
Teacher Li's soul torture of elite parents

"Spend" Parent Academy Learning Sharing:

I just listened to a Q&A recording of Teacher Li, which is particularly wonderful and very instructive for most parents.

Last year, when I was in the hospital with my daughter, I saw a seventeen-year-old boy with depression whose parents were both university professors. At a parent counseling group event held at the hospital, the father choked up and said that he was particularly happy today because his son finally promised that he would never beat him again.

Think about it, a university professor, alive and well, has fallen to such a point. The road of life, which step is wrong?

At the same time, there are also many parents in the group who have successful careers, achievements and fame, and quite strong social functions.

Because children with mental illness, everyone, as illiterates in psychology, gathered together in the same group, eagerly replenishing the knowledge of raising children, hoping to find a bright path.

The following is based on Teacher Li's Q&A voice:

"I want you to have some strength, you are a highly educated, high-energy person, you are such a capable person, why should you be anxious for the sake of children?"

You see, no matter how good your life is, no matter how good the conditions, no matter how high your education, you still can't control your anxiety.

Your anxiety is to hope that the child meets your requirements and expectations, which is unattainable, so it is doomed to your anxiety.

So, what is the point of your high education and your good life? Because you still live so anxiously.

Some people don't have as good a life as you, but they are comfortable.

Isn't it necessary for people to live to be psychologically comfortable and balanced?

Your psychology has always been unbalanced, so where is your wonderful life?

What you show your child is: despite your hard work and ability, the family life is doing well, big house, big car, so what? You still live so anxiously! What has your life brought you? It does not help you achieve spiritual stability and stability. What do you show your child? It's endless anxiety!

So, you can't give yourself a go, this is allowed, this is okay, but that's your own business, what does it have to do with the child?

You can have a little idea of life, meet good people, and start a good family. Your family is very good, why are children living so unhappy? Why doesn't the child have the joy of his age? What have you done for your children? What has been done?

Although you gave him a good life, you did not give him a sense of security. You give him good financial conditions, but you don't give him a sense of belonging.

If they all live like you, what's the point? Just to destroy the next generation?

Just because you have a high degree and high goals, do your children have high goals from the beginning? Can't you just surpass you and let the child choose the life he wants?

What you say and do yourself does not make the child feel that he has lived a good life through hard work.

When you meet a good person, you must have a rich and stable heart. But you didn't. You pay lip service to saying that you can choose your own life instead of being chosen by life. Yes, but you are biased and choose anxiety. Why should you be anxious? If you want to have a good child, it is the good you want, but the child cannot satisfy your good. If you say you have to have children well, you can be happy. That's sorry, it's impossible. So where do you choose the life you can choose?

Every child has to be like you, surpass you, and hope that they will live the good life you want, so what if it is not as good as your hopes? You're a mess, so where is your success?

What is "Parents love their children for a long time?" This means that no matter what state the child is in, what kind of situation he is in, as a parent, you can go to the bottom and give him a guide. As a result, what do you think you are afraid of? What if the child doesn't even have the first Chinese? What to do? You're already too anxious to do it.

Your so-called "far-reaching plan" is just to ask the child to go all the way to the black, and I have arranged it for you. So what if you can't go on?

When you go out, you must also prepare several plans at the same time. In case you can't go up, you can also take the cable car. So where is the cable car you prepared?

Some children naturally love to learn, and some children are not learning material. You demand that children must change their destiny through learning to live a good life. It shows that you still don't have enough courage and confidence.

Haven't you met a good husband now? Are you satisfied? You don't. You have a good husband, and you want a good child. With a good child, you also want a better child. Is the world revolving around you?

You must first live out a steady sense of stability and happiness in life.

The fact that you live in a hurry and panic shows that a decent life on the surface does not bring you inner prosperity, stability, stability, and happiness.

The really good life is that your inner energy is abundant, that you are fearless, that soldiers will come to block, and that water will come to cover.

Isn't the so-called good life, the spiritual life, compared with others?

Your biggest lack is that you lack the strength to believe, you don't trust others, you only believe in yourself, you think that every child has to go the same way as you. So you can't enjoy the good life of the moment, you are extremely anxious and panicked, you are constantly grabbing outwards, constantly controlling.

Is success just your quantitative accumulation? Isn't there a qualitative leap forward? Then no amount of accumulation will help you, it will only accumulate more of your anxiety. ”

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