
Citroën Versailles C5 X pricing too conscientious? It's half cheaper than Europe, and the new model goes on sale right away

汽车流通协会公布3月汽车销量数据,东风雪铁龙凡尔赛C5 X以环比91%的增长,交出了零售4,700台的成绩单。作为东风雪铁龙的最新战略车型,凡尔赛C5 X卖得好也不是没有原因的,该车在法国本土和德国市场的起售价均超过4万欧元(折合人民币超28万元),而国内市场的起售价为14.37万元,仅为欧洲市场价格的一半,并且其在国内终端市场价格非常坚挺,没有优惠。

Citroën Versailles C5 X pricing too conscientious? It's half cheaper than Europe, and the new model goes on sale right away
Citroën Versailles C5 X pricing too conscientious? It's half cheaper than Europe, and the new model goes on sale right away
Citroën Versailles C5 X pricing too conscientious? It's half cheaper than Europe, and the new model goes on sale right away
Citroën Versailles C5 X pricing too conscientious? It's half cheaper than Europe, and the new model goes on sale right away

凡尔赛C5 X FM版

Citroën Versailles C5 X pricing too conscientious? It's half cheaper than Europe, and the new model goes on sale right away

值得一提的是,凡尔赛C5 X还将在近期推出FM版车型。网上车市从东风雪铁龙经销商了解到,新车在配置方面增加了真皮座椅、3D彩色eHUD抬头显示系统及专属徽章等,并搭载了最新的C-Connect 3.0智能网联系统。据悉,新车指导价为16.37万。

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