
Children recognize birth, talk less, have no friends, and are ignored by many parents, but they are the precursors of "star children"

The child's physiological recognition and pathological life are very different.

However, when the child first appears to recognize the birth behavior, many parents will be glad that the child's thinking has begun to develop, slowly moving towards maturity, and even sometimes encourage the child to make such behavior.

Children recognize birth, talk less, have no friends, and are ignored by many parents, but they are the precursors of "star children"

However, sometimes it is true that because of the parents' lack of understanding and neglect, children step by step to the road of autism. When the symptoms are severe, the parents regret it.

Children recognize birth, talk less, have no friends, and are ignored by many parents, but they are the precursors of "star children"

How to distinguish between physiological recognition and pathological recognition?

Social skills: although the former is rejected, it can make a routine response

Not only is the interaction between strangers and children social interaction, even the child's parents can be regarded as the object of social interaction, but the difficulty of interacting with parents is smaller.

At this point, it is possible to distinguish very clearly between birth rationality and pathology, the former in the process of interacting with parents, without any obstacles, and even very smooth and comfortable.

Children recognize birth, talk less, have no friends, and are ignored by many parents, but they are the precursors of "star children"

The latter, on the other hand, even the parents are very rejected, and at best they will make some simple reactions, which are basically an attitude of approval. The reason for this is not because they trust their parents, but because they find it troublesome to associate with them.

In terms of daily behavior: the latter is too stubborn and paranoid to complete their own ideas

Usually, when the child is about one to two years old, there will be physiological recognition behavior. They simply don't trust the stranger and are attached to their parents, and as long as the surrounding environment gains his trust, they will return to normal and lift the alarm.

But if parents find that children are always very stubborn, often appear to be sharp behaviors, do not know how to be flexible, as long as it is what they want to do, no matter what the cost, they will try their best to complete.

Children recognize birth, talk less, have no friends, and are ignored by many parents, but they are the precursors of "star children"

During this period, even if the parents forcibly interfere, or even the behavior of scolding, it cannot affect the child's persistence in his own ideas, which is not the so-called perseverance, but extreme!

Hobbies: The latter choice is very single

Children with autism are extremely insecure inside, and even if there is a little bit of behavior that breaks the rules and habits they have formed, they will become very restless.

For example, in the matter of cultivating new hobbies, they are not willing to step out of their comfort zone at all, thinking that they already have an interest hobby why should they re-cultivate it? What should I do if I get hurt in the process?

Children recognize birth, talk less, have no friends, and are ignored by many parents, but they are the precursors of "star children"

And the hobbies they cultivate are usually the experience they have accumulated before they become ill, so that during their illness, they will not do anything that they feel bold. The physiological recognition of children will not affect their own cultivation of rich interests.

Children recognize birth, talk less, have no friends, and are ignored by many parents, but they are the precursors of "star children"

What are the factors that cause a child to develop autism?

Genes are inherited within the family

When a family has autism, the entire family must be mentally prepared to give birth to a child born with autism genes before giving birth. And this gene affects many generations of children.

Just like the genes that control the appearance of a child, at the same time as the fertilized egg is formed, these genes are deeply rooted in the fetus, and no matter what kind of environment is created for the child in the later stages, the chance of them changing to autism is very high.

Children recognize birth, talk less, have no friends, and are ignored by many parents, but they are the precursors of "star children"

But parents can not because of choking food, afraid of any problems with their children and choose to escape, as long as parents spend more effort and better protection after the birth of their children, it is still possible to avoid.

Fetal stage brain development is affected

We all know that during the mother's pregnancy, basically can not take any drugs, even if the mother has a cold, antibiotic drugs are to avoid, because these drugs will invisibly hurt the fetus.

Children recognize birth, talk less, have no friends, and are ignored by many parents, but they are the precursors of "star children"

For example, the impact on fetal brain development. After all, the development of the brain from the beginning of the fetus to the completion of development has never stopped, no matter at what stage it is injured, it is very fatal.

Parents are too old to give birth

When both parents are far older than the most suitable age for childbearing, it also has a great impact on the development of the fetal brain, coupled with the limited quality of the mother itself, the nutrition provided will be greatly reduced.

In this way, couples with men over 40 years old and women over 35 years old have a breathtaking chance of having children with autism!

Today's summary:

What kind of family do you think is most likely to induce autism in your child? Feel free to share your thoughts with us!

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