
Jurassic World 3 takes place 4 years after the destruction of Nubra Island, where dinosaurs and humans coexist while hunting for food. This delicate balance is about to be reshaped

author:Handsome melon friend
{"info":{"title":{"content":"《侏罗纪世界3》的故事发生在努布拉岛被毁灭的4年之后,恐龙和人类共同生存,同时也在捕猎食物。这个微妙的平衡即将重新塑造未","en":"Jurassic World 3 takes place 4 years after the destruction of Nubra Island, where dinosaurs and humans coexist while hunting for food. This delicate balance is about to be reshaped"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}

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