
After having intercourse, the woman had a massive intra-abdominal hemorrhage, and after being sent to the hospital, the man who accompanied her wanted to ask the doctor to conceal her identity for 100 yuan

{"info":{"title":{"content":"同房后女子腹内大出血,送医后陪同男子欲以百元让医生隐瞒身份","en":"After having intercourse, the woman had a massive intra-abdominal hemorrhage, and after being sent to the hospital, the man who accompanied her wanted to ask the doctor to conceal her identity for 100 yuan"},"description":{"content":"近日在深圳的一所医院内,医生们碰到了一件极其尴尬的事情一名叫做花花的女子在半夜痛苦的捂着肚子在一名男子的搀扶下来到医院急...","en":"Recently, in a hospital in Shenzhen, the doctors encountered an extremely embarrassing thing, a woman named Huahua held her stomach in pain in the middle of the night, and came to the hospital with the help of a man."}},"items":[]}