
Tesla owners exposed high-speed "stall"! Recall 127,000 Model 3 electric vehicles

In a recent ranking of the failure values of new energy vehicles and new vehicles, Tesla just entered the market segment with an average PPH value of less than 140, although it was inferior to BYD, but it was finally qualified.

Tesla owners exposed high-speed "stall"! Recall 127,000 Model 3 electric vehicles

When Tesla owners are still proud of this, the problem comes again, because there may be slight manufacturing differences in the power semiconductor components of the rear motor inverter of electric vehicles, or there are safety hazards, Tesla filed a recall plan with the National Market Supervision Administration, recalling some Tesla Model 3 electric cars produced between January 11, 2019 and January 25, 2022, involving 127785 vehicles recalled. It includes 34,207 imported cars and 93,578 domestically produced cars.

Tesla owners exposed high-speed "stall"! Recall 127,000 Model 3 electric vehicles

Owners who have received the recall notice can upgrade the motor control software remotely for free through OTA, and for special vehicles that cannot be upgraded remotely, users can contact the service center for upgrade services.

A few days ago, a Tesla Model 3 owner was exposed! When he was driving at a speed of 100km/h on the highway, the central control screen of the vehicle suddenly appeared "the vehicle can not continue to drive, please stop immediately" prompt, in order to avoid the rear vehicle rear-end collision caused by traffic accidents, when the owner tried to step on the electric door to accelerate, but there was no response.

Tesla owners exposed high-speed "stall"! Recall 127,000 Model 3 electric vehicles

Subsequently, the owner of the car found the safety time, the use of the inertia of the vehicle to park the car safely on the emergency lane, the correct setting of the triangle warning sign immediately contacted the Tesla after-sales, the staff said that this problem can not be solved, can only find a trailer.

Fortunately, the stall did not cause a traffic accident, after this incident, the owner of the car lost confidence in Tesla's quality or way of handling problems, and said that he was determined to return the car this time.

Tesla owners exposed high-speed "stall"! Recall 127,000 Model 3 electric vehicles

In recent years, with the large increase in Tesla ownership, various quality problems are also frequent, although Tesla has encountered a lot of negative news, but for its sales impact is not large, there are still many people willing to buy Tesla electric vehicles, everyone thinks why?

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