
The person who has a crush on you will use this "small action" to confess to you, don't know

The person who has a crush on you will use this "small action" to confess to you, don't know


Crush on this thing, time is always very critical, too early or too late, will be missed.

Because people are eager to find a sense of security.

Crush is beautiful, but it can make people feel a little weak. Young crush, especially so, love experience is too little, or there is a little uncertainty about the future, his mind when he is in a crush, it will be like encountering a flower that has no intention of blooming, you don't know which day it will bloom, but he will still wait silently, and secretly rub and confess.

Make small talk with friends.

Suddenly she mentioned a person, and she sighed: I don't know if he is doing well now.

In fact, as bystanders, we all know when we were students that she and that he have a little ambiguity, and from time to time there will be a little spark of love, burning between the two people.

I remember a party, the boy said to her: When you are thirty years old, if you can't get married, I will take you in, and everyone here can be our matchmaker.

Everyone coaxed, and the woman returned the mouth: You cursed me for not marrying out, right?

Man answered: If you are joking, you believe it.

Years later, the two men went to different cities, no longer had contact, and after that, they started their own families and had their own children.

It can be seen that the flowers have actually bloomed, but unfortunately, they have missed the flowering period.

Only because two people are waiting, both are doubting, but no one dares to open the layer of paper in the middle, and they are unwilling to face it, so they only miss each other.

However, it can also be seen that in fact, the person who has a crush on you will always inadvertently confess to the person he likes, in a joking mode, but the joke is in your heart, and it should only be "a joke".

The person who has a crush on you will use this "small action" to confess to you, don't know


The story of how many crushes, like a movie in youth, seems to be very beautiful, but it is full of regrets and regrets.

Perhaps, the two people at the moment are living well, have a good career, and have a good family, but when the love that once did not land is always brought up, the eyes are full of longing and unforgettable.

Life can never be copied, pasted, loved, and cannot be repeated, so whenever you look back, the deepest love hidden in your heart, perhaps, is the "joke".

Then, helplessly sighing: Perhaps, this is the trick of fate!

It can be seen that a crush on a person, he can't help but want to tell the other party, he will confess to you again and again through the small action of "making a joke".

How many crushes, hidden in "just kidding"

How many crushes, at first are friends, are good "buddies", but in the end, become silent, into a sentence of "bless you".

When people are young, it is always immature to deal with feelings. Afraid of rejection, afraid of facelessness, but also very curious to know whether the other party is interested in themselves, so they will use jokes again and again to test each other's intentions.

But, really joking, can you test it? Can you make the other person understand your intentions?

Not necessarily, I'm afraid.

"You see, recently I took peach blossom luck, wherever there are girls plus my WeChat", seemingly clever a sentence, in fact, women face your sentence, can only give you a sentence of "roll" or "congratulations, get off the list early", you can not test her heart at all, will be more doubtful;

"Without me, what can you do", it seems to be a spoiled sentence, but it also hides deep pampering, but most women will hope to wait and wait, wait for him to say the confession she wants most in her heart, and then think about the meaning of this sentence in the direction of love;

"As far as your stinky temper is concerned, that is, I can still be around you", perhaps, this sentence, stupid girls can hear his meaning, he longs for women to care about him, longs for women to be able to pay attention to his thoughts, the meaning of love, has overflowed with words, but if some women, really feel that you are saying that she has a bad temper, it is likely that this sentence is in vain.


Ambiguous words, as if two people are flirting, but each of them hides their own thoughts, sounding sweet, but with a hint of sourness.

Let people want to exhort: love, just confess plainly.

You don't confess and let others guess, that's really a bit difficult.

The person who has a crush on you will use this "small action" to confess to you, don't know

No matter how deep the "joke" confession, the ending is zero

Some people have said that the greatest sorrow of people is to meet the most desperate people at the most powerless age.

It sounds helpless, but when you are capable, the person you can take care of is likely not to look at you again, isn't it more sad?

Therefore, to love, you must love bravely.

How many people say: I'm afraid I can't give you a good life. But in the end, the real day is better, and that person no longer loves you.

Crush, even more so.

You are afraid that she does not love you, afraid that after the failure of the confession, and she will not even be friends, but you will still hold the idea of trying it out, touching each other again and again, secretly rubbing jokes, provoking each other's reverie, this kind of behavior, in fact, than direct confession, more disgusting.

Don't dare to say, and not willing to be lonely, do not dare to confess, and do not dare to give up, contradictory and selfish, that sentence of jokes, seemingly sincere, but hidden selfishness, seemingly not embarrassed, but in hindsight, but in retrospect, it is full of proof that a person does not have courage.

Perhaps, some people will say that they are afraid that they will be rejected, so they will say it in a joking tone, but you forget that when you tell it in a joke mode, the other party will also look at you with the attitude that you are joking.

Therefore, no matter how affectionate the "joke" confession, the result is zero.

The person who has a crush on you will use this "small action" to confess to you, don't know

Love needs to be boldly spoken

I remember seeing a scene where a girl occasionally met someone she had a crush on, and she said in her heart: Let's go, lift your feet and go forward quickly, don't stay, don't look back.

It can be seen that after many years, the person she once liked will still make ripples in her heart.

Life is long, how much love, there is a chance to meet, but finally become a stranger, or become a familiar stranger, even to say hello, have to hesitate again and again.

The love that was once unspoken, in the present, becomes the regret of a lifetime.

Remember a line in "Those Years": If you really like a person very much, you will know that it is impossible to truly wish her eternal happiness and happiness with others.

Yes, the thoughts that have been liked, when I think about it in the future, will always be like a thorn, stuck in the heart, itchy, but what is more tangled is that some people obviously like it, but for some reasons, they have not even said it, and this crush will be difficult to let go in the days to come.

So, love, just speak up.

You know, after many years, you will no longer be the white teenager, she will not be the girl in the white dress, you are all just a mortal, but you will be very grateful, once the one who desperately liked each other.

Because, you did not flinch, there is no regret, even if you failed to confess to her, even if you have been stranger to her since then,

The person who has a crush on you will use this "small action" to confess to you, don't know


Zhang Ailing once said: The most beautiful thing in the world is that the person you like and just happen to like you.

Perhaps, you have endless topics to talk about, endless interesting things, each other's hearts and minds, you are each other's warmth, each other's care... But, you're not a couple.

Like a person, should not be secretly, not hidden in a sentence of "jokes", but should be careful, to get her heart, in the dare not to speak, to give themselves a confession, to give her a confession.

Don't miss a good relationship because of hesitation, you don't understand, the other party can only understand that you are joking with her; if you don't seriously confess, the other party will only think that you are not interested in her; if you don't love her well, the other party will only think that you just treat her as a good friend...

Don't let a relationship stay in "above the friend, the lover is not enough", you have to believe that you are lucky enough to meet a person who also loves you, even if you confess failure, she will still regard you as the most special friend in this life.

You must also have the courage to recognize a reality: love needs to be solemn, not a joke.

In particular, it is a woman's mind, often more delicate, but also more sensitive, the man she likes, at least to take a serious attitude to treat her, so that she dares to relax her heart to communicate with you.

Life is long, you can hold hands and go on, it is your fate; if there is no chance, let this encounter not be in vain.

Even if you can't become a couple in the future, but solemnly confess, seriously love, you will be grateful for this encounter, grateful for having been with each other, grateful for the other party to shine your night sky, giving you a piece of starry sky.

The person who has a crush on you will use this "small action" to confess to you, don't know

Author, Frank Fox

Figure, network

May you find in my words the ordinary years, a strong affection! Thanks for your attention!

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