
The strongest brain to cultivate! Baby right brain development is best before the age of 3, what should parents do?

Your child's brain is divided into left and right brains.

The strongest brain to cultivate! Baby right brain development is best before the age of 3, what should parents do?

The left brain, also known as the rational brain and the language brain, has a rational side, it is responsible for logical language, mathematics, text reasoning and analysis, and between the ages of 3-6 is the best period for its development.

The right brain, also known as the perceptual brain or creation brain, is the perceptual side that is responsible for drawing, music, rhythm, emotion, imagination, and creativity, and is the best period for development at the age of 0-3.

In fact, the development of the child's left brain and right brain is very important, and only by coordinating the function of the left and right brains can we really cultivate children with the "strongest brain".

The strongest brain to cultivate! Baby right brain development is best before the age of 3, what should parents do?

However, today we are talking about how the child's right brain develops.

The best time period for right brain development is 0-3 years old, especially 0-16 months of focus sensitivity and exploration sensitivity period, according to research, if you miss the golden period of the child's right brain development, it is difficult to stimulate the development of the child's right brain later.

So, what should parents do? Specifically, you can start from the following aspects:

1. Painting practice

Painting is one of the most effective ways to develop the right brain, because painting is a comprehensive training that includes many things, such as visual perception, hands-on ability, auditory description, language comprehension, etc.

The strongest brain to cultivate! Baby right brain development is best before the age of 3, what should parents do?

At the same time, when the child focuses on drawing, it can also improve his observation and concentration.

In addition, the most important thing is that the process of drawing things on paper through children can activate right brain cells and promote the development of right brain thinking, which can well enhance children's creativity.

Therefore, even if it is not to deliberately cultivate children's artistic talents, in order to better develop the child's right brain, parents should let their children learn to draw, which may have unexpected gains.

2. Express it graphically

Some parents prefer to use language to express when helping their children solve problems, that is, in fact, in order to promote the development of the child's right brain, it is recommended that parents can use more graphics to express, such as to explain the concept of "big" and "small" to the child, parents can draw a large circle and a small circle, and then ask the child "which is larger?" Which is smaller? In this way, children can be clear about the difference between "big" and "small".

The strongest brain to cultivate! Baby right brain development is best before the age of 3, what should parents do?

Of course, there are other ways, in short, parents can use graphics as much as possible to help children solve puzzles and answer questions, which are good ways to develop children's right brain.

Therefore, in daily life, when children ask their parents for help, they may wish to try to replace language with graphics.

3. Schema thinking game

The development of the right brain is mainly to cultivate the child's ability to grasp the whole first and then analogously deduce the part, and this is exactly the case with the schema thinking game.

The strongest brain to cultivate! Baby right brain development is best before the age of 3, what should parents do?

Specifically, the schema thinking game is that parents can first show their children the pattern of the dotted line, let the child judge what it is, and then do the wiring exercises, and finally see if the child guesses correctly.

Or parents can find a complex picture for their children to see, including changes in characters, animals and colors, etc., you can let the child see the whole first, and then show the child the part.

Through this game, it can also promote the development of the child's right brain very well.

4. Imagination game

Imagination games are also one of the important ways to promote the development of children's right brain.

The strongest brain to cultivate! Baby right brain development is best before the age of 3, what should parents do?

In general, parents can often play imaginative games with their children as long as they are willing to play.

For example, parents can take the building blocks to build some shapes, and then let the children imagine what these shapes look like; they can look at the white clouds in the sky with the children and ask the children what the white clouds look like; they can also read with the children and let the children imagine the world in the story.

In short, imagination games are very much, if the child is tired of playing this, parents can change the next one, so parents really may wish to play more imagination games with their children, and do not limit themselves to a game, which can not only enrich the child's imagination, but also effectively promote the development of the child's right brain.

The strongest brain to cultivate! Baby right brain development is best before the age of 3, what should parents do?

In short, developing a child's right brain may affect his life, so smart parents must seize the golden age of 0-3 years old so that their children can grow better.

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