
Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 Analysis of peony posture painting methods in various environments

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Learn the general painting method of peony to expand the creative idea, and use several special methods to paint peony below, so as to give peony a new meaning.

Peony in the wind

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 Analysis of peony posture painting methods in various environments

This is a peony in the wind. When painting, be sure to grasp the characteristics of peonies in the wind. The wind blows from the left, the petals on the left side of the peony flower head are tightly closed and closer to the center, and the petals on the right are slightly exaggerated, elongated and opened, creating a sense of movement of the wind. The leaves, like the branches, are spread out to the right, which adds to the feeling of the wind. Be good at using certain visual elements on the still picture to create a special visual effect.

Peony in the fog

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 Analysis of peony posture painting methods in various environments

This painting depicts the feeling of peonies swaying in the fog and fluttering. Peony is divided into three groups, the top of the flower is the main body, painted more realistically, there is a virtual; the bottom group is mainly virtual, the virtual is real, the upper right is a group of full fiction, the real part is less, the virtual place is sometimes to use a small watering can to wet the paper and then draw, so that the peony in the virtual place has more charm, and the leaves in the virtual place should also use this method.

The fog in the painting should be expressed in the blank space, and when composing the picture, we must first consider it well, where to leave the fog, how much to leave, and only when painting can we be confident. The branches and leaves are drawn according to the conventional method, and the leaves in the imaginary places are drawn with very light ink when the paper is still wet. Lao Gan should draw thick and powerful to support the whole picture. Finally, the paper is sprayed wet and a foggy background is drawn to increase the atmosphere of the picture, making it feel like it is in a fairyland.

Peonies in the rain

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 Analysis of peony posture painting methods in various environments

This painting shows the peony in the spring rain, visually pursuing the sense of ink and ink of "vitality dripping and wet", so the use of "water" in this painting is the key to success.

When painting peony flowers, first spray the position of the reserved peony flower head with some water, not too much, half wet and half dry, you can draw the flower head with ochre. Due to the role of rainwater, the petals should sag to have rain, and then use heavy ink to draw the leaves and stones, wait a while, take advantage of the wet watering can to spray some water on the leaves and stones, spray water can be more to let the water flow down, to the paper has traces of flowing water is better.

If the ink color of the picture is flat, you can take advantage of the situation when it is semi-dry and not dry, and then use a slightly thicker ink color to mention it locally, so as to avoid the ink color plate stagnation. After drying, use heavy ink to paint the branches, and the branches must also have a sense of vigorous whiteness. After painting, you can use a line pen dipped in water to brush a little on some branches, so that the ink penetrates outward, there is a rain effect, but do not brush all, to leave a few branches of vigorous old dry, so that there is dry in the wet, forming a contrast. If the feeling of rain is not thick, you can spray the paper surface again, and use a pen to dip the ink on the paper vertically to sweep a few times to make the rain appear more intense.

Peonies in the snow

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 Analysis of peony posture painting methods in various environments

In terms of the creation of this work, it shows the tenacious character of peony fighting cold and resisting wind and snow. Although peonies take full advantage of the spring light and compete for the limelight, they sometimes have to experience the cold tests of early spring such as wind, rain and snow, although the snow is pressed down, they can stand tall and beautiful. Peonies mostly open in the warm spring, but there are also special phenomena of unusual anti-seasonal opening.

In the treatment of this painting, the leaves of the peony are sparser, which coincides with the anti-seasonal characteristics of the peony. Regardless of the flower head, foliage and stone, do not draw the whole, draw the lower half, leave the upper half blank, it is best not to paint snow with white powder. The paper is slightly wet when rendering, and the background is more uniform and natural when dyed. You can leave a strip on the top to spray more water, so that where there is more water, the ink color will be lighter, and the picture will also change, which is not rigid. Do not dye the peonies and leaves and the upper part of the stone, so that there is a feeling of snow. Finally, use a small dish to mix some white powder water and dip your fingers in the white powder to bounce on the paper to produce the effect of snowflakes.

Peonies in backlight

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 Analysis of peony posture painting methods in various environments

This work mainly shows the peony under the backlight of the sunset, although there is no painting of the sun and light in the painting, but it gives people the feeling of the backlight of the sunset.

The peony on the top of this painting is very imaginary and light, but it needs some structure. The peonies below should be more solid in turn, the bottom peony is the most solid, the peony leaves and the upper half of the stone are also painted virtual and light, and the lower half should gradually go from light to deep, the upper side is hazy, and the bottom is real, forming a contrast. After the painting, I want to dye the peony petals with a little bit of zhu zhen and more on the stones, so that I have the feeling of backlight under the sunset.

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