
The father's surname is "rolling", and he does not want the child to follow his surname, and the mother casually takes the name of the whole family and claps and praises

Text/Little Snow Mom

Every parent has worried about naming the child before the birth of the child, the name is the child's lifelong title, the joy of parenthood is the most direct manifestation is to give the child a good name.

But we also know that "taking a name" is not an easy task, most parents have a headache for this, hollow out the heart to look up the dictionary, and even go online for help, which has also caused many netizens to joke and fool around.

The father's surname is "rolling", and he does not want the child to follow his surname, and the mother casually takes the name of the whole family and claps and praises

The father's surname is "roll", and he does not want the child to follow his surname, so the mother casually takes the name of the whole family and claps their hands

There is a father surnamed "roll", ushered in his first child, in the face of the happiness of the arrival of the child, the rolling father is happy and worried, because the child's name has not been thought out, although during the wife's pregnancy has begun to pig than, but during the period of thinking a lot of names feel unsuitable, slowly dragged until the birth of the child.

"Roll" dad to the child's name of the trouble, the most important thing is the "roll" this surname, this surname is relatively rare and more or less with some "pejorative" feeling, itself "roll dad" when he was a child because of the surname, not less by the peers to take the nickname ridicule, so the roll father does not want his experience in the child to appear again.

The father's surname is "rolling", and he does not want the child to follow his surname, and the mother casually takes the name of the whole family and claps and praises

But thinking about it for a long time, the name has not been taken well, and the "roll" father thinks of simply letting the child follow the "mother's surname", so that he can avoid the difficulty of naming the surname.

For the idea of "rolling" father, the child's grandparents do not agree, thinking that since ancient times, children are "with the father's surname", the couple is not divorced and not a second marriage, the child must follow their own family name.

The father's surname is "rolling", and he does not want the child to follow his surname, and the mother casually takes the name of the whole family and claps and praises

Just when the "roll" father was worried, he did not expect that his wife casually said a name, which was praised by the family, and it turned out that the name of the mother to the child was called "Rolling Source", which means that the child's future wealth is rolling, and this name is also catchy, which can avoid the problem of name ambiguity to the greatest extent.

In fact, there are many rare surnames like rolling dad, such as hard to name, like poison, sand, and Gou, because there is a problem of harmonics, it is very difficult to take the name suffix, and if it is not good, there may be a pejorative situation.

The father's surname is "rolling", and he does not want the child to follow his surname, and the mother casually takes the name of the whole family and claps and praises

The name is not taken well, which has a great impact on the growth of children

We often say that "people are like their names", if a person's name is good and the achievements are particularly great, then the name will become a boost to the spread of a person's fame, but if the name is not taken well, it may spread in another way.

Everyone has come from the student era, knowing that when they go to school, there are some mischievous students who make "nicknames" for others, which will bring great trouble to the growth of others.

The father's surname is "rolling", and he does not want the child to follow his surname, and the mother casually takes the name of the whole family and claps and praises

Like the name "rich and handsome", students do not know how to joke, the child's own self-esteem is very strong, by the classmates maliciously called nickname, the heart is very sad, self-esteem is hurt.

If a person or two people call it so good, but there are more people who call it, the child will be very rejected, even unwilling to go to school, and the personality is also frustrated, so it is said that parents give the child a name, or think twice, the name is the child's life's name, take it badly may become the laughing stock of others, and it is also a very troublesome thing to change the name of the child when he is older in the future.

The father's surname is "rolling", and he does not want the child to follow his surname, and the mother casually takes the name of the whole family and claps and praises

Parents give their children a name, the following questions to pay attention to

First, don't take a name that has a harmonic sound

Some parents give their children names, pay too much attention to the meaning of the name, and feel that the name has a meaning to appear very "level", but thus ignore the problems caused by harmonic sounds.

Like the name "Shi Zhenhao" is very bad, the future will definitely be laughed at, so parents to give their children a name must pay attention to avoid the "harmonic" problem, read several times to give the child a good experience.

The father's surname is "rolling", and he does not want the child to follow his surname, and the mother casually takes the name of the whole family and claps and praises

Second, try not to appear in the name "strange words"

Chinese mouth is more, the situation of duplicate names is inevitable, but each child is a unique existence of parents, do not want the child's name and others to have the same name, so they find some strange words to name the child, this is to avoid duplicate names, but the problem is that many people do not know the strange words, and it is easy to embarrass others in the future.

Third, try not to get too big a name

The father's surname is "rolling", and he does not want the child to follow his surname, and the mother casually takes the name of the whole family and claps and praises

As the saying goes, "men do not bring heaven, women do not bring immortals", which means that the name of the child should not be too big, like some too domineering, or the same name as the famous people in history, although it can make a deep impression, but it will also bring a lot of pressure to the child's growth.

Especially when the child's growth is not as good as expected, the name will become a resistance to the child's growth, so that the child bears a lot of pressure that should not be had, but instead of a good thing, parents still have to think more and try to give the child a suitable name.

I am Xiaoxue mom, a post-90s mother, pay attention to me, and share scientific parenting knowledge every day!

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