
Audi Q4 e-tron domestic pure electric SUV arrived in store, and the delivery was imminent

IT之家 4 月 14 日消息,随着各传统车企电气化转型加速,大众和奥迪此前也已经推出了多款基于 MEB 模块化纯电平台打造的车型,而更高级 PPE 平台的车型也已在赶来的路上。

一汽-大众生产的奥迪 Q4 e-tron 车型已经出现在了经销商处,而且也已经出现在了本月初的工信部免税汽车名单中,续航 543/605 km,预计会在近期开启预售。

值得一提的是,之前有网友爆料称奥迪 Q4 e-tron 预售价或 30 万元起,预计 5 月份第一批新车交付,还有媒体称将在 7~8 月上市,但可靠度存疑。

新车作为紧凑型纯电动 SUV,一汽大众奥迪 Q4 e-tron 基于 MEB 电动平台打造,车身尺寸为 4588*1865*1626mm,轴距 2765 毫米。

根据工信部的申报资料来看,这款车型配备了双电机四驱,前后电机功率分别为 80 千瓦和 150 千瓦,0-100km / h 加速时间可保证在 7 秒之内,还配备了三元锂动力电池组,续航里程分别为 543 公里和 605 公里。

此外,从之前曝光的信息来看,奥迪 Q4 e-tron 的内部采用全液晶仪表盘、四辐式多功能方向盘,以及内嵌结构的中控屏。

今日有多个媒体放出了奥迪 Q4 e-tron 的实车图,似乎是 50 e-tron quattro 版。据悉,新车将在一汽-大众佛山工厂投产,这款车将提供三种动力版本:35/40 e-tron 和 50 e-tron quattro。

据介绍,奥迪 Q4 50 e-tron quattro 四驱版的前 / 后电机功率为 80/150kW,前 / 后峰值扭矩 162/310N m,综合功率为 220kW,综合扭矩达 460N m,0-100km / h 加速达 6.2s,匹配净容量 77kWh 的三元锂电池组,车辆续航里程为 550km。

Audi Q4 e-tron domestic pure electric SUV arrived in store, and the delivery was imminent
Audi Q4 e-tron domestic pure electric SUV arrived in store, and the delivery was imminent
Audi Q4 e-tron domestic pure electric SUV arrived in store, and the delivery was imminent
Audi Q4 e-tron domestic pure electric SUV arrived in store, and the delivery was imminent
Audi Q4 e-tron domestic pure electric SUV arrived in store, and the delivery was imminent
Audi Q4 e-tron domestic pure electric SUV arrived in store, and the delivery was imminent
Audi Q4 e-tron domestic pure electric SUV arrived in store, and the delivery was imminent
Audi Q4 e-tron domestic pure electric SUV arrived in store, and the delivery was imminent
Audi Q4 e-tron domestic pure electric SUV arrived in store, and the delivery was imminent
Audi Q4 e-tron domestic pure electric SUV arrived in store, and the delivery was imminent

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