
Yao Haitao | Kangcheng Academy: Founded by Zheng Xuan at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the context continues to circulate to this day

Yao Haitao | Kangcheng Academy: Founded by Zheng Xuan at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the context continues to circulate to this day

"Kangcheng Academy: Founded by Zheng Xuan at the End of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the Context Continues to Circulate" was published in the "Speculative Journey" column of the Fth edition of the 7th issue of Shandong University Daily in 2022 (no. 2241 in total).

Yao Haitao | Kangcheng Academy: Founded by Zheng Xuan at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the context continues to circulate to this day

Kangcheng Academy: Founded by Zheng Xuan at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the context continues to circulate to this day

Yao Haitao

As an important part of ancient Chinese educational institutions, the academy has played an irreplaceable role in inheriting Chinese culture. When mentioning the origin of the academy, most of them date back to the Lizheng Academy in Luoyang Ziwei City during the Tang Xuanzong period. In the Song Dynasty, the academy was formally established as an educational system and mushroomed rapidly. Well-known and well-known academies, such as Yingtian Academy, Yuelu Academy, White Deer Cave Academy, Songyang Academy, Shigu Academy, Goose Lake Academy, etc., all appeared in the Song Dynasty. In the different historical periods that followed, academies in various places continued to make extraordinary contributions in cultivating talents, disseminating ideas, popularizing culture, and verifying the context.

The ancestor of the academy, it is truly deserved

There is a very old academy, which stood silently at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, more than 1800 years old, and its name is Kangcheng Academy. The former site of the academy is located in the north foothills of the Laoshan Scenic Area in Qingdao, Shandong Province, on the chaoyang slope on the west side of Sanbiao Mountain, leaning on Tieqi Mountain in the north and the Ink River in the south. Rolling distant mountains, lush trees, and rushing water add a lot of mystery to the place, revealing a bit of elegance. The valley is babbling and the wood is falling, which is really a good place to read the Bible and preach!

The early days of Kangcheng Academy, Mo pre-Yuzi, can be called the ancestor of the Academy. It was born in a chaotic world, but it is famous. To this day, there is little humanity. The name of Kang Shing College is very different from the name of the land used by the later generations of the college. Most of the later generations of colleges are named after their locations, but KangCheng College is named after the founder. Kangcheng Academy was founded by Zheng Xuan, a master of ancient and modern classics of the Eastern Han Dynasty, who issued the vision of "describing the original meaning of the ancestors and thinking about the unevenness of a hundred families".

Immerse yourself in learning, and eventually become a god

Zheng Xuan (127–200), courtesy name Kangcheng, was a native of Gaomi County, Beihai County (present-day Gaomi, Shandong). Mr. Kang Cheng is famous, like Taishan Beidou, and scholars have always been respected. He combined modern and ancient Texts, Botong Six Arts, annotated the Qunjing, especially the Three Rites, and had the reputation of "Jing Shen". The "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" Zheng Xuan Biography once gave a high evaluation, Yun "Zheng Xuan encompassed the canon, snared the families, cut and slandered, published and missed, since the scholar knows a little." "There are many pre-Qin classics, and unless they are interpreted by Zheng Xuan's hand, people today cannot read them." Zhang Chao's "Shadow of Dreams" book Zeng Yun, "To write a new book is a great cause of a thousand autumns; to note an ancient book, it is allowed to be a great achievement of the world." "If so, then Mr. Kang Cheng's work of injecting the scriptures is great! The famous writer and historian Wang Liqi preached in the preface to his masterpiece "Zheng Kang's Genealogy of The Coming of Age": Gaomi Zhengjun, the pure spirit of Hanhai and Dai, the Hongze of the Great Body, the talent of elegance and foresight, the subtle thinking of Shen Jing, the compilation of the Qunjing, the side and the secret weft, the proclamation of small words, and the divine translation.

Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles. Zheng Xuanxue is an impermanent teacher and visits famous Confucians all over the place. According to his own book, the Book of Jiezi Yi'en, Yun, "Traveling to and from the capitals of Zhou and Qin, traveling between the realms of You, He, Yan, and Yu, was rewarded with the title of ruler, and was treated with great Confucianism, and the proud one was salty and held his hand, and he was somewhat humiliated." "In the reign of Tongren, Yi Daru, Zheng Xuanmo did not ask Question Yan. Zheng Xuan's footprints spread all over Youzhou, Hezhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou, and he was close to the Fifth Yuanxian of Shuoru, Zhang Gongzu, Chen Qiu, Ma Rong, and others at that time, and gathered hundreds of families. His people became really known as Confucianism, and his scholarly name was "Zheng Xue". In the year of confusion, because of the old age of his parents, Zheng Xuan resigned from Guanzhong and returned to his hometown. After Zheng Xuan left, Master Ma Rong sighed and said with emotion to the disciple, "Zheng Sheng is going today, my way to the East!" "Eight short words, but contain rich connotations. This is a praise and admiration for Zheng Xuan's learning, a joy and consolation for his own learning to go east, and a teaching and expectation for his disciples.

Avoid chaos and teach disciples

When Zheng Xuan was a teenager, he served as a township clerk and a township official, and was extremely disappointed in the dark politics of the late Eastern Han Dynasty. After completing his studies, the imperial court and various princes were recruited, and Zheng Xuan was not moved, did not seek the way, had his own lofty ambitions, and became a soldier of Gengjie. Both the "Beginner's Record" and the "Record of the Yuanhai" have "Zheng Xuan Rulin Lecture Hall in beihai." "Zheng Xuan opened the door to teach disciples, and it was determined not to be vain. Disciples come from afar, in an endless stream, from scholars to tens of thousands. Famous people such as Cui Yan, Zhao Shang, Wang Jing, Guo Yuan, Ren Gao, Liu Xi, Sun Qian and so on. According to the Book of Later Han, the Biography of Zheng Xuan, "(Zheng Xuan)'s family was poor, his guests cultivated Donglai, and his apprentices were accompanied by hundreds of thousands of people. Mencius had the great joy of life of "gaining the talents of the world and educating them", and Zheng Xuan also deeply believed it and made unremitting efforts. According to the Qing Dynasty scholar Zheng Zhen's "Zheng Xuelu", the "Lai" of "Kegeng Donglai" refers to the DalaoShan and Xiaolaoshan in Jimo County, thirty-eight miles southeast of the county. According to the Book of Jiezi Yi'en, the place of "false field sowing" may be at the foot of Laoshan Mountain and Buqi Mountain (that is, the present-day Iron Horse Mountain). Later, Cui Yan and Gongsun Fang and others studied zheng Xuan, which coincided with the Yellow Turban Army uprising, and Beihai County was breached, and it was impossible to avoid chaos. According to Yan Mo's "Records of Qi", "Taibai said to himself, 'Although Mount Tai is high in the clouds, it is not as good as the East Sea Labor', and Xi Zheng Kangcheng led the apprentice here. What the "disciple is here" is talking about refers to the matter of Kangcheng Academy.

In the second year of the Eastern Han Dynasty (188 AD), under the mountain, Zheng Xuan and his disciples studied while cultivating, founded a academy, and preached the scriptures. So in the countryside that was very remote at that time, there was a sutra academy. Unfortunately, due to the lack of "Guyi County" at that time, Xuan dismissed all the students. "Kangcheng Academy did not exist for a long time, and it had to be terminated because of the food problem, and the teachers and students parted in tears. Although the text of Zheng Xuan's senior brother Cui Yan's "Shu Chu Fu" is mutilated, the "with the high training of The Zheng clan, I will go to Hu Fa Meng" expresses his original intention of asking and learning and his deep nostalgia for his mentor.

Kangcheng Academy was abandoned for some reason, and the context of future generations continued unceasingly. In the seventh year of Zhengde of the Ming Dynasty (1512 AD), Jimo County ordered Gao Yunzhong to commemorate the ancestors and presided over the rebuilding of Kangcheng Academy, which was extremely prosperous and spectacular. Later, due to the opening of the county school, Kangcheng Academy gradually lost its style and was abandoned, which was a pity. Later generations admired Zheng Xuan, all of which traced back to this. Gu Yanwu, a university scholar in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, after visiting the ruins of Kangcheng Academy, wrote the poem "No Mountain Han No County Has Kangcheng Academy is now abandoned", "The Barren Mountain Academy is cultivated by people, and the name of the mountain and the name of the county are not remembered." In order to ask the yellow turban all over the world, may zheng Kangcheng be tolerated? "At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the world was in turmoil, there was even a generation of great Confucians who taught etiquette and lectured on the Six Classics here, which can also be described as a good story in the academic circles.

Not a pearl of culture, Kang Chengshu has a complex

Unexpectedly, Kangcheng Academy inadvertently and indirectly continued the fú jī culture that had existed for a long time here. The Book of Han and the Chronicle of Emperor Wu has: "In the fourth year of the first month of the Tai Dynasty, in the fourth month of Xia, fortunately. "It was not established as a county in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, and was abolished in the Northern Qi Dynasty, and then abolished in the Sui Dynasty, and then fell under the jurisdiction of Jimo. According to Mr. Wang Xiantang's "Examination of the Culture of the Yanhuang Clan", the two major ethnic groups of the "No" and "Qi" clans in the ancient Buqi Mountains at the end of the primitive society multiplied here. The name of the mountain is given to the name of the clan. If so, the history of "no" can be traced back to the past and runs through the present. Its culture can be described as dating back to the Dongyi culture, involving Qi culture and Han culture, and intertwined with Jimo culture and Langya culture, forming an important cultural form that inherits the past and the future.

Kangcheng College is undoubtedly a pearl in its cultural history. Zheng Xuan also became a famous Confucian who continued his ancient culture and carved out no classics. The place where the chaotic literary lineage was inherited, and the study of the late Han Dynasty was gathered here. According to the "Three Qi Chronicles", "In the east of the city, there is Huangshan Mountain, Zheng Xuan deleted the "Poems" and "Books", perched on this mountain, there are ancient wells, inexhaustible, side of the fine grass, such as xue leaves, long rulers, tough and abnormal, the natives called Kangcheng book belt. "In the middle of nowhere, there is also a kind of grass, which is famous because of Zheng Xuan, who has been annotated throughout the Qunjing: Kang Chengshu with grass. The Tang Dynasty literary scholar Tortoise Meng wrote in the "Book with Grass Endowment", "Pibi grass, Cloud Book with name, the first Confucian is not, the descendants are still alive." "Su Shi of the Song Dynasty has poetry clouds," rain dusk stone Yan cold cloud color, wind moving toothpick chaotic leaf sound. The court has produced books with grass, so that Jun suspects that it is Zheng Kangcheng. "Ming Yi Liangbi's "Book with Grass Song" is also cloudy, "Kang Chengzai Dao both returned to the east, and the negative reading was deep on the side of the mountain. Long-term resignation and Tao Meditation, reading outside the door of the grass Elite, the grass tough book can be bundled, the lack of books is the name of the book. "The book belt grass has long become a complex of Chinese literati, and all this is due to Kangcheng Academy, to zheng xuan, the god of scripture, to the love of books, and to the persistence of learning.

Although the academy does not exist, the vein of learning is still there today. This land has not forgotten Kangcheng, nor will it forget the academy. Nowadays, there is a shuyuan village in the street of Xifu Town, Chengyang District, Qingdao, which is the widow of Kangcheng Academy. Yanli Village is the place where Kang Cheng practiced zhou li with students and local people in that year. A Kangcheng Academy reservoir can also testify. While cultivating intellectuals, Kangcheng Academy has also played a major role in the popularization of culture. Kang Shing College is the first forerunner of this local college, and the latecomers still have to work hard. Today, there is a special courtyard in the Guoxue Park in Chengyang District, named Kangcheng College. Not far from the former site of the college, Qingdao City College, an eighteen-year-old institution of higher learning, is rising to take over the fire of Kangcheng College.

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