
Why did Confucius praise Yan Hui for being "studious" but not "smart"?

Friends in the circle of friends lamented "life is short", I know, this guy is about to be isolated and depressed.

The reason why people are depressed is from a philosophical point of view (pretending that I am a philosopher), one is that the length of life is limited, and the other is that it is unable to expand the breadth of life.

Or expand the length of life, engage in depth, anyway, come to Japan for a long time, everything can be taken slowly, it is not easy to be depressed.

Childhood is more or less like this, the rich man of time, full of indifference, so not depressed.

Or expand the breadth of life, also live for decades, tens of thousands of days, with a two-fold life, a double realm, the days are much wider, the mentality will be much wider.

(It's not a dual personality.)

Expanding the length of life indefinitely is obviously impossible. Qin Shi Huang was so capable, he was not deceived by a few alchemists. I agree with good health, but health is not a panacea.

Why did Confucius praise Yan Hui for being "studious" but not "smart"?

The best way to do this is to expand the breadth of life.

In the three Confucian Taoist schools, The Taoists belong to the typical "length type" players, who are tireless in the development of the length of life, and even if they die, they must become immortals.

Buddhism is a bit like Taoism, but it's different, valuing both length – so you want to become a Buddha , and you attach importance to width , so you can be a Buddha everywhere.

For example, the first to be introduced to China was Hinayana Buddhism, which attached importance to self-transit, and later Mahayana Buddhism, which paid more attention to crossing people and sentient beings. The width of the latter has obviously expanded a lot.

Confucians do not have much illusion about attaining enlightenment, and since the times in which they live cannot scientifically explain some phenomena, Confucius's approach is to simply avoid talking about them -- the son does not speak strangely and chaotically.

So it's very realistic and cruel, after all, it is equivalent to acknowledging that life is limited and there is no reincarnation.

Then, Confucianism can only exert force on the breadth of life. And this magic weapon of force is one word: learning.

If you use one word each to summarize the essence of the three schools, Buddhism is "enlightenment", Taoism is "Tao", and Confucianism may be "learning".

Of course, there is also a "benevolence" word, which can better summarize the essence of Confucianism. But "ren" belongs to the matter after entering the Confucian living room, "learning" at the gate, not "learning", it is difficult to enter the level of "ren".

Why did Confucius praise Yan Hui for being "studious" but not "smart"?

In the Analects, the first sentence confucius said was about learning, and the first word was "learning": learning and learning from time to time, don't you also say?

Praising his best disciple Yan Hui, Confucius's evaluation was also "plain": eager to learn.

Suddenly, I found that this is very scientific.

Because Western (and Western) research shows that praise a child, not praise him for his intelligence, but praise his efforts.

It's a matter of skill.

Psychologists have done experiments in which students are divided into two groups, doing the same problems, and testing them. After the first exam, the experts said different things to the students.

For the first group, praise them for being smart, you guys are all smart and have good grades.

The second group praises their efforts, you are all very hard, very persistent, next time will be better!

The second group is easy to think about: I can't do it yet, and I need to continue to work hard.

Then take the second exam. In this exam, two groups of students were allowed to choose topics of different difficulty, and it was found that most of the students who were praised for being "smart" chose topics with low difficulty; and the students who were praised for "hard work" chose more difficult questions.

Why did Confucius praise Yan Hui for being "studious" but not "smart"?

The advice of experts is: praise his efforts and value his process; don't praise his intelligence, don't value the results.

Confucius is like this! Praise Yan Hui, "eager to learn". He works hard, smart or not smart; just mention his efforts, he will be more diligent.

Well, in the cry of "residents go downstairs to do nucleic acid", I wrote it very hard, goodbye.

Gao Jinguo, senior editor, is the author of 26 books, including "Good Parents Raise Good Children - 35 Educational Thinking Lessons for Parents", "Interesting Chinese History for Children (12 volumes)", "Stories of Teenagers Reading History (3 volumes)", "Life is a Practice", "The Layer of Window Paper of the Tang Dynasty", "Those Things in the State of Qi" and so on.

One point number is high

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