
How long can eggs last in the fridge?

author:My Chef Lai
{"info":{"title":{"content":"鸡蛋放冰箱里,最长能放多久?","en":"How long can eggs last in the fridge?"},"description":{"content":"每隔一段时间,爸妈都会从老家给我们买很多土鸡蛋,在他们心里,会觉得土鸡蛋才更健康。但是每次都带很多鸡蛋,导致一段时间内都...","en":"Every once in a while, my parents will buy us a lot of eggs from my hometown, and in their hearts, they will feel that eggs are healthier. But bringing a lot of eggs every time leads to a period of time..."}},"items":[]}