
Cai Hesen: An important founder of the Communist Party of China

author:Shangguan News

Cai Hesen Memorial Hall, the national patriotic education demonstration base, the Guangjia Hall, the former residence of Cai Hesen Cai Chang, a national key cultural relics protection unit, and cai Hesen Square, where the group sculptures of "Comrade Cai Hesen's Brilliant Family" stand... In Shuangfeng County, Hunan Province, an old revolutionary area, Cai Hesen touched a group of tourists who came to visit and study.

Cai Hesen: An important founder of the Communist Party of China

This is a portrait of Cai and Sen (profile photo). Xinhua News Agency

Comrade Cai Hesen was born in Shanghai in March 1895, and returned to his hometown of Xiangxiang County (now Shuangfeng County) in Hunan With his mother at the age of 4. At that time, China was under the dual oppression of imperialism and feudalism, social turmoil, people's hardships, and political darkness. When they were teenagers, Comrade Cai Hesen set up a lofty ambition of "saving the people in a time of Kuangshi" and was determined to transform China. When he was studying at the Hunan Provincial First Normal School, he and Comrade Mao Zedong became like-minded and close friends, becoming a model for the advanced youth of Hunan.

In 1918, Cai Hesen, Mao Zedong and other comrades jointly initiated the organization of the Xinmin Society in Changsha, with the purpose of innovating scholarship, improving character, and improving people's hearts and customs. Later, during his stay in France, Comrade Cai Hesen put forward the activity policy of the New People's Society to transform China and the world, which was widely endorsed and had a great impact. In 1919, the May Fourth Patriotic Movement broke out in Beijing, and Comrade Cai Hesen, who was preparing to travel to France for work-study in Beijing, organized Hunan students in Beijing to participate in this anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement.

Under the influence of the October Revolution in Russia and the May Fourth Movement, the work-study program in France reached a climax. At the end of 1919, Comrade Cai Hesen, with a ardent pursuit of revolutionary ideals, crossed the ocean to France to work and study. In France, he felt the impact of foreign civilizations and the agitation of ideological trends, "fiercely translated" Marxist works, translated important passages of the Communist Manifesto, "Socialism from Utopia to the Development of Science" and other works, publicized the October Revolution in Russia and the workers' movement in various countries, and became a staunch Marxist. He participated in leading the righteous struggle of work-study students, and together with Zhou Enlai and Zhao Shiyan, he organized the early organization of the Communist Party of China in Europe, and became one of the founders of the French branch. He corresponded with Chen Duxiu and Comrade Mao Zedong to discuss the issue of establishing the Communist Party, put forward correct ideas on the nature of the Party, guiding ideology, and other issues, and became the first person to propose the name "Communist Party of China." In July 1921, the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China proclaimed the official founding of the Party. Although Comrade Cai Hesen did not attend the inaugural meeting, he made major contributions to the founding of the party, ideologically and organizationally, especially to the theory of party building.

In December 1921, Cai Hesen, who had recently returned to China, joined the Communist Party of China and remained in the central organs to engage in theoretical propaganda work. At the Second Party Congress, he participated in the drafting of the congress manifesto and was elected a member of the Central Executive Committee. After the meeting, in accordance with the decision of the Central Committee, he prepared to establish a weekly newspaper of the "Guide", an organ of the Party Central Committee. After its inception, "Guide" was publicly distributed, becoming the organ newspaper of the Party Central Committee with the guiding position of public opinion at that time, and also becoming the ideological and spiritual "guide" of 400 million Chinese compatriots.

When the May Thirtieth Movement broke out in 1925, Cai and Sen showed outstanding talents in leading the mass struggle, and grew into outstanding mass leaders in the struggle. Comrade Cai Hesen said that it is not enough to study Marxism-Leninism in books, but also to take practical actions, and to learn the truth of Marxism-Leninism even more in the course of revolutionary struggle.

In 1931, Comrade Cai Hesen went to Hong Kong to guide the revolutionary work in Guangdong and was unfortunately arrested. In prison, he was unyielding and fought tenaciously until he was heroic and righteous. "Kuang Fu has me, and it is very difficult to support people. Loyalty seals the heart, and the haoran fills the two rooms." He used his young life to fulfill the heroic oath he had made that year, fighting for the magnificent cause of communism until the last moment of his life.

As a member of the Central Committee of the Second to Sixth Terms of the Party, and a member of the Politburo and Standing Committee of the Fifth and Sixth Terms of the Central Committee, Cai Hesen was a participant and creator of the Party's early history. Mao Zedong said: "What a Communist Party member should do, Comrade Hesen has done." ”

"Cai and Sen are important founders of the Chinese Communist Party. He was the first to explicitly propose the establishment of the Communist Party of China, and took the lead in setting an example, working hard for the revolution and fighting heroically. Like the pearl of the night in the long darkness, with his wisdom and actions, he illuminated the starry sky of old China, which was full of difficulties and deep fog, and found a way to save the country and the people. Luo Xinghu, deputy director of the Party History Research Office of the Shuangfeng County Party Committee and an expert in cai hesen research, said that today, the Cai Hesen Memorial Hall receives more than 600,000 tourists every year, and receives more than 400 party education and theme party day activities.

Source: Xinhua News Agency, Learning powerhouse

Editor: Zhu Yi

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