
World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

World Book Day


World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

Stills from the movie "The Chronicle of the Boat"

Spring is the time to read.

On April 23, it's our annual World Book Day.

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

Movie "Notting Hill"

A lot of stories start with books

April 23 is the day of the death of the Spanish literary magnate Cervantes and the feast of Saint George, a popular festival in Catalonia. In fact, this day is also the anniversary of the birth and death of Shakespeare, and the birthday of many writers such as american writer Nabokov, French writer Maurice De Rouen, Icelandic Nobel Prize winner Laksnes and many other writers. So it seems "rightly so" that this day became a global book day.

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

Maugham once said that "reading is a shelter to carry", and in the current era of the epidemic, each of us is facing unprecedented challenges and pressures. But fortunately, we still have books, and we can choose a book after a tired day and go to our own shelter.

"Moonlight Falls on the Left Hand"

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

"If I had sent you a book, I would not have sent you poetry, but I would have given you a book about plants, about crops that tell you the difference between rice and weeds, about a weedy spring."

Spring is to read poetry.

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together


The book contains 251 poems by Yu Xiuhua, whose poems tell her about her love, loneliness, loneliness, and daily life. The language is simple, like chatting with people, telling a story. It's like talking to yourself, always inadvertently giving people an unexpected shock. The short lines of poetry are profound and long, and they are not tired of reading. Read her poems, feel her sincerity together, feel her love for life, feel her vision of love...

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

This spring, the poet Yu Xiuhua also fell in love

"When You Fly Like a Bird to Your Mountain"

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

"After that moment, none of the decisions I made were any longer decisions she would have made. They are choices made by a makeover person, a whole new self. You can call this self in many terms: transformation, metamorphosis, hypocrisy, betrayal. And I call it: education. ”

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

Authors Tara Westover and Bill Gates

The author, Tara Westover, who never went to school until the age of seventeen, graduated from Brigham Young University through self-study and received a master's degree in philosophy from the University of Cambridge in 2009. In 2010, he received a scholarship to visit Harvard University. He received his PhD in History from the University of Cambridge in 2014. And her parents, who were devout Mormons who didn't allow her to go to school, didn't allow her to seek medical care, and her childhood was made of scrap copper and rotten iron from the junkyard, how did she fight against her dictatorial father? How to balance the two worlds at home and school? How to find yourself? In this book, you can find the answer.

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

Movie "Bouquet of Love"

A room that belongs only to you

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

This book is the classic work of the stream-of-consciousness writer Woolf, she tells about the dilemma of women's survival, the prejudice of history against women, the common fate faced by women and the impact of women's poverty on their creation; it proposes that women should recognize their own situation, actively strive for independent economic power and social status, think independently, live freely, give play to women's greatest advantages, and achieve self-achievement.

"There is a highly developed creativity in women, born complex and powerful... Their creativity is very different from that of men. This power, which has been bought with centuries of harsh restraint, is irreplaceable, and if it is contained or wasted, it is an absolute pity. ”

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together
World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

Movie "Bookstore"

When the Stars Of Humanity Shine

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

"History itself is perfectly designed without any later helpers. History is a true poet and dramatist, and no writer can ever wish to surpass it. ”

Zweig, the most storyteller, presents us with 14 major moments in human history, often a single moment can determine the life and death of individuals, the survival of nations, and even the fate of mankind as a whole. Although history is made up of complex factors, no one can deny the great influence of the most critical nodes in the course of history. We are reading history, but it is like reading a novel, and this is the charm of Zweig, and this is the charm of this book.

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

The movie Pride and Prejudice

Greedy Dopamine

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

"Dopamine doesn't settle for a certain standard, and the pursuit is never-ending. The dopamine circuits in the brain can only be stimulated by the possibility of something shiny, no matter how perfect things are now. The motto of dopamine is 'want more'. ”

This book gives us an introduction to what dopamine is and how this substance affects our moods, decisions, and lives, helping us to maximize the potential functions of the brain, improve work efficiency, and achieve better performance at work and in life.

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

Movie "Love Before the Dawn Breaks"

Reading is simple

It is also private

World Book Day

Pick a book you like

Let's read a book together

World Book Day| April Day, let's read together

Stills from the movie "The Book Thief"

Editor: Wang Ying

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