
In 2004, a Chinese freighter broke down on an unnamed island in the Strait of Malacca, when the crew suddenly noticed that a large number of rabbits had come out of the woods of the island and jumped in in panic

author:Gangnam History

In 2004, a Chinese freighter broke down on an unnamed island in the Strait of Malacca, and suddenly, the crew found that a large number of rabbits came out of the woods of the island and jumped into the sea in panic! Then, the bottom of the sea emitted a shocking roar, the freighter trembled like madness, and a huge wall of water more than ten meters high in the distance actually attacked!

On December 25, a Chinese freighter Haifa was carrying cargo from the Mediterranean Sea from west to east in the Indian Ocean, but when it reached the western part of the Strait of Malacca, the main engine suddenly failed, and the captain ordered the cargo ship to drop anchor near an unnamed island for repair.

The next morning, the third officer on duty came to the wheelhouse, picked up the binoculars and looked at the nameless island, but was horrified to find that the beach of the island was crowded with rabbits coming out of the rainforest, fleeing and panicking. Many have jumped into the sea and swam desperately into the distance.

The third officer had never seen such a scene, and then he was surprised to find that there was a huge wall of water of more than ten meters in the distance of the calm sea, approaching the cargo ship from east to west, and there was a noise from the sea, and there was an inexplicable rumble on the bottom of the sea.

The third officer was about to report to the captain when he suddenly felt the hull shaking violently. At this time, the captain broke through the door, and both of them were attracted by the overwhelming wall of water. But strangely, looking down from the boat, the sea is still calm as a mirror.

The wall of water came too suddenly, and the experienced captain scratched his head. The wall of water rumbled in from the direction of Sumatra Island in the east, and six or seven degrees of wind blew on the originally windless ocean, and the temperature was also dropping.

At this time, the rocks of the nameless island seem to be shaking, the earth is trembling, and countless monstrous waves are chasing each other, splitting their heads and covering their faces to the opposite island, and the tropical trees on the island are uprooted.

The "Haifa" ship was shaking wildly, and the fixed items on the ship made a sound and jumped inexplicably. The unfixed object was even more out of place, and the captain immediately sounded the alarm.

The whole crew put on life jackets and came to the deck to assemble, and the captain looked at the island again, almost unable to believe his eyes, the originally lush island, all vegetation has disappeared, the dirt has disappeared, mottled stones are exposed, and the nameless island has become a bald island.

Frightened, a sailor reminded the captain: Tsunami! The old captain immediately ordered the first mate and the carpenter to go to the bow of the ship and throw the right anchor under water, because at this time the main engine was being repaired and could not be started, and if the ship was to lose control at this time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The first mate and the old carpenter in his fifties walked with difficulty across the deck more than a hundred meters long and threw the right anchor into the water. But no one noticed that a huge sea tide surged unstoppably, beating it with overwhelming force, and that force was about to swallow a 10,000-ton ship.

When everyone opened their eyes, there were still the shadows of the first mate and the old carpenter, and when they looked around, it turned out that several fishing boats not far away had disappeared. After a few walls of water, the hull shook violently, as if it had hit a shoal at full speed.

The area of the desert island is gradually expanding, and uneven sand dunes appear ahead, and the cargo ship's double anchors firmly grasp the bottom of the sea, so as not to be pulled away by the receding rapids. Suddenly, the hull shook, and it stopped shaking, and people were stunned again, it turned out that the "Haifa" ship was mercilessly stranded on the beach and became a dead ship.

At this time, the crew saw a strange scene that had never been seen before: various unknown fish jumping and churning around, slowly soaring large sea turtles and crabs crawling irregularly, various marine animals twisting their bodies, and seaweed floating weakly.

Around the "Haifa" ship, the wreckage of merchant ships and fishing ships of unknown age is revealed, and further away, there are several very old shipwreck skeletons. People came back from their panic, and the steward first broke the dullness and suggested risking the danger to go down and catch a few big sea turtles and catch some fish.

So the steward took people down to collect food nearby, the second officer led people around to find the whereabouts of the first mate and carpenter, and the chief engineer took people down the engine room to repair the main engine. The second officer and two sailors descended the soft ladder to the beach towards the desert island, and the group searched from east to west, reached the highest place and looked down, and suddenly found a cave.

The four people rushed to the place in unison, and when they looked closer, they saw the orange-red life jacket, which turned out to be the first mate and the old carpenter, they were full of wounds, and they didn't know if they were dead or alive. The two sailors carried the first mate and the old carpenter on their backs and ran to the ship.

Walking in the last second officer, he took one last look at the cave, and he was shocked to see that it turned out to be an ancient tomb, piled with white bones, and was washed out of a gap by the merciless waves.

At this time, the whistle sounded on the ship, only to hear the bottom of the sea as if a thousand tons of explosives exploded, and the rumbling sound pressed towards the ship. The captain tore his voice over the megaphone and shouted, "The sea is back, everyone hurry up!" "The water coming is not a rolling wave, but a rapid and smooth tide.

I saw that the wreckage of the hull lying on the beach was once again overturned by the merciless tide, and the turbulent current threw the "Haifa" ship east and west at will, and the hull rotated like crazy. Several crew members who had just climbed up from the engine room were all thrown to the ground, bleeding from their heads.

Fortunately, the double anchor of the "Haifa" wheel is firmly fixed to the bottom of the sea, so that it can withstand the impact of the waves again. Everyone fell and got up again, and saw an even more incredible scene: the desert island no longer existed, and all they saw was the merciless waves.

The hull floated again, and people wiped the blood from their faces and smiled. Happy that the first mate and the old carpenter escaped from death, except for the old carpenter's serious injuries and could not move, the first mate only suffered a little skin trauma and was not in danger of life.

People asked how they felt after falling into the water and how they drifted to the ancient tomb on the island, neither of them remembered. After a night of continuous repairs, the chief engineer tried to start the main engine, but he succeeded. The "Haifa" ship sounded the whistle of victory, bid farewell to this unforgettable sea of disaster, and sailed into the Strait of Malacca.

When the ship arrived in Singapore, the crew heard a stunned news. Just off the island of Sumatra, not far from the ship's anchor, more than 200,000 people were killed in countries bordering the Indian Ocean on the morning of December 26 when the tsunami triggered by the world's strongest earthquake in 40 years. The seafarers who survived all sighed that they were spared thanks to the rising tide.

In 2004, a Chinese freighter broke down on an unnamed island in the Strait of Malacca, when the crew suddenly noticed that a large number of rabbits had come out of the woods of the island and jumped in in panic
In 2004, a Chinese freighter broke down on an unnamed island in the Strait of Malacca, when the crew suddenly noticed that a large number of rabbits had come out of the woods of the island and jumped in in panic
In 2004, a Chinese freighter broke down on an unnamed island in the Strait of Malacca, when the crew suddenly noticed that a large number of rabbits had come out of the woods of the island and jumped in in panic

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