
From the age of fifty, learn to let yourself go

From the age of fifty, learn to let yourself go
From the age of fifty, learn to let yourself go

Life is in the world, the ups and downs, how sentimental you live can only be as sad as Daiyu, and bury flowers with tears. Live a little freely, in order to truly feel life.

The most rare thing for people is to have a normal heart, don't complicate simple things, we can't force others, let alone control others, but all we can do is to calm our hearts.

I have heard the saying that it is compassion to let go of others, and it is wisdom to let go of oneself. Where misfortunes and blessings depend, where blessings and misfortunes lie, the cycle of cause and effect is endless.

Forty are not confused, fifty know the Destiny. Unconsciously, halfway through life, it seems that many things have become a foregone conclusion. But at this time, we still bear the responsibility of life, elderly parents, children who have not yet started a family, supporting families...

The more pressure people are, the more they must learn to be kind to themselves, after all, you are the one who has been with you for the longest time. The rest of your life is not long, be kind to your feelings, be kind to your body, and be kind to your life.

The second half of our lives are fighting for health and mentality, knowing how to withdraw from tired life and face the chicken feathers in life with a relaxed attitude, which is the state of life that those who know the destiny should have.

From the age of fifty, learn to let yourself go
From the age of fifty, learn to let yourself go

There are too many trivial things in life, there are too many unsatisfactory things, if you do not know how to let go, you can only be constrained by it, adding a burden.

Mature people will subtract from their own lives, many things we do not fight, naturally less trouble. Only when there is less pull between people will they not fight with each other until they are exhausted.

As Lao Tzu said, "Husbands are indisputable, so there is no worry." "Many times I give up, but I give an account of my life."

Not all "bitter hearts" can eventually become big things, everyone has their own parts that are good at, for those who are not willing to be willing and cling to wasted time, if they can use what they are good at, it will be more effective with half the effort.

Many people are always obsessed with what they have not received or succeeded, and it is precisely because they have not been obtained that in our subconscious, this thing will be excessively glorified by us.

And when a person falls into obsession, he or she will be excessively self-tortured. The more you don't get it, the more you want it, which is called the "Chiconi effect" in psychology.

But those things that are not complete and end halfway through are really innumerable in life, and if we fall into self-blame, self-doubt or repeated pulling for such things, we will live into a contradiction, too tired.

From the age of fifty, learn to let yourself go
From the age of fifty, learn to let yourself go

At the age of 30, we are full of enthusiasm, at the age of 40, we raise children, and at the age of 50, it is time to think for ourselves.

By the age of 50, most of the children have their own jobs, and even when they are studying, they are past the age when they need their parents' ears to face their lives.

Life is a hundred years, 50 years old in the middle, please allow us to take a breath. Calm down and immerse yourself in the beauty of your surroundings.

Abandon those useless social networks, fade out of unnecessary circles, no longer have to look at the face of the person to live, and stop wronging yourself excessively for the sake of a piece of silver or two.

Poetry and distance may be far away, but it is not a luxury to let us live a more poetic life. When life is simple, there are fewer broken things.

When we have time to sort out the trivialities in life, and can be idle and not so impatient, people seem to become polite.

Look down on the gains and losses in life, and suffer safely, not necessarily. The sand in his hand could not be retained. Not demanding, not difficult for oneself, "enriching" oneself, is wisdom.

From the age of fifty, learn to let yourself go
From the age of fifty, learn to let yourself go

Halfway through life, let go of yourself, start a regular life, and nourish your body and mind.

By middle age, too many people are in a sub-healthy state. When we feel tired, we must not neglect health management. Really wait until the time of the serious illness to find the door, it will be too late.

Put aside the work at hand, many times, don't think of yourself as important, and don't put too much pressure on yourself.

List your unfinished wishes on a piece of paper, pick a feasible practice, don't say that you don't have time, and when the time passes, you want to do it and lose interest.

The road is long, and those who do not accept defeat live too tired. True happiness is rare confusion, let the come come, let the should go. Don't force it, don't force it.

Everyone has a different definition of happiness, about a life of abundance, about letting go of yourself. But what matters is how you feel inside.

Zen master Hui Kai once said, "If there is no idle thing to worry about, it is a good time in the world." ”

Thinking openly, seeing clearly, and putting it down is the greatest salvation for life and the most expensive gift for one's life.

From the age of fifty, learn to let yourself go


The world is so big, thank you, you can see me!

[Wen | Wei Wei'an: the pen has temperature, for the voice of emotion, an atypical writer who loves words, invites you to perceive life together]

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