
To learn calligraphy, do you have to "take the law from above"? Sha Menghai: Don't think about eating a big fat man in one bite

In Sun Tzu's Art of War, it is said: "Seek it above and get it; seek it, get it down; ask for it, and you will lose." Tang Taizong Li Shimin also said in the "Emperor Fan": "If a husband takes the law from above, he can only get it; if he takes the law in the middle, it is inevitable that he will be subordinate." As far as the study of calligraphy is concerned, one of the most common admonitions we hear is "take the law from above." This means that if you want to learn calligraphy well, you must first take the fa high, so that you can learn the essence of calligraphy. Taking the law from above, is there a problem with this sentence? Of course not. For a simple example, if you follow Wang Xizhi and follow today's masters, the taste of writing will definitely be different.

To learn calligraphy, do you have to "take the law from above"? Sha Menghai: Don't think about eating a big fat man in one bite

The question now is, to learn calligraphy, do we have to "take the law from above"? Or, as long as you "take the law", can you learn calligraphy well? It's not so simple, just like Sha Menghai said: learn calligraphy, don't think about eating a big fat man in one bite, take the law from the top, and it is not necessarily applicable to beginners in calligraphy.

To learn calligraphy, do you have to "take the law from above"? Sha Menghai: Don't think about eating a big fat man in one bite

Why does Sha Menghai have these experiences? Don't worry, let's start with his learning experience. In his early years, Sha Menghai was a student of Wang Xizhi, and he was particularly fond of the book "Sacred Order". This method of taking is relatively high. Unfortunately, after a long period of hard work, he still can't find any feeling of writing. To put it bluntly, it is just drawing the shape of its stroke there, and there is no deep experience.

To learn calligraphy, do you have to "take the law from above"? Sha Menghai: Don't think about eating a big fat man in one bite

Is this the case only in Sha Menghai? I believe that many friends who study Wang Xizhi will have this feeling of being confused. If you write according to the post, you can also make a similar, and once you leave the post to reminisce, you always feel that you have not learned anything. Why is that? To put it simply, this method is too "up", "up" to a height that ordinary people can't understand. Especially for beginners, it is not easy to deeply understand Wang Xizhi's penmanship.

To learn calligraphy, do you have to "take the law from above"? Sha Menghai: Don't think about eating a big fat man in one bite

What did Sha Menghai do later? According to Mr. Sha Menghai's recollection: By chance, I saw the "Holy Order" written by Liang Qichaolin, the knot body approached the original sticker, and the pen was more square, and since then, I have used this method to write the king character, and my face has changed.

To learn calligraphy, do you have to "take the law from above"? Sha Menghai: Don't think about eating a big fat man in one bite

Later, Sha Menghai also received careful guidance from Kang Youwei and Wu Changshuo and others, which opened his own thinking and vision, and gradually wrote his own brilliance.

To learn calligraphy, do you have to "take the law from above"? Sha Menghai: Don't think about eating a big fat man in one bite

Let's think about it, is liang Qichaolin's "Holy Order" better than Wang Xizhi's? Of course not. So, why did Sha Menghai get inspired by Liang Qichao after being confused? The most important point is that Liang Qichao's pen is easier to understand. Let's think again, why did Sha Menghai run to Wu Changshuo and Kang Youwei for guidance? The key point is that oral teaching is better at learning. Sometimes, finding a teacher who understands it is much more efficient than burying your head in the post. To learn calligraphy, of course, we must get closer to the ancients, of course, we must strive for excellence, but we still have to combine our own actual situation and find a suitable learning method for ourselves.

Zhou Xinglian of the Qing Dynasty said in the "Linchi Guan Guan": "Take the law from above, only get the middle, everyone says it." However, in the highest realm under the heavens, everyone wants to reach it, but not everyone can reach it. "If you are learning calligraphy, please savor this sentence."

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