
Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Xiao Kai uses ink, and the original is also so exquisite!

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The vividness of the rhyme, based on the brushwork, becomes in the ink method, and the weight of the pen can not only produce changes in the rhythm, but also produce changes in the thickness and dryness of the ink, but this change, for the letter, especially for the small kai, is minimal, which is not as strong as the grass, so shocking.

Generally speaking, Xiao Kai should be thicker with ink, should not be too light, too light will hurt the spirit, try to see the ancients as Xiao Kai, there are no people who do not use thick ink, especially the Tang Dynasty wrote the scriptures, the ink color is like lacquer, the spirit is radiant, although after hundreds of years, it is still like the first time to get rid of the hand.


With the method of thick ink, it is not appropriate to ink, when taking the fine oil smoke, the fine product of ink, press and nudge on the stone, do not xu not hurry, push and grind in a clockwise direction, the water injected into the yan pool should not pour too much at once, while injecting and grinding, the thickness of the ink is thick and not stagnant, the ink should be greedy, so the yan pool should be deep, can store ink, the ink color should be fine, so the brick surface should be fine, you can ink, after the ink is polished, you do not have to immediately dip the ink into the book, when wait a moment, make its ink sink, and then take the layer of crystal delicate ink that floats on it, The so-called grinding ink must be luxurious, and the use of ink must be thrifty. Natural essence is embellished, ink light overflowing, ink color is dark, Cham is as childlike as a child's eye, although it exists for hundreds of years and the ink color is unchanged, this method of using ink, not more see the authentic handwriting of the ancients, it is difficult to taste, after writing, Yanchi should be washed, in case of tomorrow's use, it is best not to use su ink.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Xiao Kai uses ink, and the original is also so exquisite!


The pen used to write small letters is appropriate to use hard pens, such as the wolf small letters that can be bought on the market, such as red hair, red beans, or soft and hard seven purples and three sheep, small white clouds, etc., always with jian, Qi, tip, round pen of the four virtues is better.

When writing small letters, the pen should be opened, the method of opening a new pen, first immerse the pen in warm water to let it dissolve naturally, wash off the glue containing millimeters, and then hang it after licking the tip on the waste rice paper, so that it is dry, and then available after the next day, when used, first soak the pen in water, and then turn the pen shaft on the waste paper, wipe it on all sides, and then dip the ink into the book.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Xiao Kai uses ink, and the original is also so exquisite!


When making a small kai, the ink should be dried somewhat, it should not be too abundant, especially written on the shengxuan, the ink art feng is easy to annihilate, if the ink is abundant, it can be slightly wiped on the waste shengxuan, the self-ink is evenly adjusted, the flesh and blood are good, if the foot is opened, because the long pen is soft, it is difficult to control, there is a way to make up, that is, first of all, the pen is soaked in the ink, let it dry naturally, take its sharp part when writing, (one-third) dissolve in clear water, and the pen on the waist and the pen root part of the pen are glued together with the ink, writing, naturally strong, Or take a new pen, not fully open, take the elasticity of its sharp tip, but this method, there is a disadvantage, that is, only open the part, less ink, write once or twice to dip the ink once, it is bound to affect the fluency of the gesture and the speed of writing.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Xiao Kai uses ink, and the original is also so exquisite!


When the pen is dipped in ink as a small letter after opening the foot, it must not be deeply immersed in ink, when the tip of the pen points into the pool, the ink is immersed in the millimeter, and then the pen is quickly taken out of the pool surface, such as the point of water of the pen, a sticky up, the so-called stained pen must be deep, there is a pen whiskers, the ink is not more than three points, the deep infiltration is easy to penetrate, the word mouth is blurred, and the pen power is not easy to be controlled. Shallow pen strength, point painting clear, and ink color is also easy to change.

Writing small Kai, there is ink should also be moist, not too boring, boring is lifeless, the so-called run, as far as the pen power is concerned, the force is round and moist, as far as the ink method is concerned, the plump is moist, the small Kai uses ink, although there is no grass to find a smooth ink color change, but also when drinking ink is greedy, (that is, open foot through) spit black as stingy, rather with a large pen small characters, do not use too small a pen as a small letter.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Xiao Kai uses ink, and the original is also so exquisite!


Chen Jieqi's "Tips for Learning Characters" said: "Small pen writing is not bad, large pen is not bad writing small, can use large pen as a key, can use thick ink, only have strength, small characters can be displayed as the abbot, the abbot must be like a small character." Yao Mengqi's "Yixue Remembrance" also said: "Fly head Kai uses a large pen to write empty, and the momentum is to carry out." "Of course, it is not necessary for you to use a large pen as a small letter, and use a large pen as a small letter, then the pen is used for me, the ink color is naturally moist, and the gesture is naturally developed."

Writing small Kai, the use of ink should also have a thick and dry change, this change, mainly through the rhythm of the pen and naturally expressed, light ink floating and light, heavy is dark and thick, disease is less ink and dry, Xu is ink abundant and moist, squatting is underwater, stationed in the water gathering, get the water, Dun is full of water, these changes, when writing small Kai, only the feeling exists, and the artistic effect it shows is very inconspicuous, the rhythm is rich in changes, and the ink is naturally flexible.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Xiao Kai uses ink, and the original is also so exquisite!


There is also a very advanced realm in Xiao Kai's ink, that is, the ink method of dryness and thickness, dry and moist, according to legend, Yan Zhenqing and Dong Qichang are the best at this method, this kind of penmanship, when the center is the premise, based on the pen strength, backed by momentum, when the pen is full of ink, plus the speed, the friction between the vice and the paper, as well as the performance of the paper and the calm and frustrated pen tone, this kind of thirsty pen, such as dry cracking autumn wind, running with spring rain, the lustrous breath, there is a heavenly magic, especially in the book of Kai.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨 Xiao Kai uses ink, and the original is also so exquisite!

In short, the method of using ink, when based on the use of the pen, with the ink not side out, the force penetrates the back of the paper, for the bookmaker to be superior.

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