
The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?

Recently, a piece of news caught the attention of the editor:

One patient, who was sleeping, suddenly howled loudly, punched and kicked, woke up saying he was dreaming of a dog attacking him. According to doctors, this is an obvious rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder, if the symptoms can not be relieved for a long time, it may gradually develop into a nervous system disease such as Parkinson's.

The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?

Some parents said in the message: Our children slept when they were young, and when they grew up, they didn't have it.

Parents with children should know that when children sleep, there is often a phenomenon of "one shock and one surprise": obviously it seems that they are sleeping well, and suddenly the small hand is raised upwards, and soon retracted, and sometimes the arms and legs will twitch. This is the "startle reflex".

This is due to the fact that the infant's brain is not yet fully developed, and the part of the brain that controls muscle movement is still locally active during sleep, resulting in intermittent tics. The startle reflex tends to disappear within 3-5 months of your baby's birth. If it does not disappear for a long time, parents should be vigilant and take the baby to see a pediatrician.

The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?

Some parents said in the message that why do children suddenly shake after falling asleep after they are older?

In fact, not only children, but also many adults will also have such a phenomenon: when they are about to fall asleep, their bodies suddenly shake like an electric shock, or involuntarily kick them, and then they are awakened in an instant!

This is a type of pre-adjah muscle twitching, also called "falling asleep twitching", which is an unconscious muscle twitch shortly after falling asleep. However, this kind of shaking generally does not affect sleep, turn over, and continue to sleep.

However, it should be noted that overwork, nervousness, stress, calcium deficiency and other reasons can lead to the occurrence of tics. Therefore, without affecting the quality of sleep (such as insomnia, headache and dizziness), parents do not need to be overly nervous.

Xiaobian found that as long as it comes to children's sleep, some parents are very anxious:

Will the child's lack of sleep cycle affect him? Is it okay to take advantage of the weekend to get some sleep?


Today, let's talk about "sleeping"

How long is the right amount of sleep for different ages?

We all seem to have a question: How long do people sleep? Some professional institutions recommend that the sleep time of people of all ages is:

Newborns aged 0-3 months: 14 to 17 hours

Infants aged 4 to 11 months: 12 to 15 hours

Toddlers 1-2 years: 11 to 14 hours

Preschoolers aged 3-5 years: 10 to 13 hours

School-age children 6-13 years: 9 to 11 hours

Adolescents 14-17 years: 8 to 10 hours

Adults 18-64 years: 7 to 9 hours

Seniors over 65 years of age: 7 to 8 hours

In fact, enough sleep time is one thing, and sleep quality is also very important.

4 tips for parents to simply determine if their child has slept well:

◆ Fall asleep faster, within 30 minutes;

◆ Rarely wake up in the middle of the way, or wake up for a short time, no more than 5 minutes;

◆ Bed in the morning;

◆ Energetic during the day.

If all 4 are satisfied, then don't dwell on it.

There are a few sleep misunderstandings that parents need to know


Wear a lot or cover too thickly for your child

Spring weather can be changeable, hot and cold! Many parents are afraid of their children's cold, and when they sleep, they cover their children tightly or wear thicker pajamas.

But you know what? There is a symptom that often occurs in children, called "blindfold syndrome" . "Blindfold syndrome" can cause hypoxia, high fever, sweating, dehydration, severe convulsions, coma, respiratory failure...

Some parents, especially some elderly people, would rather have children sweating hot than let him be cold, but at this time, heat is more dangerous than cold!


Take advantage of weekends to get a good night's sleep

Every weekend, some older children will take the opportunity to "catch up" and get up three times a day. Instead of being refreshed, this is groggy.

An expert explained to us:

When sleep is irregular, the person's entire body will enter an irregular state, with low appetite, nausea, depression, or inability to concentrate.

Be sure not to be in bed all day long, more than 15 consecutive hours of sleep can cause the body clock to be disturbed and may make it difficult to sleep.

Therefore, it is not recommended to sleep until noon on weekends with a blindfold. The best way to do this is to get up as usual, have breakfast, and then go to catch up on sleep.

The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?


Close the doors and windows tightly for a good night's sleep

The truth is exactly the opposite, keep the air circulating, in order to let the child sleep well!

A study by the University of Technology in Eindhoven in the Netherlands showed that in a well-ventilated room, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air is lower, which means increased sleep depth, increased sleep efficiency and fewer awakenings.

Therefore, be sure to circulate the air! If you really feel cold, leave a small slit in the window!

The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?


Soak the feet of younger children before bedtime

Although soaking feet before bedtime is beneficial for adults, it is not suitable for children. If your child's feet are not very cold, there is no need to soak them.

Because the human arch is gradually formed in childhood, if the foot is often soaked with hot water, it may cause the ligaments on the soles of the child's feet to become loose, which is not conducive to the formation and maintenance of the arch, and in the long run, it will increase the risk of forming flat feet.

The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?

Parents can develop a sleep plan

To customize the perfect sleep plan for your child, you should fully consider the preparation before going to bed and the way to wake up your child.

Prepare before bedtime

In the book "Sleep Revolution", there is a view that sleep is not only the time to fall asleep in bed, but also includes 90 minutes before and after falling asleep. These two 90 minutes before and after are an important part of achieving high-quality sleep, but they are often overlooked by us.

Therefore, if you want your child to get a good night's sleep, it is important to prepare before falling asleep.


Turn off electronics

Before your child is about to fall asleep, don't show him TV, mobile phones, or tablets. The blue light of electronic product screens will make the cerebral cortex in a state of excitement and difficult to sleep.


Control the light

Our biological clock works according to the perception of light. That is to say, when it is time to fall asleep, dimming the light will unconsciously enter a drowsy state, and the brain and body will gradually enter the state of sleep.

If the child is afraid and dare not turn off the light to sleep, then it is recommended to turn the light in the room to a warm yellow, which can provide him with a certain sense of security. Wait until your child is asleep before turning off the lights.


Organize your sleep

You can let your child pack his school bag before going to bed to avoid going out of the house the next day.

In addition, parents can let their children decide what shoes and clothes to wear for school the next day and put them aside. Avoid your child from worrying about chores that affect the quality of sleep.

Let your child prepare everything before going to sleep in advance so they can slip into the bed and fall asleep with enough peace of mind.

In addition, some children are more sensitive to temperature and humidity, which requires parents to use auxiliary tools, such as air conditioners, humidifiers, etc. to help children fall asleep.

Some children are more sensitive to noise, which requires parents to reach a consensus to help children create a quiet sleeping environment. Or before going to bed, you can play some soothing light music, piano music and other relaxing spirits for your child.

The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?

Wake-up mode

In the face of children who do not want to get up, parents must not wake up their children like this:

The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?

The above several ways of waking up belong to the "lethal wake-up". The short-term seems to be effective, but the long-term harm is great.

Any drastic cutting of the sleep process (cutting off the brain's activation process in a wake-up way to make people immediately regain consciousness), using excessive sounds, or uninterrupted noise, to touch the other party's body, depriving the sense of sleep security, etc., are all "lethal wake-up" methods.

This rough way can have a very bad impact on the child.

Studies have found that when children are suddenly awake in a very short period of time, the cerebral cortex area responsible for thinking and self-control is very easy to form a misjudgment due to sudden entry into the working state, so that children switch to crying, irritability and other angry patterns, which is what we often call "getting up gas".

Often "lethal wake-up", the child will have the following phenomena:

The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?
The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?

Parents can wake up their children in the following ways:

Light wakes up the child

If you have a dimmable lamp at home, the parent can gradually turn on the lamp, and the light will wake him up for you.

Because since ancient times, human beings have been awakened by light. Light awakens the visual system, which transmits signals to the subconscious mind, and wakes up the brain and activates the limbs, which is the most natural way to wake up.

If there is no such lamp at home, slowly pulling back the curtains is also effective.

The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?

Gently caress to wake up your child

This method can be used for children who sleep deeper and do not wake up easily.

But don't be gentle and gentle. And the order of stroke should start from the hand, then to the forearm, the upper arm, the cheek... If the quilt is thick, touch your hand or forearm across the quilt.

As the child slowly squirms and opens his eyes, he looks at him with a smile and says, "Get up!" "Be careful, your hands are preferably warm and soft, and cold and stiff hands will have a counter-effect.

The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?

Music or stories wake up the child

Parents can choose some soothing music to convey signals to the child's brain through the auditory system to wake up.

If there are some special ambient sounds, such as a few crisp birds, a small stream babbling, etc., it is also good.

The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?

Wake up your child in a way agreed upon in advance

Tell your child the night before that tomorrow morning you will wake him up in time to prepare your child for mental preparation. If your child is used to being called up by you, you don't need to be reminded.

But if the time changes, parents are better off saying, "Tomorrow I'll call you half an hour earlier!" ”

What parents need to pay attention to is that many health experts suggest that when people get up, it is best to open their eyes and lie down for ten minutes, and then sit up, which is conducive to good health. Therefore, parents do not have to deliberately ask their children to get up the moment you give instructions!

The child sleeps "at first glance", what is this disease?

Source| Capital Education

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