
Good family education is inseparable from these ten common senses! Parents do wrong, will delay the child's life

In the process of children's growth, the responsibility of parents can not be replaced.

Children are born with a sense of dependence on their parents, and parents give their children the education, companionship and care they deserve, so that children will have a sense of security and support.

Good family education is inseparable from these ten common senses! Parents do wrong, it will delay the child, parents must read it.

The law of attribution

Ensure that children grow up in a healthy family environment

This article seems like nonsense, what parent doesn't want to create a healthy family environment for their children? But in reality, did every parent do it?

For example, some parents are overly doting, spoiled, and obedient to their children, and they develop unhealthy living habits because of their children's willfulness.

Some parents often quarrel in front of their children, and broken, long-separated families make children lack a sense of belonging.

If family changes are inevitable, parents should pay more attention to the comfort and guidance of their children, and should not take wrong practices such as neglect, coddling, and excessive harshness, and they should not be angry with their children because of family breakdown.

The Law of Hope

Always let children see hope

Parents have placed their hopes on their children, but some parents have transformed this hope into mental pressure for their children, but have not let their children see their hopes.

Excellent parents know that when their children are doing well, they should give timely affirmation and tell them that they are "well done" and "fantastic".

Even if the child does not do a good job for a while, he must be good at using words of encouragement to let the child see hope. This is about using the law of hope to motivate children.

Good family education is inseparable from these ten common senses! Parents do wrong, will delay the child's life

Rules of management

Parents have a responsibility to discipline until the child is a minor

Some parents love to say to the kindergarten teacher: "I will give the child to you later!" "Some parents are busy with work and usually ignore their children. These are all dereliction of duty on the part of parents.

In the process of children's growth, the responsibility of parents can not be replaced. Children are born with a sense of dependence on their parents, parents give their children the education, companionship and care they deserve, children will have a sense of security and support, and will turn to parents for help when they encounter problems.

Laws of sound

Listen to your child

Parents treat their children equally, give them a voice, and listen to their voices before they can tell their true minds.

If adults do not respect children's ideas and ignore their voices, over time, they will not dare to tell the truth to their parents and do not like to communicate with their parents.

Moreover, parents are their children's teachers and role models. If parents do not have the patience to listen to their children, their children will follow suit, refuse to listen to adults, and even do not know how to respect others.

Good family education is inseparable from these ten common senses! Parents do wrong, will delay the child's life

The law of example

The role model of words and deeds for children is enormous

"Lead by example, teach by example" is universal. Children's upbringing, interests, hobbies, etc., mostly come from the environment in which they grew up.

Parents, siblings, relatives and friends, teachers, social relations, etc. all have an impact on children. The influence of mothers on girls and fathers on boys is important.

The law of seeking common ground while reserving differences

Respect your child's view of the world and try to understand them as much as possible

Children and adults often have different views, and they will have a lot of unconventional fantasies. In fact, these are the cuteness of the child's heart.

If adults think that children's ideas are strange and pour cold water, it will stifle their imagination and curiosity, and it will also make them disappointed because they are not understood.

Good family education is inseparable from these ten common senses! Parents do wrong, will delay the child's life

Use the law of punishment with caution

Respect your child's view of the world and try to avoid corporal punishment

Mere punishment, especially corporal punishment, is a very negative and clumsy form of education.

Many children who are punished by violence from an early age will also have violent tendencies when they grow up. Therefore, corporal punishment is not recommended, but when a child makes a mistake, some punishment can also be done in an appropriate way.

The premise of punishment is that the child must realize that he has done something wrong and is willing to accept the punishment, not to take the example.

The punishment method should also be reasonable, and they can be prevented from doing what they like, such as being punished for a few days not to watch TV, surf the Internet, and play games.

The law of consequences

Let your child know the possible consequences of their actions

Sometimes, when a child causes trouble or wants to do something innovative, even adults do not understand the consequences and harm, and then blame or stop the child, which of course cannot be convincing.

If you want to educate your child to be convinced, parents, teachers and other adults should first think carefully about the causes and consequences of each thing, and then talk to the child well, you can start from the good or bad consequences, and in turn explain whether you should do this, know the reason, the child will understand.

Structural laws

Teach children to understand the boundaries between morality and law from an early age

It is not difficult for parents to do this, legal education is integrated in social life and school education, children are all-rounded from an early age, and they have a moral bottom line and a legal bottom line in their hearts, which often affects parents in turn.

However, parents should also lead by example and set an example of compliance for their children. It is recommended that parents find materials from life to help children clarify what is not in line with morality and law, so that children understand the boundaries between morality and law from an early age.

Good family education is inseparable from these ten common senses! Parents do wrong, will delay the child's life

The law of independence

Cultivate your child's independence from an early age

Parents should cultivate their children's independence from an early age and leave psychological space for their children. You don't have to go around the child, you feel that you care about the child, but the child feels that you are too tightly controlled.

Parents should also allow their children to maintain their own privacy to a certain extent, and have their own initiative and decision-making power.

Good family education is inseparable from these ten common senses! Parents do wrong, will delay the child's life

The way to get along

There are interesting and interesting things and attitudes. Analyze the feelings of both sexes, the psychology of men and women, interpret the origin of love marriage and family, discuss the wisdom of getting along with friends in the workplace and friends, share love skills, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, learn children's parent-child relationship, family education, and make your life more harmonious.

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