
5 proprietary Chinese medicines commonly used for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: 1. Tongxinluo capsules are based on the traditional treatment method of invigorating qi and activating blood, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine network disease, to channel spicy fragrance, dissolve stasis and benefit

author:He Yaoshi health science popularization

5 proprietary Chinese medicines commonly used for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases:

1. Tongxinluo capsule is based on the traditional treatment method of invigorating qi and activating blood, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine network disease, it is composed of spicy fragrance channel, dissolving stasis channel, qi tongluo, and soufeng tongluo drugs, which has the effect of invigorating qi and activating blood, channeling and relieving pain. Fang Zhong uses ginseng to replenish the heart qi, the heart is strong and the blood is powerful, the right qi is full and there is no place for evil, and the heart veins are easy to unblock. Leeches and earthen turtles search for stasis. Cicada clothing, centipedes, and whole scorpions search for wind and spasms. Red peony activates blood to disperse blood, perform stasis and relieve pain. The aroma of ice chips leads to medicine into the network. With the cooperation of various medicines, the qi is invigorated and the deficiency is solidified, the blood circulation is searched for wind and spasm to dispel evil, the positive qi is stored inside, the evil has no place to live, the qi is prosperous and the blood is prosperous, and the veins are smooth.

Clinically used for: coronary heart disease angina is a deficiency of heart qi, blood stasis obstruction, symptoms include chest tightness, tingling, colic, fixation, palpitations and sweating, shortness of breath, dark tongue or ecchymosis, fine pulse or generation. It is also used for qi deficiency and blood stasis obstructive stroke, the symptoms are half body failure or partial numbness, crooked mouth and tongue, and unfavorable speech.

2. Brain-Xintong capsules, derived from the famous doctor Wang Qingren of the Qing Dynasty, "Medical Forest Correction Error" replenishes yang and five soups, which has the effect of invigorating qi and activating blood and dissolving stasis and circulation. Fang Zhong reuses astragalus as a monarchical medicine, greatly replenishes the qi of the spleen and lungs, and gives full play to the function of qi that can do blood, blood intake and blood generation, blood must not be inactive, qi must not be blood, so that qi is strong and promotes the orderly operation of blood. With medicinal properties that are good and have active meridians, the insect drugs leech, earth dragon, and whole scorpion are the medicine. In addition, with their own characteristics of blood nourishing and activating blood, stasis tongluo medicine angelica, Chuanxiong, danshen, myrrh, safflower, peach kernel, red peony, frankincense as adjuvants; Chicken blood vine, laurel branch, mulberry branch, ox knee as medicine.

The all-round blood activating medicine and the tongxi medicine are combined, which not only promotes blood stasis, but also helps the meridians to flow smoothly; Dispel stasis and nourish blood together, live blood without the worry of consuming qi and hurting blood; The downward movement of ox knee blood drawing and the upward trend of Chuanxiong medicine are complementary, one liter and one fall, and the rise and fall are constant; All kinds of medicine or to correct the righteousness, or to practice qi, or to channel the veins, are intended to speed up the blood stasis, and the rapid recovery of the right qi, all of which are both cures.

Clinically used for: qi deficiency and blood stagnation, meridians in stroke caused by vein stasis, half-body failure, limb numbness, mouth and eye skew, strong tongue and chest palsy, heart pain, chest tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath; Cerebral infarction, coronary heart disease angina pectoris are the above symptoms.

3. Compound danshen drop pills, composed of danshen, Panax notoginseng and ice chips. It has the effect of activating blood circulation and removing stasis, regulating qi and relieving pain. Among them, danshen extract has anti-peroxidative damage, protects myocardium, improves myocardial energy metabolism, and anti-platelet aggregation. Panax notoginseng extract has anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, inhibition of lipid deposition, and antiplatelet aggregation. There is a synergistic and complementary effect after the combination of danshen and Panax notoginseng. As an adjuvant, ice chips can promote the entry of the active ingredients of Danshen Panax notoginseng into the body and tissues and organs, and have coronary artery dilation and analgesic effects.

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that compound danshen drop pills can resist oxidation, anti-inflammatory, protect vascular endothelial function, inhibit atheroplaque formation and endometrial hyperplasia; Reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, improve energy metabolism, protect cardiomyocytes; Inhibits the adhesion and aggregation of platelets. Improve microvascular circulation, have good preventive and therapeutic effects on ischemia-reperfusion injury and microcirculation disorders caused by other causes.

Clinically used for: long-term combination therapy based on standardized treatment of patients with angina pectoris with coronary heart disease. It is evidence of chest paralysis caused by Qi stasis and blood stasis, and the symptoms are chest tightness and tingling in the precordial area. It is also suitable for the treatment of intolerance of nitrates, low platelet responsiveness when taking aspirin or clopidogrel, decreased exercise tolerance, perioperative PCI and asymptomatic myocardial ischemia, and syndrome X.

4, Musk Baoxin pill, derived from the Song Dynasty name Fang Suhe Xiang Pill,

It has the effect of aromatic warmth, invigorating qi and strengthening the heart. Artificial musk is the medicine, ginseng and su incense are the medicine, bezoar, toad crisp, cinnamon are the adjuvants, and ice chips are the medicine. The whole side is used together with temperature and cold, mainly warm, supplemented by supplement, and tonic and applied, all of which act on the heart pulse to play the function of aromatic warmth, qi and strengthening.

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that Musk Baoxin Pill has the characteristics of multi-component, multi-target and synergistic effect. The clear effect on cardiovascular is to expand coronary arteries, improve vascular endothelial function, inhibit vascular wall inflammation, and promote therapeutic angiogenesis.

Clinically used for: chest paralysis caused by Qi stasis and blood stasis, the symptoms are pain and fixation in the precordial area; Angina pectoris and myocardial infarction caused by myocardial ischemia are seen in the above symptoms.

5. Qianqiang Heart Capsule takes Yiwen Yang as the foundation of strengthening the heart, and has the effect of activating blood circulation, water and reducing swelling, and has the advantages of multi-component and multi-target overall regulation. Astragalus can replenish qi, stop perspiration, diuresis, and remove edema; It can relieve edema of the limbs, diarrhea and asthma; Shanga Piri water reduces swelling, strengthens muscles and bones, tonifies kidneys and essence; Reducing swelling, moisture, heat release; Aconite warm yang dispels cold, tonifies kidney and helps yang, and saves Yuanyang; Guizhi warms the meridians and helps to promote yang and dissolve qi; Safflower invigorates blood circulation, reduces swelling and relieves pain; Danshen invigorates blood and dispels stasis, regulates menstruation and relieves pain, nourishes blood and calms the spirit; Jade bamboo nourishes yin and dryness, nourishes and quenches thirst; Tangerine peel strengthens the spleen and appetizes, dampens phlegm; Ginseng replenishes vitality, strengthens the spleen and lungs, calms the mind and intellect.

Clinically used for: mild and moderate congestive heart failure caused by coronary heart disease and hypertension, evidence of yang deficiency, cessation of stasis, symptoms of palpitation and shortness of breath, aggravation of movement, inability to lie flat at night, lower limb edema, fatigue and fatigue, short urine, blue lips, cold extremities, coughing up thin white phlegm. #好内容我来评 #

5 proprietary Chinese medicines commonly used for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: 1. Tongxinluo capsules are based on the traditional treatment method of invigorating qi and activating blood, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine network disease, to channel spicy fragrance, dissolve stasis and benefit
5 proprietary Chinese medicines commonly used for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: 1. Tongxinluo capsules are based on the traditional treatment method of invigorating qi and activating blood, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine network disease, to channel spicy fragrance, dissolve stasis and benefit
5 proprietary Chinese medicines commonly used for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: 1. Tongxinluo capsules are based on the traditional treatment method of invigorating qi and activating blood, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine network disease, to channel spicy fragrance, dissolve stasis and benefit
5 proprietary Chinese medicines commonly used for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: 1. Tongxinluo capsules are based on the traditional treatment method of invigorating qi and activating blood, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine network disease, to channel spicy fragrance, dissolve stasis and benefit
5 proprietary Chinese medicines commonly used for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: 1. Tongxinluo capsules are based on the traditional treatment method of invigorating qi and activating blood, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine network disease, to channel spicy fragrance, dissolve stasis and benefit
5 proprietary Chinese medicines commonly used for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: 1. Tongxinluo capsules are based on the traditional treatment method of invigorating qi and activating blood, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine network disease, to channel spicy fragrance, dissolve stasis and benefit
5 proprietary Chinese medicines commonly used for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: 1. Tongxinluo capsules are based on the traditional treatment method of invigorating qi and activating blood, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine network disease, to channel spicy fragrance, dissolve stasis and benefit
5 proprietary Chinese medicines commonly used for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: 1. Tongxinluo capsules are based on the traditional treatment method of invigorating qi and activating blood, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine network disease, to channel spicy fragrance, dissolve stasis and benefit
5 proprietary Chinese medicines commonly used for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: 1. Tongxinluo capsules are based on the traditional treatment method of invigorating qi and activating blood, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine network disease, to channel spicy fragrance, dissolve stasis and benefit

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