
New pregnant mothers are often worried about what to do if they fall during pregnancy and how to minimize the risk

I don't experience a baby in my life

You don't know that

Watching the feeling of your stomach gradually bulging

How complicated

Both want to grow up quickly and see changes

And worried too big to hold

This is more precious than any treasure

In case you fall and stumble

But what to do???

Pregnant mother's worry is not unreasonable, with the huge changes in the stomach during pregnancy, especially in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, pregnant mother's body is more inconvenient, the probability of falling is very large, walking is often unstable, and some women will also have unconscious falls.

New pregnant mothers are often worried about what to do if they fall during pregnancy and how to minimize the risk

If you fall very hard or land on the abdomen, it is likely that early placental detachment will occur, that is, the placenta is separated from the uterine wall, which will affect the oxygen and nutrient supply of the fetus, hypoxia occurs, and death can occur in severe cases.

Abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding occur when placental detachment occurs, and if this occurs, it is necessary to go to the hospital immediately.

If there is no abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding, it is also necessary to pay attention to the fetal movement after wrestling, and any abnormal manifestations of fetal movement, such as frequent fetal movement, should also go to the hospital.

If the fetal movement is normal, there is no bleeding, abdominal pain, the estimated situation is better, and if possible, you should also listen to the fetal heart rate, or if necessary, do a fetal heart monitoring test to determine whether the fetus is in a good condition.

New pregnant mothers are often worried about what to do if they fall during pregnancy and how to minimize the risk

Although the consequences of falling during pregnancy are serious, new mothers do not have to worry too much. The baby lives in the mother's womb, surrounded by amniotic fluid, and the amniotic fluid can play a good buffering role, and a slight bump will not cause any major trouble.

New pregnant mothers are often worried about what to do if they fall during pregnancy and how to minimize the risk

If you fall during pregnancy, the most serious is the abdomen landing on the ground, so if you really fall accidentally, you must try to choose these two protective postures:


Hold your arms on the ground and avoid landing on your abdomen

If you accidentally slip or fall and your body leans forward, choose the position of kneeling on both knees and supporting the ground with your arms to avoid hurting your stomach.


If you can't hold your arm on the ground, choose sideways

Holding your body with your hands is a knee-jerk reaction, but if you can't take this position, try to lie on your side to the ground as much as possible, avoiding your stomach.

New pregnant mothers are often worried about what to do if they fall during pregnancy and how to minimize the risk
New pregnant mothers are often worried about what to do if they fall during pregnancy and how to minimize the risk

Whether the expectant mother falls while taking a bath at home or falls downstairs, the first priority is to lift the expectant mother up.

However, it should be noted that pregnant women should not forget the weight of the hand because they are in a hurry, and must not drag hard, so as not to strain the mother-to-be.

Pregnant women should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible after falling, and doctors will generally ask the expectant mother in detail how she fell and which part landed first when she fell.

Each fallen mother-to-be fell to the ground differently, some kneeling on the ground, some falling on their backs, and some landing directly on their abdomen.

New pregnant mothers are often worried about what to do if they fall during pregnancy and how to minimize the risk

Under normal circumstances, if the abdomen is not directly on the ground, the doctor will let the mother-to-be go back after examination; but if it happens to touch the abdomen, the doctor may ask the mother-to-be to stay in the hospital for observation according to the situation.

New pregnant mothers are often worried about what to do if they fall during pregnancy and how to minimize the risk

Wear non-slip shoes

To prevent falls in pregnant women, it is best to wear non-slip shoes. After pregnancy, you should not wear shoes that are too slippery, you can not wear shoes with too high heels, and you cannot wear shoes with too thick bottoms.

Walk more to rest in time

Pregnant mothers in pregnancy, if it is walking too much, then, you should pay attention to rest, because pregnant mothers in the case of physical weakness is easy to fall, which will also make pregnant women feel laborious and tired, it is recommended that pregnant mothers walk for a while It is best to sit down and rest for a while.


Take a closer look at the surroundings

Carefully check whether the floor in front of you is easy to slip; bad weather is most likely to have problems, such as rain and snow, so it is best to check the weather forecast in advance, and if you have to go out in such weather, it is best to be accompanied by someone; when you go upstairs, hold the handle with your hand; Greet the driver in advance when getting on and off the bus and ask him to set aside time for you; Arrange as much time as possible and don't "rush".


Be careful when changing postures

When preparing to change postures, such as sitting up for a long time, it is best to find a support; if there is discomfort or dizziness, find a support nearby or quickly crouch or sit down, try not to let yourself fall directly, in the case of consciousness, you can also find someone nearby to help.

New pregnant mothers are often worried about what to do if they fall during pregnancy and how to minimize the risk

Whether the result of an accidental fall is mild or severe, it is necessary for pregnant mothers and families to take risks. Therefore, pregnant mothers and family members must pay more attention to their daily lives, in fact, as long as they do a good job of protection, they can be completely avoided.

Source: Shenzhen Maternal and Child Health Hospital

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