
Maybe scrapping one person's seven bad habits, how many have you hit?

Maybe scrapping one person's seven bad habits, how many have you hit?

01 Comforting self-deception

Every time I fail, I always comfort myself that it's okay, I didn't do it because I didn't despise complicity, or I didn't want to be too strong, I didn't want to offend people, because I was too upright, too kind, or too emotional.

If I put all this aside, I can definitely succeed, and if I try hard, even I am afraid!

We always use this Q-like spiritual victory method to comfort and deceive ourselves, so as to avoid and cover up the fact that we are incompetent, or unwilling to work hard and hard.

Maybe scrapping one person's seven bad habits, how many have you hit?

02 Lack of patience, impetuousness in doing things, and quick success

I want to see results right away when I do everything.

The first day of weight loss wants to see weight loss immediately, the first time I work out, I want to practice the vest line, and the first run I want to run ten kilometers.

After only reading two books, I felt that I was already full of economy, learned five cars, and only eight buckets high.

I only held hands once, and I thought about getting up together tomorrow.

We always think too much and do too little.

The result is often that we make decisions quickly, but give up faster.

Maybe scrapping one person's seven bad habits, how many have you hit?

03 Can't tell the priority and priority of things

When faced with major decisions in life, it is often easy to make decisions, such as what kind of job to choose, who to marry, whether to have children, when to have children...

But in some insignificant things, it is hesitant and tangled, such as whether to eat rice or noodles at noon today, whether the dress is white or black, whether to buy apples or watermelons...

Maybe scrapping one person's seven bad habits, how many have you hit?

04 Conformist, lack of adventurous spirit

Don't dare to try new things, afraid that you can't do well and be ridiculed by others.

Stay in the comfort zone that you are familiar with and used to, even if you are very passive and uncomfortable, you dare not take a step.

So indulge in short-term pleasure, pursue instant pleasure and satisfaction, and consume their fighting spirit and passion in entertainment programs without quality and nutrition.

Maybe scrapping one person's seven bad habits, how many have you hit?

05 Habitually waiting to be saved

I don't make forms, I don't want to learn, but I wait to ask my colleagues every time.

Will not plan and manage money, when there is money unrestrained, extravagant, the money is spent, and have to whisper, ask for people, or swiping credit cards, flowers and borrowing, and finally fall into the consumption trap set by capital, embattled, high debts.

Every time I encountered difficulties, I didn't want to find a way to solve it myself, and I got used to reaching out and waiting for others to be pitiful and saved.

Maybe scrapping one person's seven bad habits, how many have you hit?

06 Life is irregular

When it's time to get up and do things, you're asleep; when it's time to go to bed, you're still playing games and videos.

When it's time to eat, you're working overtime; when it's time to go to work, you want to eat.

The world is fair, and if you're messing around at the time of your effort, then at the age when you're enjoying life, you're going to have to keep running for three meals a day.

Maybe scrapping one person's seven bad habits, how many have you hit?

07 Procrastination

Because of laziness, because of the greed for pleasure and comfort, so doing things is always sloppy, procrastinating, not seeing the coffin without shedding tears, not burning eyebrows, not to the last moment, do not want to take the initiative to complete the work they should do.

Doing things in such a perfunctory and impromptu manner can be imagined.

Life is short, don't let the person who loves you wait too long, and don't let the person who laughs at you laugh too long.

Maybe scrapping one person's seven bad habits, how many have you hit?

Yan Whisper", using warm words, record the progress and growth of life.

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