
Why are calligraphers afraid to write in letters? Didn't any calligraphers ever write in letters?

Joke! Where is the reason why a calligrapher is afraid to write a letter? Regardless of the calligraphers in China after the Tang Dynasty, which calligrapher did not learn calligraphy from the beginning of the calligraphy? Have it? Arguably, not at all!

As for the calligraphers before the Tang Dynasty, it is difficult to say whether they studied calligraphy from the Script or the Lishu or the Seal Book.

However, italics are a type of calligraphy, and words are written in italics only in certain circumstances.

For example, to copy an official document, to copy a book, and so on.

Why are calligraphers afraid to write in letters? Didn't any calligraphers ever write in letters?

The greatest glory of a life for an outstanding literati in Chinese history to become an official in the imperial court is to participate in the compilation and revision of national history.

In addition to writing, a very crucial work procedure is to copy history books.

A history book, taking the "New Book of Tang" as an example, more than 3 million words, before and after to be copied several times in letters, one person is limited to writing only about two hundred words a day, more is not allowed to write, afraid of writing is not neat.

I like to write letters, this is a good opportunity. What about modern? There is simply no chance of that.

So, if you think about it, what is the use of writing a book other than appreciating it yourself?

Besides, calligraphy is now a lyrical art, not a tool of words.

Why are calligraphers afraid to write in letters? Didn't any calligraphers ever write in letters?

Even the calligraphers of the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties did not like to write letters every day.

Unless you like to write letters. If you look at history, were there any calligraphers famous for their calligraphy after the Song Dynasty?

Why is the calligraphy kicked out of the calligraphy? Because the calligraphy is too unsuitable for the cultivation of personality.

Therefore, after the calligrapher has a certain calligraphy foundation, he learns more about calligraphy and cursive writing. In particular, there are more calligraphies and fewer other calligraphies.

For example, lishu, seal writing, cursive writing and other chapters and so on.

In addition to the calligraphy, it can be said that other calligraphy is written less, rather than only in letters.

Why are calligraphers afraid to write in letters? Didn't any calligraphers ever write in letters?

Now, there is a strange phenomenon: it seems that all calligraphy except for calligraphy is ugly, which is because our calligraphy knowledge is too small.

If all the calligraphy except for the calligraphy is ugly, then the calligraphy before the production of the calligraphy is not called calligraphy?

In addition, in the history of Chinese calligraphy, there is indeed a saying that "calligraphy is the foundation of calligraphy", which is basically nothing wrong in the song system of calligraphy and cursive writing.

However, this statement does not represent the script necessary for all calligraphy foundations.

For example, the seal script is cursive calligraphy, which is produced before the script is not mature. Then, there is calligraphy without calligraphy, so why is it said that calligraphy is the basis of all calligraphy?

Nowadays, our calligraphy is generally not as good as that of the ancients, and the reason is that many aspects are not caused by the fact that few people write it.

Why are calligraphers afraid to write in letters? Didn't any calligraphers ever write in letters?

Can writing calligraphy prove that the art of calligraphy is high? Some people have written calligraphy for a lifetime, and it is not necessarily good to write cursively, so good calligraphy does not mean that other calligraphy is good.

If someone is interested in the creation of calligraphy, it is best to cheer up and write good works, and society will not ignore your claims and achievements because you write calligraphy.

Today is an era of calligraphy with a hundred flowers. It was also an era of pure calligraphy art. The times need good art, including, of course, the art of calligraphy.

Why are calligraphers afraid to write in letters? Didn't any calligraphers ever write in letters?

However, it is best not to write like Nita. There are too many criticisms, not that people are jealous of Ertian, but that he violates the basic aesthetic common sense of calligraphy.

If there is no violation of the basic common sense of calligraphy, the personal problem of liking or dislike will not be a social problem.

For example, Ertian's concept of calligraphy education has serious problems, and the students he teaches are exactly the same as his writing, which seriously distorts the comprehensiveness of calligraphy dissemination.

Therefore, many people who study Ertian calligraphy will say that if they can't write calligraphy, they don't understand calligraphy. There is no such fallacy in Chinese history. Nita's students were convinced.

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