
If you want to make parenting easy, try the "spoiled" parenting method

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The days of "feeding" children are over.

Parents who have provided for their children have paid a terrible price.

Compared with the generation of their parents, today's young people have a wide range of knowledge and pay more attention to scientific parenting, so such a low-level mistake is not easy to make.

This year's parents are popular for "spoiled parenting"

Yesterday, when I was playing with the baby in the garden in the center of the community, there was a little boy who hit his mother's leg with a small fist because of a small problem, and the mother's behavior caused a burst of laughter.

The mother exaggerated a shout, waved the little boy a few times, of course, the mother did not use much strength, while hitting while saying: "Why do you hit the mother, you hit the mother, the mother does not hurt?" You hit your mom, and your mom hits you! ”

The little boy stopped and waved his little fist, and even began to ask his mother for warmth: "Mom, do you hurt?" I don't hit you anymore, don't you cry! ”

This little boy's name is Pippi, Pippi's mother said that when she is at home, she will not let her son, the son is unreasonable, she will also make unreasonable trouble.

In this way, the child becomes very obedient, able to control his emotions, and has a strong independence.

Phi Phi's mother uses the "spoiled" method of parenting.

This year's young moms are very good at using this method.

Before seeing a mother and a child pulling each other's hair from the Internet, the picture is very funny, after laughing, I have to give my mother a thumbs up, although it is a game, this is also telling the child, you don't make unreasonable trouble, don't do incorrect behavior, because even your mother will not tolerate your behavior.

Compared with the "big package", unconditionally paying and accepting the child, this parenting method is simply clever.

What is a spoiled parenting method?

As the name suggests, the mother in turn plays with her son, asks the child for help, and shows weakness to the child.

Mothers will find that when the mother shows weakness, the child's thinking suddenly opens, the concentration suddenly increases, and the problems that could not be solved before can now be solved.

This is really a good parenting method, the mother with the child has become a lot easier, the child has become a lot more independent, the purpose of parenting has been achieved, but the mother has saved a lot of effort.

When it comes to the originator of "spoiled parenting", we must mention Huo Siyan, this woman deserves to have a good husband and a wonderful son, because she really has her own way to deal with the boys in the family.

Before Huo Siyan took Hum on the variety show, the details of getting along with her son were often taken out by others to do case analysis, when she got along with her son, she always put her posture to a very low level, liked to find her son to help, liked to show weakness with her son, and her son became very independent, and many problems could be solved by herself.

This is definitely not a show, once Hum was asked what to do after making money, he said to buy diamonds for his mother, buy shoes, buy bags...

This son knows the old woman's preferences too well, and he can also see that the process of mother and son's daily relationship is full of warmth, and the son's independence in front of his mother cannot be pretended.

If the child is ultimately independent, it is better to be early than a little later

I have seen a domineering speech of a "fang sister" in Beijing on the Internet before: I am used to my son, it doesn't matter if the child is abandoned, I raise him for a lifetime.

This "house sister" has this strength, it is said that there are more than 40 houses, and it is indeed enough to buy a few sets to raise a son.

It's just a pity that many ordinary people, without this strength, are still accustomed to children, children when they are young unconditionally meet children, after the children grow up, when others are independent, only their own children are still "nibbling on the old", at this time parents can not accept, in turn, scolding children is a bereaved star, thinking that children are with their parents to ask for their lives.

Everything has a cause and effect, especially when it comes to educating children, and what kind of fruit you plant will get.

If the child finally wants to leave the protection of his parents and survive independently in society, then it is better to let the child learn to be independent earlier, and let the child master the independent skills first, in order to improve the ability to survive in the basic skills.

What kind of child looks naturally independent? Those children who have no one to take care of, they can only live independently, such children are born to face everything on their own, or the environment creates people.

The protection of parents is the biggest obstacle to children's independence, but parents love their children, this is natural, how can we love children at the same time, but also let children learn to be independent?

Parents' weakness and pampering are all good methods.

Parents show weakness, children can only find ways to solve problems on their own, mothers are spoiled, and children must make themselves look stronger.

Occasionally using such a method does not have much effect, if this method of parenting is carried through throughout, guide the child to develop good habits, the child has obtained independent skills from life, unconsciously, the child is really independent.

As a parent of the younger generation, the parenting method of the older generation must not be followed, and the new generation of parenting methods may wish to try it, and in the process of child growth, fine-tuning, find the most suitable method for the growth of their children.

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