
In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

"Toad, toad,"

The frogs cried out loudly,

"Hurry up, spring is here!"


A muffled voice came from the room.

"Toad! toad! ”

And the frog cried out,

"The sun is out,

The snow is melting and it's time for you to wake up. ”

"I'm not home." The voice said.


In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

On this spring day, how about reading this article "Spring Has Arrived"? That's how our friends, frogs and toads, have appeared!

Adults and children who had read their stories enthusiastically recommended this four small books that were not thick to their children and friends.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

★ Frogs and Toads – Good Friends won the 1971 Caddick Silver Award

★ Frogs and Toads – Good Buddies won the Silver Medal at the 1973 Newbury Children's Literature Awards

I believe that all the parents who buy books according to the award-winning book list all year round must be familiar with these two awards. Take a look at the criteria given by the ALSC (Children's Library Services Association) Selection Committee:

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

Caldecott Award

The Randolph

Caldecott Medal

By using excellent artistic skills and appropriate painting styles in the picture to interpret the story, theme or concept, so that child readers can fully feel the plot, characters, background and other information through the picture.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

Newberry Award

The John

Newbery Medal

Through the clear structure of the text, the appropriate style, and the development of the plot and the description of the background and characters, a theme or concept is accurately described.

It is not difficult to see that the two awards, one focus on painting and the other on words, how can "Frog and Toad", written and painted by Reno Lobel himself, be so powerful and win two awards at the same time?

When reviewing this set of books, xinyi editorial department said that "Frogs and Toads" is recognized as the leader of bridge books!

The small-step reading plan put this excellent bridge book in the S2 level section, corresponding to the first semester of the first grade, followed by the monthly "David Goes to School", "My Dad", "Earthworm's Diary", "Vole A buddha" four picture books after reading, it can be said that it undertook the picture book reading, opening the door for children to read text.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

What is a Bridge Book?

The concept of bridge books comes from Europe and the United States, the English is "Bridging Books", Taiwan's publishing industry introduced this concept and translated as "bridge books", which refers to a bridge between "image reading" and "text reading", helping children transition from picture book reading to text book reading, and at the same time playing an auxiliary role in the transition stage of children from parent-child reading to independent reading.

For the positioning of bridge books, some people say that 5-8 years old, others say 6-9 years old, mainly concentrated in the kindergarten class to the primary school low age of the period of children, they are not only in what we often call the "young articulation" this sensitive transition period, reading is also in the stage of picture books to text books.

The publishing community has this interpretation of the core features of bridge books:

The content is suitable for kindergarten and primary school children;

Most of them are within 8,000 words;

Formally, it is expressed as both graphic and text, with pictures and texts basically reaching 1:1, or illustrations accounting for at least 1/3;

Shorter declarative sentences, dialogues, and general question sentences are the mainstay;

Typography is also often in the form of poetry to facilitate children's reading.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

Why is this set of books so popular?

The sentence form of "Frog and Toad" is not only simple, but also has more repetitive words in each story, which appear again and again as the plot is repeated, so that children naturally recognize and understand the word, and become familiar with and master the development of the story.

Although it is a green frog and an earthy yellow toad, what happens between them is the most ordinary trivial thing that children can encounter.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

For example: the two try their best not to eat all the cookies, the toad has procrastination and wants to put everything into tomorrow, tells the ghost story and says that he is scared, the frog writes a letter with no content and asks the snail to give it to the toad...

These little things that we often overlook are so interesting in The Pen of Aino Lobel, frogs and toads are like Mr. Mei Zihan's smarter brother (really just a little bit) and a little confused brother, or a more atmospheric boyfriend and a little spoiled girlfriend.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

What is even more rare is that not only is the language plain and concise, but the illustrations of the two figures painted by Aino Lobel are also very colorful. If you already have two different characters in your mind just by looking at the text, when you see the illustrations, you really can't help but clap your hands: that silly toad should look like this! You see, all the animals are amused by the way the toad is wearing a swimsuit, each animal has a different look, but obviously it is a look of being amused by the toad, and the frog can't help but laugh at him: "The way you wear a swimsuit is really funny." The toad picked up his clothes, "It was meant to be! A little arrogantly closed his eyes and held his head high, he went home.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

Interesting story, simple language, familiar plot, that is, it really makes sense! The most feared way to reason with children is to insert preaching into the story, set up a positive model and a negative teaching material, and give the child a list of codes of conduct. Such a blunt and reasonable child not only does not like to listen, but also can not give children's literature edification. But if a child reads "Storytelling", he will think about what a good friend is like; reading "Cookie" will think about whether he has the willpower; reading "The Garden" and seeing that doing things requires a little patience.

This classic bridge book, shallow parent-child reading is already very good,

Following the small-step reading plan can also read a little deeper.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

How to read Frogs and Toads deeply?


Listen to the classic guide before reading

The monthly classic guide starts from the perspective of the title, cover, author, etc., and the children have several understandings of the book and the author before opening the book through audio. In the past, when reading picture books, the general children mainly paid attention to the pictures in the book, and at the stage of the bridge book, the details of a book were gradually completed, such as the title page, the copyright page, the front and back of the mouth, the table of contents... These places will convey all kinds of information related to books.

In the monthly introduction phase of the Small Steps Reading Plan, on the one hand, it will focus on reminding young readers to pay attention to this information, and at the same time, it will also introduce wonderful paragraphs in the book, or set up suspense, or ask questions to stimulate children's interest and motivation to read a book.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book


Listen to highlights as you read

Start to read the story, the small step reading plan in the reading process emphasizes the guidance of the reading method, and for the children who are reading the bridge book, they focus on sorting out the plot of the story and feeling the characters in the story.

The companion reading of three wonderful clips brings the 5 stories in "Good Friends" to the children from different angles.

Sometimes looking for the repetition of the change in storytelling: the poor toad is so eager to tell a good story to the uncomfortable frog, he walks around the porch, but he can't think of a story. He stood upside down with his head down and couldn't think of a story. He threw water on his head, still unable to think of a story... Well, although it is not told into a story, but in order to take care of friends so bothered, or let us read the story very touched, ask the children who listen to the story: Do you and your good friends have any experience of taking care of each other and giving to each other? How do you comfort you or your friend when they're sick and unwell?

Sometimes it is to experience the different characteristics of the two characters: spring has arrived, the frog is energetic and can't wait to wake up the toad to jump on the grass together, run to the woods, but the toad is lying on the bed to find various excuses not to get up, one is optimistic and cheerful, and the other is willful and lazy. The toad climbed up from the river in a funny swimsuit, the turtle looked at it and laughed, the lizard looked at it and laughed, the snake looked at it and laughed, the vole looked at it and laughed, and the frog looked at it and laughed. Toad originally did not want everyone to see him wearing a swimsuit, but instead attracted a group of small animals to stay on the shore and wait to see him come out of the water, facing everyone, including frogs, "laughing", what do you think Toad's heart will think? Will he blame his good friend Frog?

Small Step Reading Program Year 1 Student Highlight Fragment Speech Expression

Kind children have expressed that they are reluctant to scold their good friends, how can friends blame their friends?

The frog in "Waiting for the Letter" knew that the toad was unhappy, and immediately decided to write a letter to the toad that had no content in the eyes of adults, and asked the snail to send a letter, but he could not wait for the snail to arrive, and he could not help but tell the toad one by one. You certainly don't laugh at them, such a friendship is really enviable, ask the children who read the story: Do you have such good friends? Please also use a few words to say something about your love for him, and of course you can write a little card to your friend like a frog writing to a toad.

Small Step Reading Program Year 1 Student Highlight Fragment Speech Expression

The confession to a good friend is natural and simple, and like to say it out loud!

A small question that follows after the highlight clip will not only revolve around the theme, but also unfold in a very open form, and for children who have just entered elementary school, how to get along with their classmates is no less important than how many points are scored on the test. "Frogs and Toads" is a very warm book of friendship, not pale to tell you to unite and love, but in a small matter, let the child read how friends care about each other.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book


Complete the level breakout test and read the worksheet after reading

When the reading is over, there will be a level test and a reading learning list waiting for the children to unlock it. The test consists of 14 multiple-choice questions, and you can see the answers and analysis after doing it, and you can understand where the wrong questions are. The Reading Learning Sheet can be downloaded and printed out for kids to complete and upload offline. If the child completes the reading learning sheet, if it is bound into a book and saved, it is another heavy reading record.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book
In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

Break through the test

Read the study list

For children in the first, second and third grades, it is a critical period to exercise oral expression ability, and Chinese teachers often say that it is necessary to write well if they speak well, which means that they must first be able to explain the meaning they want to express clearly, so that others can understand it, and when it comes to writing an essay, they will not be unable to start.

The reading plan also "adds meals" to a column in these three grades - I tell stories, that is, let the children choose from the stories they read or tell the stories in their own words according to the specified range.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

Judging from the voice submitted in this column, the difference in the ability of children of the same age in "telling stories" is still quite large, some children can paint their voices and colors, change the tone of voice to tell the story in its entirety, and some children can only follow a few clues prompted by the title and reluctantly tell the story like answering questions. In general, children who tell stories well tend to stand out in the voice expression of wonderful clips. The reading program hopes to provide more opportunities for children to open their mouths, exercise the logic of children's expressions, the accuracy and completeness of language, and lay a good foundation for the upcoming written expressions.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

It is said that before his death, Robert put up a notice in the New York Times to the effect that: "If you want to miss me, please don't set up any foundations, scholarships, monuments, etc., please look at my book, because I am in it." ”

Come to the Small Steps Reading Program, meet the great children's writers, and read classic children's books with temperature and vitality.

In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book
In the spring, take your kids into a classic bridge book

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