
Jiuzi Shengjing Pill [Source] Wang Guangjian, New Chinese Medicine (10) 1990 [Composition] Goji berries, silk seeds, raspberries, schisandra, psyllium, leek seeds, female virgins

author:TCM andrology Yang Zhenhui

Nine Sons Raw Essence Pills

[Source] Wang Guangjian, New Chinese Medicine (10), 1990

【Composition】 Goji berries, silkworm seeds, raspberries, schisandra, psyllium, leek seeds, privets, mulberry seeds, sage seeds.

【Usage】The medicine is studied very finely, and the honey is refined into pills, and each pill weighs 9 grams.

Take 1 gram each time, at midnight every day, and take the medicine light salt soup for the second time.

3 months is 1 course of treatment.

【Function】Yin and yang and tonic, biochemical kidney essence.

【Solution】 Kidney essence, true yin and true yang, kidney deficiency, its pathological changes are not yang deficiency, that is, yin deficit.

Warm kidney to help yang, benefit the kidney and nourish the yin, for its Dafa, the kidney genus Ren Decan is water dirty, should be moist and not dry, should be warm and not dry, supplement and not stagnant, moist and not greasy, nourish yin and yang products.

Jiuzi is juicy, flat and moist, and contains the qi of life.

Goji berries, silkworm seeds, raspberries, leek seeds to warm the kidney yin to help sperm motility; Female virgins, mulberry seeds, and sage seeds nourish the kidneys and yang to fill the sperm material basis:

Schizandra solid kidney essence, has the meaning of nourishing and replenishing sharpening; Psyllium vents a fire in the kidneys to prevent the drawbacks of yang dryness.

The whole yin and yang complement and biochemistry are infinite.

When the lower sun is shen unitary gold qi is strong, gold can produce water; In the middle of the night, when the water and gas of Haizi are strong, the medicine is administered at this second hour, and the medicinal gas is more effective with the help of jingqi.

Obey the Inner Scriptures and wait for the time, its qi and the purpose of the period.

The medicine 9 flavors, also take the number of heavens and earth in the "Inner Classic", starting from one, and finally the purpose of the nine yan.

【Indications】Idiopathic oligospermia.

The symptoms are congenital deficiencies or acquired disorders.

Mental fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, forgetfulness, or no self-conscious symptoms.

【Efficacy】Treated 210 cases, cured (the total number of sperm is greater than 40 million, sperm density, sperm per milliliter of semen is greater than 20 million, conscious symptoms disappear) 175 cases (accounting for 83.3%); Improvement (although the total sperm count and sperm density increased, but did not reach the normal indicators, the conscious symptoms partially disappeared) 29 cases (accounting for 13.8%); Six invalid cases (2.9%).

The total effective rate was 91.1%.

The longest 4 courses, the shortest 1 course, the average course of 1.5 treatments #Men's Health ##我要上 Headlines ## Impotence Premature Ejaculation #.

Jiuzi Shengjing Pill [Source] Wang Guangjian, New Chinese Medicine (10) 1990 [Composition] Goji berries, silk seeds, raspberries, schisandra, psyllium, leek seeds, female virgins
Jiuzi Shengjing Pill [Source] Wang Guangjian, New Chinese Medicine (10) 1990 [Composition] Goji berries, silk seeds, raspberries, schisandra, psyllium, leek seeds, female virgins
Jiuzi Shengjing Pill [Source] Wang Guangjian, New Chinese Medicine (10) 1990 [Composition] Goji berries, silk seeds, raspberries, schisandra, psyllium, leek seeds, female virgins

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