
The more dads spend time, the healthier your child grows!

Statistics show that 60% of families are educated by mothers, 10% of families are educated by fathers, and 30% of families are jointly educated by parents. Obviously, a large number of fathers push the responsibility of educating their children on their mothers, which is very bad for the growth of their children.

Whether it is a holiday or a daily routine, fathers can spend more time with their children, which is of great help to the healthy growth of their children. What are the advantages of a father with a child?

The more dads spend time, the healthier your child grows!

1, Dad is willing to take risks

Women are like water, which is synonymous with gentleness, so most mothers are very concerned about the safety of their children and are not willing to take risks with him. Most of the fathers are thicker, more willing to try new things, willing to let the children learn to try and moderate adventure. And I have to admit that men are more agile and can protect their children when they take risks.

2, Dad is informal

Most of us mothers take good care of our children, like to clean up their children beautifully and cleanly, and have their own set of guidelines in mind. Although this kind of cultivation can give children the most perfect protection, it is more rigid. Fathers, on the other hand, are not very informal, they will wear their children's clothes backwards, or the socks are not matched, although it is strange, but the children can feel warm and happy.

3, dad is more like a child

Compared with the maturity of the mother, the father tends to be more "childish", but this childishness is very suitable for the child. Dads are all natural game kings, always find some interesting games, such as a virtual ball game, a simulated instrument, a banana can be sung as a microphone and so on. These wonderful games tend to amuse children, and this kind of hanging behavior can only be done by "childish" fathers.

The more dads spend time, the healthier your child grows!

4, Dad is more ruthless

Compared to mom's 360° care, dads tend to be more ruthless. For example, when mothers see their children encounter setbacks, they often take the initiative to help because they are difficult to accept, while fathers will be more patient and watch their children overcome difficulties alone. Although it seems that fathers lack some human touch, this way is more conducive to children facing the real world alone.

5. Improve children's hands-on ability

I have to admit that men's logical thinking and spatial imagination are better than ours. So dads can repair toys with their children, assemble some small furniture, etc., this kind of activity can not only make children have fun, but also improve their hands-on ability.

6, Dad is a physical education teacher

Men's bodies are stronger and more energetic, so dads are the best physical education teachers for children. If you have the heart, you will find that most female fans and sports girls have active fathers. In fact, many of the children's sports concepts and habits are mostly learned from their fathers.

The more dads spend time, the healthier your child grows!

7, the father cares, so that girls are more confident

The father is often the first man a daughter comes into contact with in her life, and she will understand the pattern of getting along with the opposite sex and the psychological state of facing the opposite sex through the father-daughter relationship. A loving father can make his daughter feel cared for and give her a strong sense of self-worth and gender role. The respect, understanding and praise and encouragement of the father for the woman will also bring great self-confidence to the daughter. As adults, girls seek the same respect and understanding in their dealings with other men.

All in all, for girls, the presence of a father is of great help to her character formation, her studies and future career development; a good father-daughter relationship is conducive to their correct handling of relationships with men.

A survey of female students aged 20 to 24 at the University of San Gero in Canada shows that fathers have a great influence on their daughter's feelings and social development. The report also said that whether women can face their gender calmly has a lot to do with whether they feel that their father affirms and supports her, and that the more her father affirms her female gender, the better her ability to deal with gender issues, and vice versa.

8, the father is more accompanied, so that the boy is more masculine

I have heard many mothers complain that their male treasures are particularly introverted, timid, and do not like to talk, but often do not know the reason for the formation. In fact, the father is the earliest male contact with the child, so the role of the father will have a great impact on the child, and even last a lifetime. The father's care and companionship will help boys play a key role in the development of logical thinking ability, physical motor coordination, the cultivation of willpower and strong character, and the formation of creative thinking.

Scientists at Yale University in the United States have shown that boys who have been in contact with their fathers for more than two hours a day and boys who have been in contact with their fathers for less than six hours a week are not only smarter, but also more harmonious in getting along with people.

In daily life, the conversation between mother and child is often meticulous, while the conversation between father and child is philosophical.

The more dads spend time, the healthier your child grows!

Children often rely on their mothers in case of trouble, but the companionship of the father will play an indispensable role in the critical period of the child's growth, the mother's love protects the child's growth, and the father's love guarantees the child's growth, which is indispensable!

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