
Li Bin: Weilai mobile phone is still in the research stage, is the user willing to pay?

Over the years, there are many companies that are eager to enter the mobile phone industry, Gree and Huawei are strictly considered laymen to enter this field, but Huawei has succeeded. Gree is still working hard to develop, and in terms of making mobile phones, there are also Geely and foreign electric vehicle brands Tesla! At first glance, it seems that many of them are car companies, so there are rumors about the domestic new energy trends in recent years, and there are rumors about making mobile phones!

Li Bin: Weilai mobile phone is still in the research stage, is the user willing to pay?

Sina Technology News At noon on March 31, Li Bin, founder, chairman and CEO of Weilai, responded to the rumors of Weilai mobile phones when participating in an interview column, claiming that Weilai mobile phones are still in the research stage. Li Bin said bluntly that Weilai users feedback whether there can be a mobile phone that can better connect with the car has prompted Weilai to study this industry. Li Bin said that even if Weilai wants to build a mobile phone, it is not from the perspective of commercial success to think, but whether the user needs a Weilai mobile phone, and whether this mobile phone can enhance the experience of Weilai car owners.

Li Bin: Weilai mobile phone is still in the research stage, is the user willing to pay?

Whether it can improve the owner experience, this is also explained. Weilai has the idea of making mobile phones, but it is not yet mature! So what will the future do? This is not necessarily true, but users have reported that there can be a mobile phone that is better connected to the car! Why weilai does not cooperate with many mobile phone manufacturers! Isn't that possible?

Li Bin: Weilai mobile phone is still in the research stage, is the user willing to pay?

Great Wall Motors also uses smart watches to form an interconnection with smart cars. It seems that many companies like to build a business system on their own. Instead of seeking cooperation, this is really a bit incomprehensible! In recent years, Huawei automotive solutions have begun to cooperate with many car companies, but some are light cooperation just car keys and other series of functions, but some are deep cooperation, cars and mobile phones can be deeply related! In this way there is no doubt that mobile phones and cars have to have a lot of data transfer!

Li Bin: Weilai mobile phone is still in the research stage, is the user willing to pay?

Maybe there will be privacy and security considerations, maybe there will be some commercial thinking! So if the car company goes to build a mobile phone, if there is no way to achieve the same experience as a normal mobile phone in terms of experience, then is the user willing to pay? Can car companies and some mobile phone manufacturers jointly create some mobile phones to form a system of customization, so that the final handover to car companies to support the sale, and even some cars with high prices, you can give away mobile phones!

Li Bin: Weilai mobile phone is still in the research stage, is the user willing to pay?

So what do you expect from the connection between the car and the mobile phone, and if the car manufacturer builds a mobile phone, are you willing to buy it? Also welcome to pay attention to my entrepreneur Li Meng and communicate with me!

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