
#SummerTimer # Like the Jurassic series, and certainly can't miss "Jurassic World 3" released this summer. After watching it, the special effects are quite good, but the plot

author:Ministry observation and recording

#夏日鉴片官 #

If you like the Jurassic series, you certainly can't miss Jurassic World 3, which was released this summer. After watching it, the special effects are quite good, but the plot is like a hodgepodge.

First of all, there are too many clues, one moment the mutant locust, the other moment the dinosaur, and the time limit, can not be unfolded, both lines appear sloppy, superficial, tiger-headed. It is better to make a line clear.

Before "Jurassic Park 3" did a good job, a single clue ———— rescue the little boy, the head and tail are clear, the twists and turns, compact and good-looking, spinosaurus killed the Tyrannosaurus rex and unexpected, although the episode of dinosaurs is not much, the special effects scene is not as large, realistic and wonderful as the back, but that episode is really good.

Second, there are too many characters in the scene, almost all the characters in the previous play have come out, due to time constraints, everyone's role cannot be too much, so the impression left on the audience will not be too deep.

However, the black sister who flew the plane to deliver the goods was very brilliant, and she was also good and evil, athletic, daring, daring, and careful, which left an impression, especially the part where she and Star Lord fought on the surface of the frozen lake and the dragon robber, which was very exciting.

Third, there are too many dinosaurs on the scene, and people are dazzled to see it, and they can't tell the difference. However, there are also those that make a deep impression, such as the Sickle Dragon and the Fire Thief Dragon. Personally, I think that sickle dragon is very scary, that pair of super long sharp claws, comparable to a killing machine, and funny, it is actually grazing! As soon as it appeared, it slapped a deer with one slap, and just when everyone thought it was going to eat the deer, it looked down and ate the grass. A pair of large claws grew white.

The Fire Robber Dragon was shocked as soon as it appeared, with fiery red feathers all over its body, fierce appearance, huge size, agile movements, and what was even more terrifying was that this guy could fly and swim again, extremely fast, strong in attack, and what was even more terrifying was that this guy had a low IQ, knew how to scrape the ice, let the two fall into the lake, and deal with them in the water. This episode would have been more exciting if the other soy sauce-beaten dinosaurs had been deleted, leaving only the Sickle Dragon and the Fire Thief Dragon, and finally letting the Tyrannosaurus Rex duel with them.

Fourth, the Tyrannosaurus Rex that can always win. This Tyrannosaurus rex is not young, right? "Jurassic Park 1" it appeared, and until now, it still dominates the world, and whoever challenges its authority will be ruthlessly defeated by it. It's just that as it gets older, it needs helpers, last time it was Blue and Canglong, this time it was Sickle Dragon. What about next time? Expect.

#SummerTimer # Like the Jurassic series, and certainly can't miss "Jurassic World 3" released this summer. After watching it, the special effects are quite good, but the plot
#SummerTimer # Like the Jurassic series, and certainly can't miss "Jurassic World 3" released this summer. After watching it, the special effects are quite good, but the plot
#SummerTimer # Like the Jurassic series, and certainly can't miss "Jurassic World 3" released this summer. After watching it, the special effects are quite good, but the plot

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