very much, and on the wedding day, Ge Jianhao looked at the police dressed plainly and did not have the festive appearance of marriage, and specially made her a beautiful satin dress. At that time, the always simple Xiang Jianyu wore for her mother-in-law for an hour, and after an hour, she took off her silk clothes and changed into ordinary clothes.

In 1928, he sacrificed himself to the police, his body was secretly buried in a mountain pass, his ex-husband sent a tribute, and his children and daughters were successful

Pictured| Wedding photo of Cai he sen and Xiang Jingyu

The way to spend their honeymoon with Xiang Jingyu and Cai Hesen, the newly married Yan'er, is to organize the love poems written by the two people after studying in France into a book, named "Upward Alliance". When taking wedding photos, Xiang Jingyu and Cai and Sen stood shoulder to shoulder with a proletarian masterpiece, "Capital", which was the best thing to witness their love, and this photo also became the best declaration in the old society to challenge the feudal arranged marriage.

After marriage, Xiang Jingyu fought side by side with Cai and Sen and gave birth to a man and a girl. Unfortunately, this marriage did not last long, and the two were still separated because their living habits did not match, they did not get along satisfactorily. However, only marriage is scattered, and the friendship between the two of them, even beyond life and death, has become eternal.

In March 1928, after Xiang Washu was arrested, Cai and Sen were so distraught that they were trying to rescue her. But it didn't take long for Cai and Sen to get the news that Xiang Had been killed. Hearing the bad news, Cai and Sen were so sad that they couldn't believe that what they were hearing was the truth.

It was with a heavy heart that he sent a tribute to his "wife", writing:

Great warning, heroic warning, you are not dead, you are never dead.

Three years later, Cai and Sen were also unfortunately arrested. In a similar prison cell, he is as strong and unyielding as Xiang Police, and regards death as a homecoming. On August 4, 1931, at the age of 36, Cai Hesen also joined Xiang Jianyu in heroically serving the cause of the national revolution.

5. Parents dedicated themselves to the revolution, and a pair of sons and daughters achieved success

After Cai and Sen and Xiang Jianyu both sacrificed themselves for the revolution, their sons and daughters were very young, both under the age of ten, at an age of ignorance and ignorance, unaware of their parents' work and their sacrifices.

From birth, her sister Cai Ni was sent to her aunt to raise her, and then traveled to many places to live with her grandmother Ge Jianhao, when her younger brother Cai Bo was also at her grandmother's house. According to Cai Ni's recollections in her later years, she was not deeply impressed by her mother, but she deeply remembered the picture of her mother calling her to get up, and this picture she remembered for a lifetime.

Both parents were revolutionary, the family's situation was very dangerous, and grandmother Ge Jianhao took the sisters and brothers to hide in Tibet and had no place to live. After sacrificing himself to the police, Ge Jianhao endured his grief and took Cai Ni and Cai Bo to Shanghai to escape the pursuit of the Kuomintang reactionaries. In a secret residence of our party in Shanghai, the two brothers and sisters had the opportunity to get along with their fathers Cai and Sen.

Soon after, Cai Ni and Cai Bo were sent to the Soviet Union. In the Soviet Union, they grew up alone, warming each other with the children of the senior party generals who had been sent one after another.

In 1928, he sacrificed himself to the police, his body was secretly buried in a mountain pass, his ex-husband sent a tribute, and his children and daughters were successful

Pictured| Cai Bo

After graduating from Moscow University, Cai Ni, who had lived in a foreign country for more than twenty years, returned to the embrace of her motherland and became a general doctor. Later, when she heard that the country was in urgent need of Russian translators, she immediately gave up her job and, in response to the needs of the country, was transferred to the University of Foreign Chinese in Beijing and became a Russian teacher.

And the younger brother

Cai Bo

After ten years of study in the Soviet Union, he returned to China after the founding of the people's republic of China in 1949 and worked at the Angang Iron and Steel Works. With the knowledge and technology he learned, he became an expert in the domestic steel industry and made outstanding contributions to the development of metallurgical technology in China.

When the Cai siblings died one after another, they left nothing behind, only a few old photos of their parents. In these photos, there seems to be a residual warmth, silently telling their deep thoughts about their parents.

In 1928, he sacrificed himself to the police, his body was secretly buried in a mountain pass, his ex-husband sent a tribute, and his children and daughters were successful

Pictured| Cai Ni

Cai Ni and Cai Bo brothers and sisters, as the children of Xiang Jingyu and Cai Hesen, worked hard in their own fields, dedicated their lives to the country and the people, did not live up to the expectations of their heroic parents, and did not shame their heroic parents.

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