
With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

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2022.4.8 Friday



Wanhui Kindergarten School

Welcome a group of "Little Ultramans"

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

How obsessed are kids with "superheroes"?

Entering the park in the morning, as long as you hold an "Ultraman" card book in your hand, you can immediately attract a large group of children to discuss topics such as names, skills, character relationships, and stories of fighting monsters.

The little girl walked over lightly, stopped at the teacher's side, stretched out her sparkling light blue shoes, and her eyes couldn't hide her happiness: Look, today I wore the shoes of "Princess Elsa"...

Every child has a "superhero" living in his heart! Strong physique, strong sense of strength, value belief in goodness and justice... They are all "traits" that attract children.

In fact, The babies of Wanhui also have the same characteristics as "superheroes", they are also great "little supermen", have you noticed?

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

Physical fitness – as strong as Superman

Physical fitness - As strong as "Superman"

"Eh! How I can't turn it over! On the stage of the small theater, the "children" played by the teachers tried to curl up and roll forward, huh? Why do people either flip out of the mat obliquely or just turn over in place?

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

This interesting "Development Trend of Children's Sports" training meeting, guided by the professional physical education class "Chocolate" teacher and the teachers of the whole kindergarten, jointly participated in the experience of practical exercises, studied the key points of physical development and sports development trends of children at different ages, analyzed the exercise level of children in different classes, and learned how to provide more scientific and personalized educational support.

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

Muscle strength, motor skills and motor development are the core of Wanhui's physical fitness curriculum, and teachers break down the exercise goals of each age into daily outdoor sports and physical fitness courses, using situational games to attract the baby's sports interest.

Taking basketball as an example, how to improve children's hand muscle strength (catching the ball) and hand-eye coordination (shooting, dribbling)? "Watermelon defense war" began, "the little rabbit wants to eat watermelon, when we send watermelon (basketball), we must grasp it with both hands and use our fingers hard, so as not to be snatched away by the big bad wolf!" (Hand muscle strength)" "When transporting, we have to bang the ball twice to start the car (hand-eye coordination). ”

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!
With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

Children's favorite "jumping" movements, how to arrange their feet, knees, and arms, there is also a lot of learning! "Happy jumping and jumping", "The little animals have to go to the other side of the mountain to eat fruit, they need to break through many levels, cross the river, be careful of bombs, climb the hill... (Jump together, open and close jump)"

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

In these situational games, the babies are tirelessly challenging back and forth, greatly improving the physical functions such as speed, strength, endurance, sensitivity, coordination, etc., and the children's bodies are getting stronger and stronger!

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!
With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

Psychological – tough as "Superman"

Psychology - As tough as "Superman"

"Teacher, I'm scared, I don't want to play!" The babies in the kindergarten are carefully moving on the climbing net while playing the "retreat drum"!

"Don't be afraid, do you feel the teacher's hand?" I'm putting you on your back to protect you too!" ”

After walking once, the teacher encouraged the child again: "You see that although you feel afraid, you are still moving forward, you are bravely challenging!" ”

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

The child raised some confidence: "I want to play again, from the first paragraph to the second paragraph there is too difficult!" ”

The articulation of each crawl is much wider than the other grids, which poses a great challenge for the children.

The teacher observed that the children first reached out to reach the next rope each time, and then moved their hands, so he encouraged the children to try different ways of hand-foot coordination: "Can you try to reach out and grasp the rope in front of you first, and then stretch your feet to cross it?" ”

The children tried it, and immediately felt that it was easier to cross the "difficulty", and then explored their own methods: squatting down a little, lowering the center of gravity; grasping the nearest net rope, stabilizing their hands, and then moving their feet...

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

The joy and sense of accomplishment that comes with the challenge motivates them to try it over and over again, and in just one month, the interests, states and abilities that the babies explore have become very different: "Teacher, let's go play crawling, okay?" "Teacher, I've succeeded again!" "Teacher, you see I dare to climb the outer net!"

The qualities that stand out in the face of difficulties are brave challenges, perseverance, resilience, problem-solving, emotion regulation, happiness... It is a precious "superpower" that faces difficulties in future life!

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!
With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

Physique – flashes like "Superman"

Physique - Shining like "Superman"

Under the appearance of "supermen" who are either cool and handsome, or beautiful, or sassy, are slender and upright physiques, toned and sunny postures, and a calm and confident attitude to deal with any environment.

To cultivate children with such a unique temperament, Wanhui has made deep efforts in many aspects such as health care, dietary nutrition, and humanistic environment. The health room has established personalized health files for each child, regularly measures height and weight, and customizes personalized exercise and dietary adjustment strategies for individual children, such as encouraging children to eat more vegetables, and physical education teachers use post-meal time to lead them to do some stretching exercises to make children's bodies healthier and more beautiful.

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

The kitchen uncles carefully cook three meals, with scientific collocation, nutritional balance of the diet, to ensure the nutritional needs of children's growth and development, and the educational environment of love, encouragement and support created by all Wanhui people allows children to grow confident, calm and thriving from the inside out.

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!
With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

Comprehensive ability - as good as "Superman"

Comprehensive ability - As excellent as "Superman"

Good habits, self-care, self-protection... Some abilities are hidden in daily life, seemingly inconspicuous, but point to the core of a happy life. Having these "traits" is also a great ability for children.

With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!
With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!
With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!
With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!
With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!
With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!
With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!
With these qualities lurking, children are "little supermen"!

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