
In 1936, Lu Xun said: Chinese characters do not perish, China will die, and only 19 years later will we know mr. Wisdom

In 1936, Lu Xun said: Chinese characters do not perish, China will die, and only 19 years later will we know mr. Wisdom

In daily life, if Lu Xun is mentioned, then he is definitely a well-known figure, as a mainland modern era. The most famous writer and thinker Lu Xun has left us a valuable spiritual wealth, and a series of literary works he has created have been widely circulated, such as "A Q Zheng Biography", "Scream", "Diary of a Madman" and so on.

However, such a literary figure openly shouted out the remark that "Chinese characters are not extinguished, China will perish", which can be described as stirring up thousands of waves for a while and causing countless people to discuss, after all, the Han nationality can be said to be the treasure of our Chinese nation's inheritance to this day, and it has extraordinary significance for the inheritance significance of our Chinese nation, so why did Mr. Lu Xun say such a "great rebellion"? In fact, only by bringing it in can you discover the wisdom of Mr. Lu Xun.

In 1936, Lu Xun said: Chinese characters do not perish, China will die, and only 19 years later will we know mr. Wisdom

Mr. Lu Xun's "Great Wisdom"

Those who have watched the TV series "The Age of Awakening" must know that during the period when Lu Xun was teaching at Peking University, the culture of the mainland in Peking University can be said to burst into brilliant brilliance, the collision of new and old cultures, and the confrontation between the masters of traditional Chinese studies, which can be said to have fascinated countless readers, for example, Qian Xuantong, one of the representatives of the new school, once publicly published at Peking University that "If China wants to develop, then it is necessary to abolish Chinese characters".

Coincidentally, in 1936, Mr. Lu Xun once put forward a similar point of view in "Answering the Intelligence Inspector of saving the dead in the midst of illness", and even said the shocking phrase "Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish" to the outside world.

In 1936, Lu Xun said: Chinese characters do not perish, China will die, and only 19 years later will we know mr. Wisdom

In fact, at that time, not only Lu Xun, but also Qian Xuantong, even Hu Shi, Liu Bannong and others were so supportive of the "demise of Chinese characters", but the so-called demise of Chinese characters was not a superficial elimination of Chinese characters, but to "evolve Chinese characters", and the reason why they had such a thing was actually a huge relationship with the general environment at that time.

We all know that Chinese characters from the ancient period of the oracle bone, to the later Qin seal, Lishu, Kaishu, etc. after a thousand years of changes is a process from complex to simplified, but even if simplified to today, Chinese characters for young children or beginners is still not simple, even today's Chinese children still have a hard time learning.

In 1936, Lu Xun said: Chinese characters do not perish, China will die, and only 19 years later will we know mr. Wisdom

In the early part of the last century, due to the general low degree of culture in the old society, the vast majority of people in China were illiterate, which was extremely unfavorable to the promotion and dissemination of new culture and new ideas, and if there was no set of simple and efficient "writing" to replace the traditional "Zhihu Zhi Ye" (文言文), then it was bound to be difficult to spread among the masses, so at that time a group of masters had the idea of "destroying Chinese characters".

The collision of old and new forces

After the "May Fourth Movement", when the advanced democratic ideas of the West gradually spread in China, people gradually accepted new ideas, and even once surpassed traditional Chinese studies, especially for ordinary college students at that time, the equality and freedom of Western thought liberated the inner repression of young people, so under this situation, there was a violent conflict between the new and old cultural forces in China.

In 1936, Lu Xun said: Chinese characters do not perish, China will die, and only 19 years later will we know mr. Wisdom

The new studies represented by Hu Shi and Qian Xuantong, who returned from studying abroad, and the two major forces of traditional Sinology represented by Zhang Taiyan and Huang Kan at that time were like the tip of a needle against Mai Mang, and one side believed that the traditional Sinology literature was strongly limited, complex and cumbersome.

The meaning that can be expressed in a sentence often requires a long discussion, while the other side believes that traditional literary expression is more subtle and courteous, and if it is expressed in the vernacular, it is not insulting to Sven, so in this way, the two major forces have launched a fierce collision.

In 1936, Lu Xun said: Chinese characters do not perish, China will die, and only 19 years later will we know mr. Wisdom

As one of the representatives of the new school, Lu Xun naturally thought that it was right to abandon the "Wen Yan Wen" as Hu Shi, but Lu Xun was well aware of the trouble in this matter, and it was inevitable that a war of words would inevitably be avoided, so he decided to give the "traditionalists" at that time a dose of fierce medicine, so this was the shocking sentence "Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish", after all, Lu Xun knows the "compromise" spirit in the character of the Chinese people, and only one person can achieve the goal if he breaks the boat.

And this extreme way has naturally attracted the wide attention of the society, some traditional Sinology masters have been even more critical of Lu Xun's remarks, so the debate between the old and the new can be said to be further escalated, and there are some villains with suspicious hearts, and they are even more out of context for Mr. Lu Xun's words, saying that Lu Xun is admiring the foreign and charming, etc., but who is our Lu Xun, for these gossip, naturally ignore, still do their own thing.

In 1936, Lu Xun said: Chinese characters do not perish, China will die, and only 19 years later will we know mr. Wisdom

= Both sides retreated to the second choice of compromise

After Lu Xun chose to "draw salaries from the bottom of the cauldron", Hu Shi naturally understood Lu Xun's ideas, and chose to temporarily avoid the sharp edge and discuss peace with the "old scholars" of the traditional Chinese school, so in this roundabout way, the vernacular language was implemented more and more smoothly, and the students of Peking University gradually accepted the vernacular way, but how could the revolution of the script be successful at once.

Although the vernacular language won the recognition of many young scholars at that time, the real implementation was another thing, which can be said to be quite a long time, coupled with the fact that the social and national conditions of the mainland were in a state of turmoil at that time, the warlords' scuffles, the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the later Liberation War, all of which hindered the promotion of the vernacular language, after all, in the face of war, the people's lives and property were the most important.

In 1936, Lu Xun said: Chinese characters do not perish, China will die, and only 19 years later will we know mr. Wisdom

Until 1953, the end of the Korean War, the whole country ushered in a brief peace, the country began to attach importance to culture, the popularization of Bai Wenhua was put on the agenda, in 1955 the Ministry of Education officially issued the "Simplified Draft of Chinese Characters", vernacular language was officially implemented throughout the country, the former "Zhihu" has gradually become history, of course, that traditional literature has not disappeared, still active in our books, by our inheritance.

Therefore, it can be seen from this that the wisdom of those masters, especially Mr. Lu Xun, was also worthy of being a great literary hero of the mainland, and he was even more accurate in his view of the problem, and he ate through the compromise ideas of our Chinese, and even if he did not hesitate to bear the insult, he also promoted the vernacular.

In 1936, Lu Xun said: Chinese characters do not perish, China will die, and only 19 years later will we know mr. Wisdom

It is precisely because of their existence that our study today can be so relaxed, otherwise those jerky and difficult to understand texts are really a headache, and it is precisely because of the efforts of these predecessors that the illiteracy rate on the mainland has been reduced, and they are also worthy of a generation of great literary heroes, and they are truly worthy of our learning.

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