
Children's emotions are not terrible, and it is most important to control emotions!

For children in the lower grades, there are often some emotional problems, for example, separated from good friends, do not like the new table, do not want to complete so much homework, etc., they often feel unhappy or aggrieved because of these things, but after talking to their parents, parents do not understand these emotions, think it is a very small thing, every child is like this, adapt to it. Even impatiently say to the child: "There is nothing to cry about such a small matter, why don't others cry, just cry every day." Sometimes parents will also say to their children: "Mom wants you to be happy and carefree forever, so smile every day." This tells the child to smile, happy is a good emotion, and anger, anger, grievance are all bad emotions.

Children's emotions are not terrible, and it is most important to control emotions!

In fact, emotions themselves are not good or bad, negative emotions and positive emotions have their own functions for people. Like what:

Fear: Because of the fear of failing the test, the child will review desperately. Fear is actually an emotional response to danger, and he is reminding you to be careful what happens next.

Sadness: Grief can cause a series of changes in the brain, making a person's memory more profound, making the ability to collect information stronger, and people are more likely to empathize with others in a sad state.

Anger: Anger is a very intense emotion, but properly release the anger in the body, reasonably express their aggression, feel their own strength, and easily appreciate their own sense of existence, so this emotion is also indispensable.

Since emotions have their own functions, why do we always emphasize the need to adjust emotions? Because the duration of each emotion is different, if there is no control intervention, the sad emotion can last for 120 hours, and the angry emotion will last at least two hours. Long-term negative emotions can also bring trouble to children's learning life. Therefore, it is also very important to help children adjust their emotions in a timely manner.

First of all, you can let the child learn to recognize emotions. Most children only know the simple emotions of "angry" and "happy", so adults should guide children to understand the difference between "unhappy, angry, angry, angry" and so on. These emotions can also be graded according to the child's feelings. When the emotion is strong enough to exceed a certain score, it is necessary to start trying to regulate the emotion, of course, some negative emotions do not wait until he erupts to adjust, but intervene when he has just begun to sprout, so that it is easier to control the emotion.

Children's emotions are not terrible, and it is most important to control emotions!

Parents can also help their children find a way to adjust their emotions that are suitable for him, and can use a variety of methods such as exercise, listening to music, drawing, adjusting breathing, etc. to distract their attention, thereby reducing the possibility of emotional outbursts. When you find a suitable method, you can help your child make an "emotional management table", sometimes the method sounds very simple, but when we need to regulate emotions, it is often the moment when we are least able to think and judge. At this time, if the child sees this emotional management sheet, he can quickly find a way.

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