
Attention pregnant mothers! These positions during pregnancy may affect your fetal position!

In modern society, even if pregnant, most women will stick to work until the day of maternity leave.

For the general white-collar workers, working nine to five every day, overtime is a common thing, and sitting for a long time is a must. This is difficult for expectant mothers who work during pregnancy, and it is inevitable to sit for a long time at work, but sitting for a long time may aggravate the symptoms of back pain, and may also cause lumbar spine diseases.

Attention pregnant mothers! These positions during pregnancy may affect your fetal position!

Lack of exercise during pregnancy will also affect blood circulation, resulting in excessive congestion, causing pregnant women to have symptoms of vague abdominal pain, causing varicose veins; sitting for a long time may also cause symptoms such as lower limb edema and poor digestion.

Pregnant mothers sit for a long time, which not only has an impact on their own bodies, but also is not good for the baby in the abdomen. Because of sitting and working for a long time, less activity, blood circulation is affected, and the pelvis is compressed so that the uterine blood circulation is not smooth, which may lead to hypoxia of the fetus in the abdomen, affecting development, and serious may cause the fetus to die in the womb.

Many people hear that sitting for a long time will affect the health of the fetus and themselves, so they keep standing and think it is good to stand, but in fact, it is not like this! Standing for a long time, the same can't be done!

Can't sit for a long time, stand on the main line, right?

Attention pregnant mothers! These positions during pregnancy may affect your fetal position!

Standing for a long time is no less harmful than sitting for a long time, especially in women in the first trimester. At this time, the fertilized egg has just implanted, the combination with the uterine wall is not very tight, and the initial progesterone secretion is relatively small, which is relatively a dangerous period. If you stand for a long time, it is easy to feel tired, lower extremity edema, and even induce miscarriage.

Standing for a long time in the second trimester is also inappropriate, which will not only lead to aggravation of the edema of the pregnant mother's lower limbs, but also may affect the development of the fetus's head, and even affect the fetal position, which will increase the difficulty of subsequent production work. If it is during the last three months of imminent delivery, prolonged standing may also lead to premature birth.

"Can't stand and can't sit?" So what should it be? ”

In fact, it is not that you can't stand and sit, but you can't stand and sit for a long time, don't stay in the same position for too long.

Pregnant moms working in the office tips

1, you can get up every hour to stand up and walk;

2, if the work is very busy, you can adjust the sitting posture every half an hour, try to make the waist and feet active;

3. Try not to lie on the table in the morning to avoid compressing the pregnant belly;

4. Usually, you can use a small box to raise the foot a little higher, so that the foot veins can flow back smoothly.

Pregnant moms who don't work in the office tips

1. It is recommended to apply for a job change with the leader to avoid standing for a long time;

2. You can also take the way of changing the center of gravity of your legs to alleviate fatigue when standing;

3. Or stand for an hour and walk slowly, move to promote blood circulation and avoid affecting the fetal position.

Usually, pregnant mothers can do some gentle exercises, walking, pregnant women's yoga, etc., while enhancing their physique, they also exercise the muscle tissue of pregnant mothers, which is conducive to the subsequent natural childbirth.

Attention pregnant mothers! These positions during pregnancy may affect your fetal position!

"If there is a problem with incorrect fetal position, how should it be adjusted?"

Usually, the shape of the pregnant mother's uterus should be pear-shaped, that is, the upper end is narrow, the lower part is wide, if the cervix is narrow, the top is wider, and the fetus enters the basin due to space limitations, it is easy to cause posture change, and the fetal position is not corrected, but it is found before 30 weeks of pregnancy that there is still a chance to correct.

Pregnant mothers can adjust through appropriate exercise, which will help the fetus smoothly enter the basin.

Exercise in moderation

Near the time of delivery, pregnant mothers can promote the smooth entry of the fetus into the basin through a moderate amount of soothing exercises such as walking, and a certain amount of activity can also help the fetus adjust its posture, which is conducive to the smooth progress of normal delivery, but remember not to exercise vigorously, otherwise it is easy to affect the fetal position again.

Pregnant mothers should listen to the advice of professional doctors and do a good job of risk assessment before proceeding.

After the fetus is smoothly entered into the basin, the pregnant mother should pay more attention to rest, check on time, and if there is any discomfort or contractions, be sure to go to the hospital in time to wait for delivery to avoid accidents.

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